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I just don't understand

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  • I just don't understand

    Is their some high hate or some kind of bad voodoo stuff on kali. I (kali mainer) try to be nice and help people who are lower level then me but they either just leave or kick me. one of them had a nerve to say "suck a c##k". What is happening to people i don't understand nor if people just don't like kali in general.

  • #2
    that's the devil working, pay him no mind and continue doing good work, you'll eventually find the grateful ones.


    • #3
      It's useless trying to help someone level when they can already one shot everything after opening the level box


      • Senpai-Deviljho
        Senpai-Deviljho commented
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        But then why even make a party if u can solo everything. It contradicts the person logic.

    • #4
      Hormone induced teenagers who cant masturbate yet because their parents are still in the house. Seeing a kali does things to them man.


      • Senpai-Deviljho
        Senpai-Deviljho commented
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        I have to question those people if a kali does something to people. For me kali fun to use i might change back to dancer since soul eater feels slightly boring but it get the work done. But i might try machina when i get the chance i still am not sure if i want to do a new character or not.