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Irene Dragon Eggs vs Normal Dragon eggs.

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  • Irene Dragon Eggs vs Normal Dragon eggs.

    just out of curiousity. which egg has a higher percentage of getting rare items. i know for irene you get the accessories and more, but for regular eggs what rare items can I get from it looks and stat wise which egg is more worth it?

  • #2
    Probably Irine. In terms of stats, the wing, tail, decal, and necklace in Irine eggs are better. Growing spirits are in both eggs, and they both have very similar stats. Only drawback is that they do not have the event that guaranteed an item for every 100 Irine eggs bought anymore... o 3o

    In terms of percentages of getting things, it's probably similar? @_@; idk


    • ReidSire
      ReidSire commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for replying. But on irene eggs can I also get epic weapon costume synthesizer on that? I just opened 110 eggs and only gotten 3 irene spirits and 1 irene weapon coupon. Was expecting an accessory or so but I guess not.

  • #3
    The epic accessories are usually found in normal dragon eggs.

    110 Irene eggs and 3 spirits and one weapon coupon is pretty low RNG if I'm honest, I got 2 weapon coupons and an Irene necklace in 30 eggs.


    • ReidSire
      ReidSire commented
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      yeahh my rng was bad. but in normal dragon eggs can i still get some epic accessories like the irene ones? i dont really care about what kind of accessories i get as long as its epic and high stats too. thats why i was wondering which one to buy

  • #4
    And every epic weapon coupon synth I've ever got was in normal eggs as well.

