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How would you fix a class?

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  • How would you fix a class?

    So, I might be sort of a noob-ish filthy casual, but it's no secret to anybody that certain classes in DN are considered rather lackluster. Some more than others I.E Defensio, Light Bringer, etc.

    I personally main all four branches of Sin and love using each and every one of them. But it's so painfully plain to see that LB pales in comparison as a support, a healer, and a DPS (am assuming I can put support and healer in separate categories?) when placed next to Phys and Saint. That isn't to say every LB in every server is terrible; I'm sure there are incredibly well geared and experienced LBs and such. But that does not change the fact that as much as I love LB, the class has ended up on the short side of the stick I believe.

    I've constantly thought about various ways to fix the class but none of my thoughts ever really coalesce into an idea that might be able to fix LB. For the longest time, it feels as though LB has been left as inconsistent, weak, and/or bugged.

    When it comes to LB, a few problem initially spring up.

    [s] 1. Pulse Ring - LB's ult. As much as I love the design and ability, the usage of it seems so.. Poor. You enter a stance and shoot either three pulsing spheres that provide damage reduction and status cure for 10 seconds each, or a single shot that does (extremely little) damage. The damage is so negligible I don't feel the need to express it my skepticism on it. But I probably will at some point.

    What's wrong with it imo: It feels clunky. If we pretend the damage doesn't exist and focus on the three orbs, the problem I see lies in how it is used. When entering the stance of firing, you are completely still. Exiting the state forces the whole ability on a 125 or so CD. You HAVE to fire all three orbs. 10 seconds each is fine I suppose, but in order to max out that time, you'd have to fire and wait ten second intervals for the maximum period of time. I know you can shoot all three orbs and cover a wide area, but it feels like an overly glorified damage reduction spell. Nothing like what an "Ultimate" should be. Of course, once the orbs run out, you are left with the remaining 10 seconds so it really lasts for like 19-20 seconds or so max. This ability isn't so massively flawed it demands change, but something to make it feel both better and easier to use would really benefit an LB's rotation I think.

    How I'd fix it: Make it an ammo system. Maybe like 30 seconds (25~?) of cooldown time per shot. Being able to fire whenever you want in the blink of an eye, then immediately resume your rotation, and knowing that you have additional shots for when things get difficult and you need a damage buffer, or perhaps you see your LK totally messed up a mech and is about to get curb-stomped because of it and needs some defense (do damage reduction abilities apply to mechs that dish out mega damage?). Oh, and moving back to the damage shot, maybe make the damage shot something actually worth using. Perhaps toss some crit resist reduction on it too so you actually get to have a choice. [/s]

    2. CHAKRA RING - I am sorry, but as much as I love LB, this skill feels absolutely useless. ESPECIALLY now with the inclusion of Dash to all classes. Chakra Ring offers 50% movement speed for 10 seconds in the shape of a long blue tunnel. Movement speed for 10 seconds on a 30 second cool down.

    What's wrong with it imo: I might somehow be wrong, but Chakra Ring definitely feels useless to me. If you need to get somewhere to dodge mechs or something, iFrames/dash will probably get the job done better. ..It's just a thin tunnel of movement speed for 10 seconds with triple the cooldown.

    How I'd fix it: Give whoever stands in the tunnel get some sort of buff? Like +15% to all elements? Maybe that number is way too high or maybe it's way too low. I'm sort of a noob when it comes to this, so I wouldn't know. But the principle remains the same. Not only would it help the team, it would assist in LB's damage output. Outbreak >< Chakra Ring > Sunshine Spark > Strike Ring or something. If the CD is 30 seconds, maybe make it last like 12? Iunno.

    3. Class Mastery II - I wish I could post a picture of the sardonic look I had on my face when I read this ability for the first time. *Ahem*. When you use Miraculous Chakra (you know, your healing spell that has a 60 second cooldown not counting CD plate), you gain 30% movement speed for 5 seconds.

    What's wrong with it imo: Okay. When you use a single ability that has a straight minute~ of cooldown, you gain movement speed for five seconds. 30% movement speed. Five seconds. 60 second CD. Way too long of a cooldown, even with a plate, for such an abysmal class mastery. I hope I don't sound too harsh as I truly do adore LB, but come on, man!

    How I'd fix it: Completely remove it and change it to something useful? I dunno. Maybe every time Sunshine Spark damages an enemy, the CD of "Healing" Chakra is reduced by 2 seconds to spam that AoE damage reduction? Or maybe Miraculous Chakra CD is reduced by 2 seconds? Or maybe if Outbreak hits an enemy, some CD gets reduced? Or, maybe even nab a page from AW's book, when Chakra Punch hits an enemy, Sunshine Spark EX becomes an instant that doesn't share CD? Maybe that's OP. But maybe it'd make Chakra Punch useful.. Or.. I really don't know. Class Masteries are weird.

    Well, those are a few of my main concerns. I have a few other small ones like Spectral Blades seems to be lackluster and maybe Outbreak is a little too weak, but the aforementioned above take the cake of of my concerns.

    Of course! I am extremely lacking in DN knowledge to honestly know what the class needs or if it even needs anything. I don't really have anything to go off of except experience with the class and experience with other classes to shape a comparison. If I sound like a complete dunce, please let me know in the least inflammatory manner you can. These are just my thoughts on a class I love but would love to see buffed a little (a lot pls).

    What about you? What classes do you think are a little on the weaker side and need some love from the Devs? I'd love to hear your thoughts on concerns connected to mine with LB, or perhaps your very own with a class you love.

  • #2
    ,_, I haven't gotten up there in a while but iirc, back when Sin came out they took Phys's thunder. (I could be wrong, of course)

    We can talk balance changes and numbers all we want, but buffing one and bringing it up will just make the other classes that function similarly no longer wanted for things.

    Not to say we shouldn't get classes equal, but the problem lies more with people shunning a class that can't deal as much dps, and heal, and etc, even if the difference is minimal.

    I don't really have concerns based on any specific class, more so concerns based on past experiences and shifts of power. That is a real issue (in my eyes). Your class that was golden can suddenly be excluded from content because of "balance changes".

    Sorry this isn't exactly what you asked for, figured I'd throw in my .5 cents regarding the topic as a whole though. I suppose I should ask, can we fix a class without breaking another?


    • #3
      Haha the tunnel used to give extra defense but the devs took that away

      at least sunshine spark got the justice crash treatment and you can spam it every 15 seconds now
      Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
      Who guards the guardians?

