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Ways to increase gold generation without giving out gold for free to players

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  • Ways to increase gold generation without giving out gold for free to players

    preferably something reasonable and not give player 50k gold for doing 1 quests.

    My list:
    - Re add the commission board for end game dungeons for those pouches. It's a bit rng, but those pouches with various junk can sell for lots of gold if you're lucky. I think the continual absence of these has hurt the game's gold generation in the long run.
    - Add repeatable quests from npc that gives out gold for doing dungeons. In 80 cap you could get extra gold from doing dailies because there was an npc that gave quests for all end game dungeons that gave out gold. Plus it encouraged some people to party and do things like 5 dungeons then go to town. at least this way you dont have to farm a single dungeon over and over but 5 dungeons over and over with a break in between which could help make it feel a bit less monotonous.
    - Increase gold drops from nests. this should be obvious. a nest shouldnt be giving less gold per minute than a dungeon.

    what do you think? what would you add to the game to help with gold generation?

    i think its necessary to add more ways to make gold because of the rising costs in many areas of the game.

  • #2
    Definitely make nest worth doing again. I just run it for hero power at this point
    Adept Gameplay :


    • #3
      Make goddess aura tradable


      • #4
        I want them to bring back all the nests like ,cerberus, apocalypse, volcano so that people can take it easy and enjoy the contents more rather than trying to speed lvling all the time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by goflvhxj963 View Post
          I want them to bring back all the nests like ,cerberus, apocalypse, volcano so that people can take it easy and enjoy the contents more rather than trying to speed lvling all the time.
          that doesnt really have much to do with gold generation.


          • #6
            these are bad ideas.

            gold making is so easy even for a casual like me.

            all i do is suck my guild master's dong and gold pours out.
            memes. gold buying? triggered. gold injection? triggered. gold seller? triggered. make gold the legit way.


            • #7
              Why did they even remove commissions..


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tiyara View Post
                Make goddess aura tradable
                I second this


                • #9
                  With the current gold making ways still in place, just as OP said:

                  re-introduce commission quests
                  introduce repeatable quests for the new dungs
                  up gold dropped in nests/raids (these should be dropping much more gold considering the time it takes to clear and gear up to even do them)
                  return the value of dimensional fragments back to previous T3 levels (if they could do that or get near it, everyone won't feel compelled to simply extract them soon for the new mat, when the 93 techs come out, the market will be flooded with these mats. Having the additional option to sell to npc's for good coin should they become worthless is a good idea if this were to be implemented at all, would prevent what I see happening to dim frags within a week or two of the new 93 techs coming out, most of us that will want/have them will have them in that amount of time, at least enough of the new mats that they won't be needing anymore. *Anyone know the extraction rate for the dim frags to the new mat for 93 techs btw???)

                  Doing all or some of these will greatly allow players to better generate gold thus helping close the gap between players in terms of gear progression etc. A lot of new players will not like how long it could take them to even be geared to do the current end game content let alone what's to come etc. (not saying it isn't easy to gear up atm, cuz it is but new players don't have our veteran perspective and thus don't realize how easy it is to reach a decent DPS level, decent enough to do most content)


                  • #10
                    ed needs to make the game rewarding with hard work. if the game isn't fixed in this way most will just quit except those that are heavily invested.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by miki View Post


                        i understand


                        • #13
                          Remove gold drops from nests & dungeons.

                          Remove ability to NPC items for currency.

                          Make the only source of gold from mentoring people, gaining 100g when they hit level 93.

                          Triple the repair fee of l-grades, and in addiiton quadruple all repair costs for all items (including the 3x l-grade repair cost).

                          Make l-grade enhancement cost three times as much as it does right now, and remove golden goose VIP.

                          Get good, there should be more gold sinks.
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                          • #14
                            Or just playing the game will get you gold. You don't need a superb amount of gold to play this game surprise surprise. This idea is far better than a gold injection;

                            Originally posted by Shs View Post
                            Remove gold drops from nests & dungeons.

                            Remove ability to NPC items for currency.

                            Make the only source of gold from mentoring people, gaining 100g when they hit level 93.

                            Triple the repair fee of l-grades, and in addiiton quadruple all repair costs for all items (including the 3x l-grade repair cost).

                            Make l-grade enhancement cost three times as much as it does right now, and remove golden goose VIP.

                            Get good, there should be more gold sinks.


                            • BowieSage
                              BowieSage commented
                              Editing a comment
                              You're partially right. With Golden Goose VIP bonus, repairs fees aren't a huge concern, and Epic-grade enhancements are decently affordable. Then again, who here considers anything BESIDES L-grade gear/(3rd-line) Final Damage (insert item here) (i.e. end-game stuff typically reserved for the most hardcore players) when determining the state of the economy? Most only consider how they can get the most gold in the fastest time with the least amount of effort, and to say the least, none of the 93-cap dungeons offer any of the three for them (even Red Wastes takes a bit of time to clear (though personally, this was observed with a Gear Master with broken turrets, so clear times might be faster for me now), and a gold chest isn't 100% guaranteed, meaning you could burn through all of your PWR and never see one. Has a chance to give plenty of GG badges with the wood and silver chests on Abyss (possibly even with 0 PWR), but I'm sure most people simply skip those since they don't give the amount of gold that gold chests do).

                          • #15
                            nah i'm good.

