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CM Pvp Help

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  • CM Pvp Help

    Which crests should I get? and which accessories do I need? and how I get them/ how much do they cost?
    and at what lvl should I reset my skills to begin following a pvp guide?
    because I only want 45 points in my sorceress tree and im kindve worried that if i reset to early i wont be able to get my other skills
    by the time I reach their level requirement. (im like lvl 37 atm)
    Last edited by Hazzy; 12-27-2016, 08:35 PM.

  • #2
    Some options you could get (in the order of what I [pls note that I is subjective and other people may have different opinions] find most important):
    - Gravity ball CD
    - Triple Orbs DMG
    - Teleport CD
    - Witch slap Action speed (outdated but I still like it)
    - Gravity Well DMG
    - Time stop CD
    - Comet DMG

    I wouldn't worry much about following a pvp guide until you reach cap. You'll be blocked off from getting skills if you follow the guide to early.
    Just use levelling as a time to test different skills and see if you like them (ex: lots of viable build choices such as levelling gravity trap if you like it)
    More info:

