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  • Gold????

    I have returned after about a year being gone. The first thing I checked were my Apples. Well they are no longer server storageable. So how does one make gold in these times of Farmlessness????

  • #2
    Anyone????????? Can anyone direct me to any guides or anything????


    • #3
      old apples were made useless since they changed the way you buy seeds with nest points now.
      As for making gold there are quite a lot of ways and it is prety easy, small bit of RNG involved.

      1. Run Labyrinth for Loot
      - Sell everything you get, Epic Cores, Talismans, QLge , Q Garnets
      - Labyrinth has a low chance of dropping Unique Dragon Gem Fragments, can sell 3k+ each
      - You get Crystals after every run. Crystals can be crafted into a Halidom
      - Halidom can contain anything, from a Q Garnet to a Unique Core
      2. Craft Unique Gems
      - A single gem can sell anywhere from 12k-30k depending on the stats on it.
      3. RNG Gambling
      - Craft all 95 crests, most of these dont sell for anything but there is a very small chance to obtain 2nd stat FD
      - Extracting a Unique Gem has a very very low chance of making a Unique Core, these are worth 150k+ each
      - Rerolling 2nd stat Talismans, Int on them can sell up to 100k
      - Buy an FDN Carry Run, some groups have 7 people leave at the end of the run so you claim all the loot within
      - May yield multiple Unique Gems, a Unique Core, and an FDN Accessory. FDN Int ring can sell up to 1.5m gold
      4. Expensive Crafting RNG
      - Craft L gems, some are worth alot more than others, ranging from 400k to 1m+ (these are not usually sold in gold, but with U Cores, S>Gem for 6 U Cores)
      5. Get Lucky
      - Need i say any more, get FD on something and you're rich


      • #4
        So how much of a grind and time will it take to gear characters now??? Reason I ask is because when I played before all there was to do to make gold was apple farm and grind the same old Dungeon over and over again. It used to take some of the best gear to run the content and if you didnt have gold you didnt really have gear. I just really want to know if it's worth investing my time into the game again, or will I have to grind endlessly and it still bot be worth it?


        • Kith
          Kith commented
          Editing a comment
          Just quit, the game is dead and takes several months just to enable yourself to do the current raid FDN, all endgame content now has timers meaning go big or go home.

          Don’t waste your time here, also apple farming was retarded.