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When does the game start getting interesting and the current state of the game

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  • When does the game start getting interesting and the current state of the game

    Ok, let's get started, I've returned to the game and brought some friends with me but... the game is dissapointing so far, I got to level 30 in one day (I think I could've gotten at least to lv 40+ if it wasn't because of some sutiations) and nothing has been a challenge, then I made some research and, by the look of things, it seems like all the early game has become trash, not a single quest has been hard, there are no more low level nests (From what I've read I think the lowest one is the Sea Dragon Nest, and I'm losing hope that even that one is a challenge) it seems like the game has become a grind fiesta until level 95 and to make things worse I found out that the game is p2w because of the costumes, so, my question is simple, at what level do I get to a contet that is at least a challenge for a 4 man party or even solo? My other question is a bit more complicated: Is it worth playing anymore? Tell me the good, the bad an the ugly of this game, thanks in advance... if someone ever answers.

  • #2
    1. You should not expect any challenge from leveling dungeons, they were made easier (with better exp yield) to reduce the burden on grinding players.

    2. If you seek challenge, you must first reach level 95. That's when the game really starts.

    3. Contrary to what you believe, new players have it ridiculously easy with Chronicle Character (instant level 80 + free Unique 95 set) and Cerberus Beginner Nest (free level 95 jades, heraldry and talismans).

    4. Nearly everything can be purchasable with in-game gold. You can either grind for them or spend dollars as shortcut.

    5. Assuming you don't run into any technical issue (e.g Portal dc), Dragon Nest is still worth playing. At least for me.

    For future questions, contact NearLawlet


    • #3
      Trust me, there's plenty of time for you and your friends to get beaten to a bloody pulp.

      Content scales better now because of the new Labyrinth mode at lv 95. Also the quality of life for every character is better than ever. The costumes you buy with money in the cash shop arent as good as the ones you can buy in game with gold.

      This game has its problems definitely but, I believe that its still worth the time and effort I put into it.

      And as said, once you get into the mid-high 20s floors in Labyrinth, youll be wishing that you were back in the Snowmelt Forest.


      • #4
        only challenge content at endgame sorry

        that why there are no new players cuz they get bored b4 reaching cap


        • #5
          Originally posted by NearLawlet View Post
          1. You should not expect any challenge from leveling dungeons, they were made easier (with better exp yield) to reduce the burden on grinding players.

          2. If you seek challenge, you must first reach level 95. That's when the game really starts.

          3. Contrary to what you believe, new players have it ridiculously easy with Chronicle Character (instant level 80 + free Unique 95 set) and Cerberus Beginner Nest (free level 95 jades, heraldry and talismans).

          4. Nearly everything can be purchasable with in-game gold. You can either grind for them or spend dollars as shortcut.

          5. Assuming you don't run into any technical issue (e.g Portal dc), Dragon Nest is still worth playing. At least for me.

          For future questions, contact NearLawlet
          Chronicle character? I can't seem to find that option, but ok.

          Thanks everyone, I'll talk about this with my friends and let's see if they want to keep playing


          • Frikinhel
            Frikinhel commented
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            That person is from a different server, NA doesn't have Chronicle Character activated. There is however a package in the cash shop [F11] that will give you a potion that will instantly jump your character to lvl95 and set you up with Medea tier 1 gear. but seeing as you can cap anywhere from a few hours to a few days, it's not really necessary.

        • #6
          Originally posted by Kelevrax View Post

          Chronicle character? I can't seem to find that option, but ok.

          Thanks everyone, I'll talk about this with my friends and let's see if they want to keep playing
          Unless it's been changed during my semi-haitus (mostly been keeping my daily logins going until I can get back to playing regularly), Chronicles character creation is usually only available every now and then when the GMs activate it, and you can only create one chronicles character (either once and only once, or once during each time it's available. I don't remember which one). Regardless, though, when it IS available, you SHOULD be able to find the button for it when you're at the Class selection screen during character creation (or somewhere during character creation. It's been a while since I created my Chronicles Crusader, so I'm a little fuzzy on the EXACT details).


          • Frikinhel
            Frikinhel commented
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            Chronicle is activated on one of the other servers; for some reason SEA players wander here and answer questions with things that we don't get. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          • NearLawlet
            NearLawlet commented
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            To be fair, ED has been fairly inconsistent with their game patch. NA players never got Chronicle Character while SEA never got Miracle Jelly Garden.

            Nonetheless, my point still stands. Things have become much easier for new players to catch up.