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B>Engineer Warrior Top,Bottom,Glove, and Shoes

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  • B>Engineer Warrior Top,Bottom,Glove, and Shoes

    As the title states I'm specifically look for red/white. Pm me in game/mail Caneki or leave your reply here. I will pay very well.

  • #2
    I have Red Engineer Bottoms/Gloves and White Shoes
    PM me offers in the forums if you are still buying


    • #3
      No such thing as red engineer. There's black, white and pink.

      I'm selling as well. If you'd like to meet up, message me here and we can meet in game and have a look.


      • Ferroz
        Ferroz commented
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        When he said Red Engineer, I assumed he was talking about the Engineer Black.

    • #4
      Zengeroff Do you have all the pieces that I am looking for (top,bot,gloves,shoes)? Sorry for the late reply Ferroz I think those are the perfect combinations I was looking for! Yes leave me a pm or mail me in game and lets talk about the pricing. My ign will be Caneki, I'm HAST time ill make sure to be on most of the time tomorrow.


      • #5
        Originally posted by Caneki View Post
        Zengeroff Do you have all the pieces that I am looking for (top,bot,gloves,shoes)?
        I do. I'm about to get on if you'd like to meet.


        • #6
          Ferroz Hey Ferroz I got top,bottom, and gloves now. I would really love to purchase your white engineer shoes, please contact me in game/mail. Thank you!


          • Ferroz
            Ferroz commented
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            Caneki Hey, I have limited availability times until Saturday. From Tuesday to Friday, I will be available for sure by 9pm pst. However, there is a chance I am will be available sooner around 7pm. Let me know if these times work for you so we can meet in game.

          • Caneki
            Caneki commented
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            Yes most definitely! I'm two hours behind you, just let me know in game or here

        • #7
          I'm currently online.


          • Caneki
            Caneki commented
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            Ferroz I'm coming on right now