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*Temporarily* Banned from Dragon Nest for Botting

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BowieSage View Post

    Probably the same reason why bots are once again a thing both in-game and on forums, with us no longer having the measures and people that kept their numbers down since 50 cap?
    it has already been quite obvious for a long time now that the bots are an inside job. identity is most likely partnered with these gold sellings sites and are sharing the profit. gold is so valuable right now in dragon nest and they know everyone is desperate for it


    • #17
      Originally posted by milktoast22 View Post

      it has already been quite obvious for a long time now that the bots are an inside job. identity is most likely partnered with these gold sellings sites and are sharing the profit. gold is so valuable right now in dragon nest and they know everyone is desperate for it
      That also explains why certain world chat spammers are allowed to roam free while everyone else is banned on the spot without warning for doing the same things.


      • #18
        no response on ticket

        free ya boi
        ~1v1 PvP extraordinaire~
        Kris - 93 Moonlord

        Grades - 93 Gladiator
        ~head honcho of the triumphantgoose~


        • #19
          Yaya please respond, how can we feel safe?


          • #20
            Originally posted by notkris View Post
            i've already sent a ticket, but my account was flagged as a bot. The only activity i've ever done on my account that could /maybe/ be suspicious is receiving apples from 58 different apple farming accounts.

            I've never used anything that could remotely come close to being a bot.


            [ticket 275233: Dragonnest (na) - support]

            i've had this account since beta and spent a significant amount of money and an even more significant amount of time on this game. @___@
            nig should stay baned cuz of that bad signature


            • notkris
              notkris commented
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              you love it

          • #21
            My account just got banned today. Same reason as yours. It said i am using some bot. BUT I REALLY DIDNT USE ANY BOT!
            I sent them a ticket immediately. Please let me know if they reply your ticket!


            • Ragnell
              Ragnell commented
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              Congrats buddy. Now you have an opportunity to explore the finer things in life.

          • #22
            My main account got permabanned as well

            i was coming back from a long break and this shit happens, all i did was farm my apples on 2 accounts, thats it.

            hope they fix this soon,

            I main a dead class (Destroyer)


            • #23
              Also banned in game and locked out of my forumn account.
              Collected around 200 or so apples the other day. It seems like the common denominator is receiving apples. I didn't sell the apples on the account I received them on but I was still banned.
              Seems like the threshold is 40+ mail in a short period of time. Not sure since I received around 100-150 a week ago and I was fine. Either way, I know there's a a good amount of people who receive apples in the 100+ area who have yet to be banned by this system. Tread lightly.
              I don't play this game seriously, but If you don't want players using a feature in the game then maybe you should remove it or restrict the way it can function.


              • #24
                I received response on Monday. They asked for my IGN, email (?), and date of birth (also ?) to check the status of my account. Whatever that means. I'm hopefully optimistic for a resolution by maintenance.

                Anyone else affected, I may suggest streamlining the process by providing those details when you make (1) ticket. Make sure the date of birth matches the one on your account (which you can see by simply logging in on the website).
                ~1v1 PvP extraordinaire~
                Kris - 93 Moonlord

                Grades - 93 Gladiator
                ~head honcho of the triumphantgoose~


                • Coolstorybob
                  Coolstorybob commented
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                  Did they mention anything about the apple account? Around 40 of my apple accounts were banned too. Are they gonna unban those as well?

                • notkris
                  notkris commented
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                  No mention of them yet. I did note them in my ticket though.

              • #25
                Any update on your ticket notkris?


                • #26
                  Originally posted by WhaleThen View Post
                  Any update on your ticket notkris?
                  His main is unbanned now. I believe his other accounts are still blocked.
                  TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


                  • #27
                    It is so dumb that the main source of getting decent gold is apple farming and even that is getting ban-able due to "suspicious" activity.
                    ED how can we feel safe now that our only source of good gold is unsafe? Most of us dont have loads of money to buy EC and sell jellies or having rng luck. If you guys arent going to do something to help the economy at least dont kill the last source of gold making...


                    • #28
                      Congrats on your unbanning!

                      On week 4: Issue still not fixed, tickets still closed, no compensation, back to no responses again.


                      • #29
                        Originally posted by aaron View Post

                        His main is unbanned now. I believe his other accounts are still blocked.
                        God fucking damnit alright.

                        This is so wrong, I farm all the time and I see some people I used to know legitimately botting. So avoiding a ban on legitimate players was actually a lie, unless they feel as though people who farm lots of apples are not legitamate players and are also classified as bots. I'll do 1:1 inquire on all my missing accounts if I have to.

                        Yaya is this getting fixed or no?


                        • #30
                          I'm new on DN NA,although i'm old in DN overall(going on my 6th year of DN playing).I started lately to play here -less than a month ago- and i got banned for botting out of sudden!I have more than one account but only for farm purposes.The funny thing is,that even if IT IS illegal -although checking around and forum as well,ppl said this: 'you can have multi accounts as long as you DON'T log with more than one at the same time' -all the accounts i have are just 1lvl.That means not only that i'm not bot -or they would have been at LEAST 24 and ready farmers,but they could have warned me as well,banning the accounts that seem like 'botting' to them.My main is far from bot,they can even check it out very easy cause i already have 4 capped chars and was going for my 5th(yeah,ik that in 1 month its fast,what can i say,im HC player xD ).At the same time,like most of the ppl ive read here,i see DONATORS that going botting for months and are untouched/unbanned.So,what's the ToU/Abuse Policy that stands in this server?

                          p.s:My account is not new,ive been to NA before and my latest char is from day1 EYEDENTITY server start.

                          Thank You
                          Last edited by Alucard; 02-17-2017, 01:57 PM.

