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  • #16
    Hey , Ael

    These are the skill crests I been using since 40 cap (yaiknowqq) Lightning bolt DMG , consec CD, chain lightning DMG, and mind snapper CD. Would you say I can still keep those or would you recommend any changes? I've been sorta' trying to build my player as a casual version of yours (ofc I can't get the HC stuff)

    Also, I'm using your build, but when awakening comes, what skills are we gonna drop?

    - JoJo
    Last edited by Cosby; 10-28-2016, 09:51 AM.


    • Lewiel
      Lewiel commented
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      I think the standard crest set up as of now is Chain Lightning DMG, Detonate DMG, Consecration CD, and Grand Cross DMG. However adding on to your question for Ael so as to not clutter this thread:
      How do awakenings change our skill crest set up? Are we going to crest Lightning Bolt since it's used so often for Judgement Spear charges? With the nerfs to Grand Cross, is it still worth cresting?

    • Aelphaeis
      Aelphaeis commented
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      Whoa, consecration in 40 cap! 3 op 5 me.

      That said, here is a picture of my present damage break down :

      That said, I got to say, the plates that I personally would recommend are :
      Consecratoin Cool down,
      Detonate Damage
      Holy Burst Damage

      The last one is a little tricky. I actually like inquisition activation chance; however, its difficult for me to recommend that in good conscious so instead I'll recommend grand cross damage.

      I actually need to sit on that one. I'm not sure about the answer to that.

  • #17
    Are INT + CRIT gems worth going for at all or is it INT + VIT?


    • Aelphaeis
      Aelphaeis commented
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      I run full int + vit; however. I have 2 genesis rings and full L grades which really boosts my critical attack not to mention that all my unique crests are third stat critical. If you are looking to raid in say IDN I'd recommend getting 2.5m health in town and then building full dps after that. Just remember, dead DPS is no DPS.

  • #18
    Originally posted by Aelphaeis View Post
    Whoa, consecration in 40 cap! 3 op 5 me.
    lel, forgot I added that at 50 qq. it was too long ago, I wouldn't have remembered ATT.

    nevertt, tanks.
    ~ Pablo


    • #19
      Originally posted by Milithistorian View Post
      Are INT + CRIT gems worth going for at all or is it INT + VIT?
      Just to assist with ael's response -

      I think it depends on the player you are. If you nest/raid a lot, then INT+VIT is definitely what you need. I personally run no raids and very little nests, so I went with all crit+int gems and here's the result. Keep in mind, this is full theano gear no 3rd stat gems or talismans & just basic costumes & accessories that give NO crit: Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2016-11-01 01-07-01 Tue.jpg
Views:	28
Size:	139.8 KB
ID:	24886
      ~ Pablo


      • #20
        I've been playing Inquisitor since the 40 cap, but i never really "finished" the game, i always get to level cap and stop (since im not from USA, it was pretty much impossible to play SEA/EU due to ping)
        I love this class but i feel a bit weak in this patch, how is Inquisitor in the current DPS Tier list? What about Future Content? is it worth leveling and equipping one? or should i just go Saint and then start a Inqui after patch?

        i say that because i am currently playing with my friend and he choose Pyromancer, it's pretty unfair how he can dish out 5~8 times my damage with same gear.

        ps: mind sharing ABN/ABC HC or any "easy content" Damage Breakdown so i can compare?


        • Aelphaeis
          Aelphaeis commented
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          I generally don't follow DPS tier lists because they seldom take gear into consideration in a meaningful way; however, I'm willing to bet we're not really that high on it.

          As for future content, awakening isn't bad but its bugged. We trade of super high damage for insane lag (no one can move while we're using the bug), they do fix the bug later on but its hard to gauge the damage as the bug fix just recently came out.

          I would say its worth leveling and gearing. In my opinion Inquisitor has the best dungeon clearing kit and I think most people won't argue with me there. Just be prepared to feel a little lackluster compared to other classes in IDN. That said, saint isn't bad either. They're two completely different cups of tea.

          As for the damage break down I recommend using the one I posted earlier, inquisitor doesn't change too much based on difficulty of content (unless you get nervous and forget to attack or something). The big damage modifying factor is how mobile the bosses are how good we are at zoning. This can vary a lot at all levels of difficulty and who we party with.

          For reference, this was the earlier damage break :

          Good luck on your inquisitor! I hope you love it! (I'm sure you will!)

      • #21
        Wanted to apologize to people, I've been super busy with work and non dragon nest related things so its been taking me a bit to respond. I encourage other inquisitors to give their input on questions like Lewiel and who is JoJo .
        Discord : * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *#4267
        Main Character : Aelphaeis


        • #22
          More questions!

          what skill acc, if any, should we use? (no resources for RDN or genesis, current one IDN ring and one theano)


          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
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            Lots of tough questions. Calculate out how much damage you think each ring will give you and then plug it into a spreadsheet and take whichever one yields the best results (I'm assuming that technique accessories are out of the question because as far as I know they can cost as much as RDN accessories).

            This is what I personally use, note that the skill I used to calculate this was level 20 lightning bolt and I did not calculate buffs, debuffs or Ex.

            PS : If you can blow over 18m using this formula (level 80 stats), you actually have enough damage to solo RDN hardcore. This should give you a realistic damage as to where you stand relative to other players. At level 80 you generally wanted to be touching around 3 - 4m in order to pull your weight in a full party.
            Last edited by Aelphaeis; 11-03-2016, 06:10 AM.

          • Milithistorian
            Milithistorian commented
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            Ok, thanks.
            If I did grind enough of hero's battlefield to craft one or two tech acc, which ones should I get? GC? HB? Det?

          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
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            Detonate Earring.
            Holy burst isn't bad either; however, detonate typically does more damage. There are more factors to consider here as well but if we're looking strictly at which will give you more damage in the long run detonate is probably the better option.
            Last edited by Aelphaeis; 11-03-2016, 10:44 AM.

        • #23
          Hi, I started buying my plates with 3° status, always with MDMG or CRIT, but I see this new passive from Cleric's Awekening which gives +50% INT. Do you recommend continue with MDMG/CRIT ou INT/CRIT will be better?


          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
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            If we're talking about plates I definitely believe that int/crit is the better option. Presently I do int 3rd stats on my talismans, critical third stats on my unique crests and fd third stats on my plates.
            Last edited by Aelphaeis; 11-03-2016, 10:38 AM. Reason: Wanted to explicitly mention that I was talking about plates.

        • #24
          Hi there, this may sound like a dumb question..but, since you have been talking a bit about awakening I'm wondering if awakening is out yet for inq? I never got the quest on mine. If it's not, any idea as to a release date? Thank you. Btw Thanks for the skill build guide. c:


          • keendez
            keendez commented
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            released for NA server*

          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
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            It is not presently out.

        • #25
          Sorry if I am asking about too much but, I just started playing DN again and I am not sure what I am really supposed to do once I cap. I mean like gear, crest, skill, crest, etc... Thanks in advanced~


          • Lewiel
            Lewiel commented
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            Welcome back to DN!
            - Gear: Id say upon hitting 93, do Rhadames dailies and try to collect Theano gear. Resets everyday. You can do these easily in parties with just rare equips so it's a good starting point. You'll probably get some Garnets along the way, use those to enhance your Theano gear. Use any epic accessories that you an find, Caudas pretty easy/cheap to get/buy.
            - Talismans: After you get a full set of Theano to +6-7, which is the point where jellies start coming into play, try the nightmare dungeon Deep Abyss. Resets every week, 3 runs. You'll hopefully get some 93 Talismans you can either sell or use.
            - Crests: You should get some epic plates as you level up, use those for now since it's the percentage from epic crests that are important. You can upgrade to 93 crests later once you're more financially established.
            Skil crests can be obtained from either buying on the marketplace or trading goddess auras from Typhoon Kim Nest (TKN). Resets every week, 3 normal and 2 Hardcore runs. You probably won't be able to do TKN until you get yor Theanos to +10 or so, so id say marketplace is your best bet.
            Costumes: you can get a free Sea Dragon Costume from the Daredevil Faire. Id recommend do Gobarta/Gobersia while leveling for extra tickets but if it's too late, just do the Secret Room until you get 275 tickets. Resets weekly, 7 runs.

            Besides these, Id say gold will be your worst enemy. Fresh 93, unless you did all your story quests, you're probably not going to have much gold. Apple farm and use Alt characters for gold. It's not fun, but it's reliable and the only method we have to make gold while not geared. Hoard your free stamps you get from dungeons until you obtain something worth a lot of gold, give gifts to Golden Goose NPCs, buy unique membership every week if possible. Saves a lot of money. Any others please give input on this, I'm sure I missed a bunch. Hope this helped!

          • TokyoKiller
            TokyoKiller commented
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            Thanks a lot!

          • TokyoKiller
            TokyoKiller commented
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            Also I'm not really sure how to Apple dark. I've never done it before

        • #26
          With the Inquisitor awakening coming out soon, where do you think Inquisitors will stand in terms of DPS? How easy is it to optimize DPS as an inquisitor?

          Playing Lunar Knight and Gladiators required two very different styles and ultimately different DPS optimization. I just want to gauge the difficulty of an inquisitor and their viability with awakening.
          TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
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            Anything can be viable under the right circumstances so making the call as to whether or not the class is viable is probably unwise. If you rephrase the question to perhaps if I think inquisitors will be in high demand then I'd be inclined to say no.

            In terms of where they stand in terms of DPS. If everything is optimal and we ignore the glitch then I'd say they deal approximately double the damage they deal now. Optimizing inquisitors will be very difficult.
            Last edited by Aelphaeis; 11-19-2016, 11:46 PM.

          • Jovion
            Jovion commented
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            Figure I'll throw this in.

            For some context, in SEA, we did not get the glitch at all as the related skill was not given its revamp (in spite of what our patch notes say, that skill remains it's old version). In spite of this, the related KDN mini-buffs to Consec and Judgement Spear that accompanied that skill's revamp reversion were not given.

            Note that for our server, stats are slightly ridiculous due to our current costume sets and my Inqui is fairly optimized (2nd stat talismans using INT, etc.). As such, I have a ridiculous amount of INT for RDN L gear even accounting for the 50% INT boost to Class Mastery I post-Awakening.


            Highest stage 1 DPS:

            Average is around 160m.

            For a full IDN HC clear, I once recorded a 78m DPS meter, but I did not manage to screenshot it as after the nest ended we were settling sealing for loots and I had to relog as one of our members' trade was bugged. Nonetheless, 78m is on the higher end of the spectrum I've seen, I normally average around ~72m.

            In comparison, pre-awakening I was dealing approximately half or less of my post-awakening DPS. IDN S1 I recorded approximately ~60m pre-awakening and ~40m for the overall run.

            For my own review of the Inquisitor awakenings, Inquisitor damage still has a huge reliance on somewhat impractical skills, namely Consecration and Lightning Storm. Storm becomes our most powerful skill and should be used as much as possible, but it's limitation lies in its damage-over-time nature resulting in major headaches for us when the boss moves a lot.

            Storm is basically God Cross in a different form. Use it and abuse it as much as possible. I found that utilizing a so-called "Storm first" rotation (MindSnapper > Consec > Storm > Holy Burst > Grand Cross > Spear x2 > Lightning Bolt > Spear > Detonate > Chain/Vengeance Blast > Detonate Enhanced) is about 20m DPS higher in Battle Training Ground than utilizing a "Spear first" rotation (MindSnapper > Consec > Holy Burst > Grand Cross > Spear x2 > Lightning Bolt > Spear > Deto > Chain/Vengeance Blast > Deto Enhanced > Lightning Storm). However, Storm's nature is a channeled AoE similar to our ultimate. If the boss moves out = there goes its damage.

            This means that Inquisitor DPS suffers greatly from variation depending on various factors, namely, boss mobility, how good your tank is, the time that bosses uses iframe/player-must-move mechs vs your own skill usage/cooldown. As mentioned, my own DPS swings in a variation of approx 10m to 20m DPS in different runs with the exact same party composition and players. This is because in one run the tank was on point and could spin S1 from 100x to 0x, another run he messed up, while in one run the dragon ate a lot of Lightning Storm hits, in another the dragon's mechs come as Lightning Storm comes off cooldown etc. etc.

            Spears + Detonate help to mitigate this problem somewhat, we are not as gimped as pre-awakening if the boss enjoys moving. However, these skills alone are not enough to save you if you either play badly or are just plain unlucky - DPS WILL be heavily impacted if Consec+Storm (and by extension, Holy Burst and Grand Cross enhanced) misses.

            Just to highlight how powerful a Consec + Storm combo is, I can practically solo almost all DPS-checks single-handedly - Any blue bars, the cursed energy mech in S2, the wisp in S3 P1 etc. However, that combo's weakness lies in its difficult-to-maximise nature. The boss moves away = bye bye damage.
            Last edited by Jovion; 12-20-2016, 11:14 PM.

          • aaron
            aaron commented
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            Thanks for the comment Jovion. Seems like Inquisitors are a niche class to play based on your definition of playing. It really helps to put things into perspective as I thought I was playing my Inquisitor wrong, but rather it just has a few prerequisites for its skills lol.

        • #27
          Just going to bump with this damage meter from ice dragon nest hardcore clear.
          My damage dealt was 123 billion. We believe we cleared in 59 minutes and 58 seconds. My damage per second was approximately 30 million and my damage received was approximately 15 million.

          I did not have blessed buff but I did have holy muffin.

          Discord : * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *#4267
          Main Character : Aelphaeis


          • Milithistorian
            Milithistorian commented
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            what does "additional damage" mean?

          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
            Editing a comment
            Class Mastery 1

        • #28
          Originally posted by Aelphaeis View Post
          Just going to bump with this damage meter from ice dragon nest hardcore clear.
          My damage dealt was 123 billion. We believe we cleared in 59 minutes and 58 seconds. My damage per second was approximately 30 million and my damage received was approximately 15 million.

          I did not have blessed buff but I did have holy muffin.

          What is additional damage?


          • Aelphaeis
            Aelphaeis commented
            Editing a comment
            Class Mastery 1

        • #29
          We have not been in the light lately, have we?
          Discord : * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *#4267
          Main Character : Aelphaeis


          • #30

            just hoping for cleric awakening making us OP again

            also is it supposed to feel like only consecrated HB/ GC do dmg?
            everything else feels like it barely scratches the boss


            • Milithistorian
              Milithistorian commented
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              100k MATK in town, noticed in abyss dungeon CL/DET/LB non consec HB/GC don't kill mobs that well

            • Aelphaeis
              Aelphaeis commented
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              I think this has more to do with your stats more so than the skills themselves. If your stats themselves are a bit low then it makes sense that your strongest skills are the ones that stand out

            • Milithistorian
              Milithistorian commented
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              ah well, time to get geared
