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Disappointment at it's finest

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  • Disappointment at it's finest

    I must say all this backlash and feedback shows we actual have some value or appreciation for the game DN itself. They aren't bright enough to notice they are killing that value.

    First off... we abused a bug? What bug... you added a reward to clearing standard content. You guys implemented the reward? We are getting punished for your error 100%. If it's the case were you say its not in the patch notes... ED you guys are unreliable as fawk in patch notes?

    Quick Examples: Did you ever state implementing x31 bht runs? Nope 90% your player based abused that then.

    I'll give a reverse example. You'e said this twice before an update. All nightmare/deepabyss points will be reset. Nope you add it to the patch notes saying rest but left the points??? Shouldn' we all be banned for having left over points to use we abused your mistake??

    You ban 60% Of your loyal to semi loyal player base for your mistake. No warnings on the main page about your mistake and to not run bht otherwise we would be reprimanded.

    You guys probably can' even rollback and failed to back up. Now your stalling time so we can' login and witness how much you guys screwed the pooch.

  • #2
    so true ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Discord ID:Suki#3085


    • #3
      Curious question. Where are you getting these #'s from? "90% player base..."60% player base". I look at the ban list constantly, what you are saying and the sere amount of players online despite this. It's not adding up.


      • Dark
        Dark commented
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        I Sell Rune HC and none of the folks I run with are banned

      • cleftobismalz
        cleftobismalz commented
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        I don't think the majority of the players who play this game use steam. Even despite the ban, the servers are still active with main accounts.

      • Kisoep
        Kisoep commented
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        That is what was said. I said that I imagine the majority of players access the game outside of Steam.

    • #4
      70% of the banned ppl are raiders and grinders...... this is a small community so we know each other
      it is not like money can't buy happiness, it is that money can't cure saltiness


      • #5
        They need to unban goldbuyers like Drewbear and I. We abide by the rules! Free us Eyedentity!


        • #6
          I'l be honest the numbers are just my assumptions. They are for effect so you can imagine.... I'm just stating my disappointment of how this was handled. The numbers I'm spewing like 90% did x31 bht runs I would have said 100% but not everyone is capped level so I rounded to 90% So on. For your imagination.

          the jist of my post is just how they implemented a mistake and the player base is wrongfully punished.
          They finally had a huge nuclear fawk up. Expected they arent' compliment. But the handling and how the ban was such a unknown slap in the face to loyal DN players.


          • #7
            When I say x31 bht I meant when they changed the run count months back. There was no mention so isn' that a bug? Just for clarification. So we all can be banned on a whim when they decide we abused that.


            • #8
              there was content that wasn't announced . and theres been BHT x31 for the past 2 months and many people have done it... lmao


              BHT x31
              Dark Banquet x7
              also Crusader dmg transfer
              Ray Mechanic dmg transfer
              Velskud BUG

              the comment '' Since, Best Hero Tournament is not a new reward, nor a content that has listed on patch note. Therefore, we see the users who have cleared Best Hero Tournament more than 2 times as abusers. ''
              [GM] DENTITY

              Discord ID:Suki#3085


              • #9
                Originally posted by DrewBear View Post
                No warnings on the main page about your mistake and to not run bht otherwise we would be reprimanded.
                heres your warning now go be a delusional retard elsewhere


                • #10
                  Originally posted by DrewBear View Post
                  No warnings on the main page about your mistake and to not run bht otherwise we would be reprimanded.
                  heres your warning so go be a delusional retard elsewhere


                  • ZeroZX
                    ZeroZX commented
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                    No one is denying this isn't an Exploit. You're in fact the delusional one. What most of us not accepting is the fact banning not solving the problem and the excuse they gave us for the ban.

                  • Kisoep
                    Kisoep commented
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                    Insults and personal attacks are not allowed by Forum Pollicy.

                • #11
                  Originally posted by invis
                  2. The box was clearly labeled
                  Rarestone (5000 Gold) 3. It DID NOT Say 'Chance of Rarestone (5000 Gold)' like those gold pouches.

                  An error in design would have been 'Chance of Rarestone (5000 Gold)'. No one knew at the time if it was intended just like 31 runs. No mention about it.

                  Also it's ED's responsibility to check a patch before and after, knowingly there could be errors from past
                  0.3% rarestones are the design. 100% rarestone x3 is an error. but be delusional all you want


                  • ZeroZX
                    ZeroZX commented
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                    Sir. This picture you show prove nothing. First off we wouldn't know this for a fact if it wasn't for a Player doing extra work for other players. Because it was clearly not stated in the patch note.
                    Edit: Plus I'm pretty sure you can't read Korean so you couldn't even get this 0.03% from KDN Patch Note.
                    Last edited by ZeroZX; 01-13-2018, 12:52 PM.

                • #12
                  I think you're missing the point that the pouch change was intended to be various items with a 0.3% chance for 3 rarestones and our pouch was 100% chance for 3 rarestones = you abusing an error.
                  you can play stupid all you want but it won't change what a lot of people including myself did


                  • #13
                    and its your responsibility to accept the risks of abusing a bug without needing a warning about the potential risks such as being banned for a measly 7 days


                    • ZeroZX
                      ZeroZX commented
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                      No he isn't correct. Since we clearly getting a copy and paste Patch Note from Sea Server and clearly getting different stuff from them. Patch Note by that sense are obsolete. Using that as proof for anything is downright silly.

                  • #14
                    ''Since, Best Hero Tournament is not a new reward, nor a content that has listed on patch note. Therefore, we see the users who have cleared Best Hero Tournament more than 2 times as abusers.''
                    Best Hero Tournament 31 runs
                    Dark banquet 7 runs
                    Crusader damage transfer
                    Ray Mechanic damage transfer
                    VELSKUD BUG

                    LVL 95 CHAOS ENCHANCEMENT CREST ALSO has been out AND BEEN announced UNTIL last thursday patch day

                    all of these have been released and not have been announced and been here for the last 2 months or more so by that Logic EVERYBODY should be BANNED due the comment above ''Since, Best Hero Tournament is not a new reward, nor a content that has listed on patch note. Therefore, we see the users who have cleared Best Hero Tournament more than 2 times as abusers.''
                    Last edited by Sukiadoramu; 01-13-2018, 11:35 AM.
                    Discord ID:Suki#3085


                    • #15
                      Discord ID:Suki#3085

