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Gear being valued more over player skill? IDN rant

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  • #31
    Well if you had skill then you'd have gear, wouldn't you?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Elune View Post
      Well if you had skill then you'd have gear, wouldn't you?
      not exactly. The gear ladder is a pretty steep climb in DN or any KMMO, but it's not really required to be skilled considering you can buy runs off people for powerful legendary gear.

      Can also get good gear by just making a shit load of apple farming alts or by being a wallet warrior or grinding easy content to oblivion.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Elune View Post
        Well if you had skill then you'd have gear, wouldn't you?
        None of the ways to get geared involve skill tbh. IDN 8 man and RDNHC duo/trio sell runs do make gold and require skill, but you need to already be geared to do either (edit: or play a support and have connections).
        Stat pics!
        SwiftTyphoon | Sparrow
        TurtleDove | Seagull


        • SachiMizora
          SachiMizora commented
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          "(edit: or play a support and have connections)"

          Hi :'D

      • #34
        So like what is this skill people are talking about? "Gaming" skill? Critical thinking skills? Fine-motor skills? Leadership skills? Empathy skill? Social skills? WAT IS SKILL
        Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
        Who guards the guardians?


        • SwiftTyphoon
          SwiftTyphoon commented
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          I was thinking Critical thinking and Fine-motor skills, because that's generally what's needed to clear raids; along with 1 person with leadership but you shouldn't be recruiting for that.
          I suppose social skills are actually pretty helpful in finding a team though.

        • iCerulean
          iCerulean commented
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          I'd say it's a term that's used to describe something that requires competence. For PvE = it's only relevant when describing a class that isn't considered brain-dead. For Raids, skill is used to rate your ability when it comes to working with others to achieve something. Since Raids require actual teamwork, compared to 4man Nests.

      • #35
        Originally posted by ceruulean View Post
        So like what is this skill people are talking about? "Gaming" skill? Critical thinking skills? Fine-motor skills? Leadership skills? Empathy skill? Social skills? WAT IS SKILL
        Master Card skill.


        • #36
          Originally posted by ceruulean View Post
          So like what is this skill people are talking about? "Gaming" skill? Critical thinking skills? Fine-motor skills? Leadership skills? Empathy skill? Social skills? WAT IS SKILL
          In this context, fine motor skills and willingness to work with others. For a raid leader, critical thinking in addition to the previous "skills".
          TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


          • #37
            I think some of you are misunderstanding what I'm saying.

            Originally posted by Elune View Post
            Well if you had skill then you'd have gear, wouldn't you?
            Note, I didn't say "If you had gear then you'd have skill".

            I'm saying if a person had skills then they should/would have the gear to back up said skill (pve-wise anyway).


            • #38
              Originally posted by Elune View Post
              I think some of you are misunderstanding what I'm saying.

              Note, I didn't say "If you had gear then you'd have skill".

              I'm saying if a person had skills then they should/would have the gear to back up said skill (pve-wise anyway).
              thats the same thing @@ people aren't gona know you are skilled just cos u have gear and skilled doesn't mean gona be geared.

              Last edited by miki; 11-15-2016, 05:25 PM.


              • Elune
                Elune commented
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                I disagree, sure you can't tell if someone's skilled at first glance but the moment you do a run with a person, it'll be clear whether the person has the skill to back their gear or not. The only way a person who's skilled will lack gear is if they are either a returning player from 2 caps previous or for some reason they lost their gear.

              • miki
                miki commented
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                It really depends, like I know people like Echelos a cm who is very skilled cos he pvp a lot but he doesn't have rdnl or high fd for example n does really well in pve for how high risk class cm be and still outdps most people in rdnl. I know there is stereotypes and generalizes for gold buyers too n stuff but it doesnt mean they are all bad. People always wana put labels on everything but I believe you can do the game however you want and still be good if you put enough effort and commitment which is different than just being super geared for prereq to be skilled.

              • Elune
                Elune commented
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                miki I see

            • #39
              [ATTACH=CONFIG]n32370[/ATTACH] ok broooooooo
              Discord - Steve#4350


              • #40
                This thread is so obviously made about TwoGen. Fuqqing new sharon of the team. Git gud @TwoGen


                • #41
                  Originally posted by BigBeef
                  game has become so casual any casual can get L-grades. got all these peeps with their heads up their ass thinkin their hot shit just cause they got L-grades too. But then you see them do IDN 8 man and they die like scrub ass fools that finna get crocked.

                  easy mode ass content for like 1 year straight got all these peeps thinkin they're op but they AIN'T shit. idn is a joke raid and they still get yonked.

                  then we got peeps nukin old ass raid content thinkin they're good. but they ain't.

                  so whose good?
                  TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


                  • #42
                    This is like saying Greenland is an island, when Greenland really is a continent ♥

                    North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, Canada, China, Hawaii, Antarctica, The Arctic, Africa, and Greenland.
                    ALL CONTINENTS!

                    IDN is mostly like Iceland since Iceland is really icy >:/

