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WTB> Zeta Justice Costume Weapons for Tinkerer

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  • WTB> Zeta Justice Costume Weapons for Tinkerer


    I am looking to purchase the Zeta Justice (Future Costume set) weapons for the Tinkerer class. I am looking for both the Cannon and Glove. Paying Well. Reply to here or send me a tell, in-game name is Reiy.
    THX! !
    Last edited by Huneidu; 02-13-2018, 06:54 PM.

  • #2
    I don't think it's possible to sell Vault weapons unless they're part of a synth costume set. It may be a thing in SEA though.

    Don't do drugs, kids.


    • #3
      Is there a way I could get these then? Like will they go back on sell?


      • #4
        Ewww, how likely is it they'd bring them back? Currently the armour is in there and why I bought it > <. As a matter of fact, I don't see any weapons on sale under the costume section of the vault.


        • #5
          The only time something was brought back is when they held an event that let you vote for a set to come back for a limited time.

          And that was when we were run by Nexon.

          Don't do drugs, kids.


          • #6
            Does that mean the Aisha weapons are on sale right now and I just don’t see them?


            • AjiBuster499
              AjiBuster499 commented
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              For some reason they don't sell weapons individually anymore. The only way to get costume weapons at this point is to buy the set they came with during the month its available.

          • #7
            I don't think they sell weapons anymore. I think they only make them random in the eggs to grab even more cash. =(


            • Starempress
              Starempress commented
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              Like Aji said, they're still sold as part of a set that come out, but since Aisha is one of the transformable characters, her weapons are gained in her Dragon Eggs, just like the other dragons before her.

            • ILLbeURdeath
              ILLbeURdeath commented
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              Yes, the games designed to be a cash grabber, think long and hard if you really want to put money into this game o/