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Opinions on Nest Difficulty

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  • Opinions on Nest Difficulty

    Just wanted to know what the community thinks about the difficulties of the current end game nest.

    Red/Ice Dragon, etc.

    Had a conversation with a team I went with on my LB, they all agreed that the game feels a mix between disgusting gear grinding to pathetically easy runs, thoughts?

  • #2
    game is for hardcore mlg elite casuals with pay to get stronger microtransactions and a very high gear/stat ceiling.

    results in most of the content being really easy.


    • #3
      remove the aids in nests, they still give me cancer

      why do they think even a fucking horizontal swing needs to be marked on the floor?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chocorroles View Post
        remove the aids in nests, they still give me cancer

        why do they think even a fucking horizontal swing needs to be marked on the floor?
        they should make a new difficulty with all the aids turned off.

        call it supreme elite hardcore mode.


        • #5
          Nests are easier than trying to find your asshole with both hands and a flashlight, just avoid the clearly-marked red 'danger areas' and you've already mastered about 80% of them.


          • #6
            if it takes less than a year to clear a nest it is too easy.


            • Dark
              Dark commented
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              a cap is a yr...

          • #7
            I think its okay for normal difficulty to have more flashy indications

            but in hardcore, they need to go.

            entry level nests are alright but

            the gap from say daidalos norm -> HC (can coma geared team even clear the damage checks)?

            my main problem is still the fact that nests don't feel worth it anymore. Felis, Coma, Desirous etc etc all can't be traded. Extract for Goddess Aura then do what? Buy iight cubes?


            • #8
              Originally posted by Adloquium View Post
              Just wanted to know what the community thinks about the difficulties of the current end game nest.

              Red/Ice Dragon, etc.

              Had a conversation with a team I went with on my LB, they all agreed that the game feels a mix between disgusting gear grinding to pathetically easy runs, thoughts?
              Daidalos - a shadow of itself, when it first came out, with the glitches/lag - HC was not easy (when it first came out), L geared toons found no difficulty since they could just dps through it all but the majority of the server I believe enjoyed it for a little while. Now with 93 gear out, it's a snooze fest :c. But kudos for ED actually making an all original nest, was nice to see .

              TKN - can't speak much yet as only abyss is out, when HC comes out my opinion could change, abyss is easy - I like the nest though so don't get me wrong, I just hope I die in HC when it comes out otherwise I will be disappointed. Most of this nest I feel is off the beaten path compared to what we have atm, will see what HC brings .

              RDN - with 93 gear out, everyone has enough dps now, easy raid for those who prepare for it.

              IDN 4 man - abyss is easy, painfully easy. HC is a nice challenge but not very hard, just has gear requirements and you can't mess up, play flawlessly and you'll clear it
              IDN 8 man - we have the un-nerfed version atm, you really need a complete geared party or expect to spend 3 hours clearing abyss if you can execute each and every dps check and keep everyone alive.
              IDN 8 man HC - only 2 teams can clear atm iirc, enough said (they had to practice for months on other servers to clear, that in of itself should testify to it's difficulty (extreme dps requirement artificial difficulty, getting used to the speed of the raid just takes some practice runs etc) but with enough practice, you'll get the swing of things <--- true of everything really, practice makes perfect.

              Will throw in DDN since, why not:

              DDN abyss - easy
              DDN HC - easy

              (I played old DDN and cleared it on HC, practiced it a lot, my best accomplishment in game - the 5 man no death HC achievement (Large part thanks to Bandid but did take us nearly a month to finally get it. So in short, my perspective regarding this post comes from someone who has been clearing this all on 3 toons for months now, it's all easy (easy that I cleared them every week, only IDN 8 man eludes me atm) although I will say IDN HC forces me to stay on my toes, to consistently get no death clears. Our team will clear 8 man, baby steps xD.)
              Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 10-23-2016, 04:13 AM.


              • Aisuru
                Aisuru commented
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                I'm fairly certain that only one team practiced for months on end.

                Nonetheless, it's actually simple to learn, people are just... bad.

              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
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                I know of at least two... but who's counting :P (which is irrelevant since what's relevant is that people were desperate enough to do so and greedy enough to commit to it (with first clears comes great rewards, not having to do anything that cap since you're getting top dollar on everything for the longest time...) I do wonder if any all NA only team has cleared 8 man abyss yet.)

              • Lemon
                Lemon commented
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                I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain can learn all the mechs in a few hours because of memoria...there's less bosses than in a normal 4 man nest. Organization and gear are larger factors
                Last edited by Lemon; 10-23-2016, 09:06 AM.

            • #9
              Aw man daidalos nest was the bomb, giant transformed tentacle squid made healers highly desirable, the only way to avoid fighting the giant tentacle guy was to have lgrades or epic geared top-dps classes (at the time some classes did 2- 3x damage than others in same gear) and if you cleared hc within the first week you were considered lucky lool. Hc only had 3 revives too. The fairy also did a shitton of damage and dps checks were pretty close. If you didn't have a good party comp/meta classes you could spend 40 minutes in that nest
              Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
              Who guards the guardians?


              • Chocorroles
                Chocorroles commented
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                I have never seen that thing because the party kills it before it can transform and we don't even have "cool" gear just a bunch of Felis so I'm sitting here wondering since when this is a thing

              • ceruulean
                ceruulean commented
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                Chocorroles this was before raven/glad/dancer revamp, where a ruina with caudas could solo the mirror room dps but most classes couldnt. GM and dragoon, or high burst classes like sniper, inquis and sorcs could also prevent transformation. My friends played bd, glad, defensio, lks literally mid-tier/below avg dpsers so it wasn't easy especially if u tried to 3man for that acheevo

            • #10
              Just looking at Granome Nest's stats, I feel like unless we're pretty geared, like IDN L, we're probably gonna have a hard time clearing fast. That's alot of HP.


              • #11
                Post-90cap is mostly filled with Nests with artificial difficulty which is pretty much a term that's used to describe a typical gear barrier, as in the mechanics aren't hard, it's just that the boss has a ridiculously large amount of HP and damage. Actual difficulty = Boss with good (unpredictable) A.I., Artificial Difficulty = dumb boss with high HP/Defense/Damage (or with AoE indicators). Original SDN and DDN is what I'd call difficult. IDN would be the 3rd hardest, but those AoE indicators kind of ruin the fun for me. AoE indicators were put in place, to help out people who'd cast a high CT skill at the wrong moment.
                Last edited by iCerulean; 10-23-2016, 05:19 PM.


                • #12
                  game is just for dark souls casuls now.

                  you can get super op stats and make 99% of the content a joke

                  making lots of gold is doing the same super easy task of farming apples.


                  • #13
                    The power gap between Ls and all other gear means that it's completely impossible to balance pve. All content is either too easy for people in Ls, or too hard for people without them. If Ls were much cheaper but only slightly stronger than epic/U gear, they could actually attempt to make a good variety of difficult pve content. As it is now nests are extremely easy so non-geared people have something to do, while raids are only possible for very well geared teams.


                    • #14
                      I thought the idn norm/hc was decent for difficulties. I think having 3-5 chances to ress is silly though.. once people die they should stay dead or have to use item to ress once. imo this is a problem that t5 created, I knew stuff like this will happen if now we can only rely on gear for content. If they can up the difficulty and bring back less crazy party buffs that gives diversity. it would help this lots even if it brings new meta for comps with buffs its better than just looking at which classes is the most op board damage and every other class is just weaker and they all the same like now '-'

