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General outline of the gearing process?

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  • General outline of the gearing process?

    Last time I tried to get decently geared was in 80 cap, all I managed was a +6-8 full nest set. I tried briefly in 90 cap but didn't amount to much, I'm hoping to get better now, and as I understand it this is the general order for what to do:

    1) run normal Abyss and normal nests for Cauda gear
    2) run HC nests for Felis/Cor-Nura gear
    3) upgrade to Coma gear (which I forget how you do that)
    4) run RDN for L-grades
    5) run IDN for L-grades

    Any details I'm missing or wrong about?

  • #2
    u can skip 1 to 3 and go for theano.

    then go for rdn l.


    • #3
      credit card can skip you straight to 4 and eventually 5 ez.
      IGN: CharginTool
      Discord ID: CharginTool #6299
      (9 ′︵‵ )9


      • #4
        If youre casual stick to theano and evo gear


        • #5
          If the current raids are like previous ones, you'd probably just want RDNL for the weapons, then wear theanos armor for good defense. I honestly haven't looked into IDN though so not fully sure.

