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How recent was the release of IDN?

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  • How recent was the release of IDN?

    Hi all!
    Topic as stated above. It's probably going to take me a while to get geared up well, so I'm trying to figure out whether I'll have enough time to get to IDN U armor at least before the next major dragon nest hits.

  • #2
    Probably would have been better to post this in general. In any case, to answer your question, you should have more than enough time to gear yourself in IND U gears. They're relatively cheap and IDN has been out since September (in DN NA). No official news on next major dragon nest yet.
    Elegant and Powerful
    -TragicGod ~ Gladiator-
    -LordTragedy ~ Saint-


    • #3
      IDN-U ARMOR will be the second Best gear (if you have Str/Agi/Int as the 3rd stat on it) until Sea Dragon Nest (lvl 93) is there since Desirous Theano-U will probably beat it ( Better def, Gems +12 from Granome, etc).

      For Weapons you will Want Nightmare lvl 93 or IDN-L once we can transfer enhancement.

      For accessories you either Go full Technique-U (once they are out) or 3 RDN-L+1 Technique-U until lvl 93 Techs are out or IDN-L acc. are more easy to get.

      Granome Nest doesn't release any New gear except Gems +12 so gearing is even more smooth and easier than 90 cap.
      Main : I'm back to Pyromancer LOL now, always open to help and all kind of stuff on DN, hit me up <3
      IGN :Tirlarna

