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BHT Bug: The Behind-the-Scenes at Eyedentity!

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  • BHT Bug: The Behind-the-Scenes at Eyedentity!

    Alright, so first of all to establish background context, Eyedonto probably doesn't have a working backup. Backups cost $$$MONEY$$$, so that there is already a high chance there isn't one. I imagine the conversation went something like this:

    [Eye-T (hehe, gettit, IT)]: Hey boss, we should buy a backup.
    [BO$$]: Nah. Those cost too much money. Backups are a waste of space as long as we are careful, having a backup would just make you lazy and make mistakes! Plus, DNEU never happened, what's a DNEU, never even heard of it.

    Even if there does exist one, chances are the Eye-T at Eyedonto didn't properly see if they can restore from those backups. Either way, a rollback is not possible and out of the equation, otherwise they would have done it by now to fix this fiasco. If a rollback is possible and they haven't done it yet... I really don't know what to say. Hurry up and do it. Why even consider anything else?

    So, there's a billion gold suddenly injected into the game, the economy is ruined, everyone has +99 legendary whatevers, half the population is complaining, a rollback to gentler times is impossible, and upper management is probably throwing a temper tantrum at the poor, overworked and understaffed programming team. It's time for everyone's favorite game, D A M A G E C O N T R O L ! Time to fix as much of this problem as possible. Let's take a look at the possible solutions to this clown fiesta:

    Note that there are TWO groups to please: A) the people who got tons of gold from this, and B) the people who did not
    Group A wants either to keep the gold (obviously), or have EVERYONE reset to normal.
    Group B just wants group A to not have a huge economic advantage over them.
    • Disable BHT immediately and remove all Rarestones and gold gained from it
      • Probably best solution next to a rollback, nobody is pissed off. But, Eyedonto can't track gold for some inane reason, so this won't happen.
    • Disable BHT immediately but don't remove Rarestones or gold
      • A) is ecstatic, but B) is very pissed off. This option has the advantage of actually being doable by Eyedonto's flailing IT department.
    • Don't disable BHT
      • Both A) and B) get equal grounds to make a lot of money. Everyone is happy! (Except Eyedonto doesn't make CA$H, so this wont happen)
    • Most other solutions here would pretty much pander to either group A) or group B). It's hard to please both.
    So what does the supremely wise management at Eyedonto decide to do? Why, piss off both group A) AND group B)! Of course! It's so clear! By banning every member of group A) they're obviously pissed off, and by leaving millions of gold in the server still because people sent them to their alts, B) is still pissed off, and most of A) too! PLUS LET'S PUBLICLY SHAME OUR MOST ACTIVE PLAYERS. YISSS WE'RE GENIUSES.

    What a wondrous solution!

    Thanks, Eyedentity!

    Let's also take a look at the excuse used to ban these "abusers." Eyedonto claims that
    Since, Best Hero Tournament is not a new reward, nor a content that has listed on patch note. Therefore, we see the users who have cleared Best Hero Tournament more than 2 times as abusers.
    Let's take a look at other things that are not new, or listed on patch notes, shall we? Vahr has already covered a list of Things not to do that aren't listed on patch notes, but I'll include a few more for fun!

    In order to avoid being banned for abusing content that doesn't appear in patch notes, you should avoid:
    • Pressing any WASD keys! Movement in this game is absolutely broken, can dodge all damage! Ban all abusers!
    • Using your mouse! This lets you get 100% accuracy on skillshots! Ban all abusers!
    • Entering dungeons! Abusing this undocumented bug repeatedly results in infinite gold! Ban all abusers!
    • Doing anything at all! Because f*ck you! Ban all abusers!
    By the way, since we at Eyedonto are super generous, here have a single weekend of exp boost. You may go back to whaling on dragon eggs now. Thanks for the cash!

  • #2
    great post hekaiyo


    • #3
      these silly korean bqq loving inbreds they mess up game with simple patch then they ban people to avoid it being there fault they disgrace we must not play any ED games they run by people who love chopstick stuck up there tiny bum holes they just want money to feed there fat children we could only hope that (Kim Jong Chopstick) bombs there building away!


      • #4
        I feel like if they only had an employee stick around when the patch went live and then warned people not to do it most of banned wouldn't have. But no, we get punished for entering a dungeon through normal gameplay.


        • amelones
          amelones commented
          Editing a comment
          That's the thing that irks me, you didn't have to bend over backwards for the reward you just ran it. Compare it to so many other actual abuse cases ex.velskud.