( Currently under construction. )
We'll be looking for new members when the new server launches too. :^)
Welcome to: The Cats Eye
Original Founding Date: 7/8/2013
About our Guild: What makes us who we are
TheCatsEye is a PVE/PVP social guild! We are dedicated to making lasting friendships with our guildmates, clearing content, and gearing up. Our guild prioritizes people, not the game. This means we want everyone in TCE to have fun playing and pursuing their in-game goals! Join our guild so we can help support one another~
What makes us unique?:
While being content oriented, we also focus a lot of energy on being together and staying social. We have a nice mix of some hardcore players and more casual players. A lot of us use discord to talk to each other daily, since we've developed close friendships, so we encourage you to drop in whenever you can! Of course, this is only if you want to, we provide necessary guild event information in text, and we also respond to all DMs and @ mentions. Our community is very thoughtful, friendly, and creative. Many of us have amazing talents and skills.
We also often use those creative skills of ours to make MANY really fun and creative events for our guild members!
(( We always try to keep in mind we have a mixture of all player types, so we create events with this in mind so that ALL of our members can participate. ))
Some past events we've had:
Testimonials: Words about us from our own members
You know like those infomercials...
Side note: We also like Overwatch and Memes. :^)
T H A N K S_F O R_V I S I T I N G !
We'll be looking for new members when the new server launches too. :^)
Welcome to: The Cats Eye
Original Founding Date: 7/8/2013
About our Guild: What makes us who we are
TheCatsEye is a PVE/PVP social guild! We are dedicated to making lasting friendships with our guildmates, clearing content, and gearing up. Our guild prioritizes people, not the game. This means we want everyone in TCE to have fun playing and pursuing their in-game goals! Join our guild so we can help support one another~
What makes us unique?:
While being content oriented, we also focus a lot of energy on being together and staying social. We have a nice mix of some hardcore players and more casual players. A lot of us use discord to talk to each other daily, since we've developed close friendships, so we encourage you to drop in whenever you can! Of course, this is only if you want to, we provide necessary guild event information in text, and we also respond to all DMs and @ mentions. Our community is very thoughtful, friendly, and creative. Many of us have amazing talents and skills.
We also often use those creative skills of ours to make MANY really fun and creative events for our guild members!
(( We always try to keep in mind we have a mixture of all player types, so we create events with this in mind so that ALL of our members can participate. ))
Some past events we've had:
PVP tournaments, Respawn Events, Ghoul Events, Guild EXP events, Leveling Events,
RDN Fun Run! ( Everyone got to try out new classes and beat RDN ),
Art Contests, Draw my thing, Cards Against Humanity, Screen Shot Contests, Writing contests, Coloring contests,
MSPaint along with Bob Ross" ( my personal favorite lmao ),
RDN Fun Run! ( Everyone got to try out new classes and beat RDN ),
Art Contests, Draw my thing, Cards Against Humanity, Screen Shot Contests, Writing contests, Coloring contests,
MSPaint along with Bob Ross" ( my personal favorite lmao ),
Raffle/Lottos, Fashion Contests, Hide and Seek, "
Movie Marathons, as well as our weekly movie night on Sundays!
*We give out a variety of prizes such as:
gold, weapons/armor/accessories, NX items, sometimes full costume sets, art, and some smaller prizes too.
*We give out a variety of prizes such as:
gold, weapons/armor/accessories, NX items, sometimes full costume sets, art, and some smaller prizes too.
Testimonials: Words about us from our own members
You know like those infomercials...
Originally posted by Myumon
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Originally posted by Pasta
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Originally posted by KageNoShi
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T H A N K S_F O R_V I S I T I N G !