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Patch wont download....any suggestions?

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  • Patch wont download....any suggestions?

    It starts but won't complete. The message I get is "Patch failed" I've never had trouble downloading patches before. And nothing has changed in terms of anti virus settings on my pc. Any suggestions?

    Edit: Game now working. Here is what worked for me:

    Download patch manually here:
    Click show in folder. And then drag drop the file into DN folder ( same folder dnlauncher is located)
    Start Dnlauncher and it should do the work.
    Last edited by Tara; 01-20-2017, 06:51 PM.

  • #2
    The log notes say MD5 check failed.

    here is the log, in case anyone knows what to do with it:

    20170120060010 [info] Logging Start..
    20170120060011 [debug] InitLauncher Start!
    20170120060012 [debug] DirectX Version (786432) (12.0)
    20170120060012 [debug] PatchInfo Init Start!
    20170120060012 [debug] DownLoad PatchConfigList (FileName PatchConfigList.xml)
    20170120060012 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060012 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060012 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060012 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060012 [debug] Parsing PatchConfigList
    20170120060012 [debug] PatchInfo Init Success!
    20170120060012 [debug] LoadPatchVersionInfo
    20170120060012 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060012 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060012 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060012 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060012 [debug] LoadPatchVersionInfo Complete : Client Ver[578] / Server Ver[584]
    20170120060012 [debug] RemoveUsedFile
    20170120060012 [debug] InitLauncher Success!
    20170120060013 [debug] InitDialog Start!
    20170120060013 [debug] InitInterface
    20170120060013 [debug] InitWebpage
    20170120060013 [debug] InitDialog Success!
    20170120060013 [debug] ?Patch Start!
    20170120060013 [debug] BeginPatch - Start
    20170120060013 [info] Patch Check Version (Client Ver:578, Server Ver:584)
    20170120060013 [debug] Patch Step 1 - DownloadPatch Start
    20170120060013 [debug] Download Patch Version [00000579]
    20170120060013 [debug] Patch PackFile Download Start []
    20170120060013 [debug] URLDownload Start
    20170120060013 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060013 [debug] Download Total File Size : 285667776
    20170120060013 [debug] Check Downloaded Temp File
    20170120060013 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060013 [debug] DownLoad Left File Size : 285667776
    20170120060013 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060053 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060053 [debug] MD5 Check Start
    20170120060053 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060053 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060053 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060053 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060054 [error] MD5 Check Failed!
    20170120060054 [error] PackFile Download Failed!
    20170120060054 [debug] Patch Step 1 - DownloadPatch Start
    20170120060054 [debug] Download Patch Version [00000579]
    20170120060054 [debug] Patch PackFile Download Start []
    20170120060054 [debug] URLDownload Start
    20170120060054 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060054 [debug] Download Total File Size : 285667776
    20170120060054 [debug] Check Downloaded Temp File
    20170120060054 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060054 [debug] DownLoad Left File Size : 285667776
    20170120060054 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060134 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060134 [debug] MD5 Check Start
    20170120060134 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060134 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060134 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060134 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060135 [error] MD5 Check Failed!
    20170120060135 [error] PackFile Download Failed!
    20170120060135 [debug] Patch Step 1 - DownloadPatch Start
    20170120060135 [debug] Download Patch Version [00000579]
    20170120060135 [debug] Patch PackFile Download Start []
    20170120060135 [debug] URLDownload Start
    20170120060135 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060135 [debug] Download Total File Size : 285667776
    20170120060135 [debug] Check Downloaded Temp File
    20170120060135 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060135 [debug] DownLoad Left File Size : 285667776
    20170120060135 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060215 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060215 [debug] MD5 Check Start
    20170120060215 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060215 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060215 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060215 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060216 [error] MD5 Check Failed!
    20170120060216 [error] PackFile Download Failed!
    20170120060216 [debug] URLDownload Start
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060216 [debug] Download Total File Size : 19
    20170120060216 [debug] Check Downloaded Temp File
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060216 [debug] DownLoad Left File Size : 19
    20170120060216 [debug] Download File Start
    20170120060216 [debug] Download File Success
    20170120060216 [debug] MD5 Check Start
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060216 [error] Download File Is Not Exist!
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060216 [error] Download File Is Not Exist!
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Internet Session
    20170120060216 [debug] Open Http Connection
    20170120060216 [error] Download File Is Not Exist!
    20170120060216 [error] MD5 Check Failed!
    20170120060216 [debug] 579 Version Patch Download Failed!
    20170120060216 [debug] ?Patch Failed!


    • #3
      Personally, I had to re-download the zip file and use it to repair the installation, restart my computer, then I was able to patch it through without fail.
      Hopefully, someone has simpler solution for you.


      • #4
        Try right clicking the launcher and running it as a administrator. This fixed one of my patching issues in the past.


        • #5
          You can manually download the patch by visiting the link in the log, then drop it into your DN folder and your patcher doesn't appear to check MD5 (based on retroactively checking the next log from yst). It's really weird but it worked for me.
          Stat pics!
          SwiftTyphoon | Sparrow
          TurtleDove | Seagull


          • #6
            The link just gives the 404 error...sigh. Im trying to redownload the installer, but it wont download either. Says not enough storage, but I do have much more than enough....

            and yes, Im running it as admin.


            • Dean
              Dean commented
              Editing a comment
              Hmm...have you tried the direct download, the .zip file one?
              If that was not working for you. To make sure, I think you can try to fully uninstall DN from your PC then try the direct download. If this doesn't work also, this can be critical issue so, please try that and let me know the result.
              . ;(

            • SwiftTyphoon
              SwiftTyphoon commented
              Editing a comment
              Looks like clicking it on forums includes the right bracket in the url