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S> 264FD Superb Aorned Enhancement

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  • S> 264FD Superb Aorned Enhancement

    S> 264FD Magic defence plate
    IGN: Kanbudong
    C/O: 55k
    B/O 75k
    Sell date: 2days after First offer

  • #2
    New patch is coming, you know what this mean to meet the 8300 full FD, with full 264 plate easy to meet cap, 264 FD 154 less than 418, with a high performance cost ratio, think about it. 10*264 =6.31*418, with the cost less than 5*418 plate.
    As a new player to the game, I do not need FD at the moment. So sell it.


    • #3
      Never mind
      Last edited by ZeroSilver; 05-24-2017, 11:35 AM.


      • #4
        You made perfect math about 93 FD cap. But 95 FD is 15000. I don't know how do you get 15000 FD with 264 plates. I need 566 FD plates from 95 cap.

        Also, critical cap raised from 330k to 830k. ppl would rather buying a critical plate than a useless mdef plate.


        • Kanbudong
          Kanbudong commented
          Editing a comment
          Why you need 15000? The next Dragon nest is 93 lvl, even though you reach lvl95, you do not need 95 FD cap. It will takes one year for the 95 dragon nest coming . You do not know what kind of new costume or something else in the next year. I do not know why you worry about the 95 Cap.

      • #5
        I will bo it,

        only if it's a 418 : )


        • #6
          IGN: Kaeze.
          Contact me whenever you can


          • Kanbudong
            Kanbudong commented
            Editing a comment
            Sure, what time you will online

        • #7
          Retract, 264 is trash, I thought is 359


          • #8
            Gg trolled
            Last edited by Ninja Shika; 11-27-2017, 12:29 PM.

            Discord ID: Ninja Shika#2023
            NinShika - Reaper (Main) || KuroShika - Raven (Submain)
            HogoShika - Guardian || ____Shika - Alts


            • #9
              Bruh, why you necro'd a 6 month old thread?

              I'd imagine that is long gone by now.


              • #10
                someone linked it in one of my discords so I thought it was new, at work on my phone so didn't really check lmao

                Discord ID: Ninja Shika#2023
                NinShika - Reaper (Main) || KuroShika - Raven (Submain)
                HogoShika - Guardian || ____Shika - Alts

