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@Dean50 Give us compensation for the broken ladder. We missed out on light cubes!

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  • Dean
    To check your account, we need your ID and IGN. Please send us a ticket then we will check it

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  • vara
    commented on 's reply
    ladder is still playable during off-season, which is the first week of the patch since it's right after the season ends. so we go

    1 week - off season
    3-ish weeks - season
    season ends on patch date.

    IMO SEA might be broken because they had an early patch in december so their schedule might be wonky?

  • OneMysteriousGuy
    Originally posted by MedicalKit View Post
    Dean50 Please compensate us for the ladder being broken. This has delayed our genesis accessories!
    + 1 to this idea and seem like sea having the same issue

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  • Queen
    problem is, we actually never get cube events like other servers to make the progression faster.. otherwise its would be already take less time overall.
    + if we werent limited, gen accs would also lose its value considering of how easy its would be.
    i like better the current way we have it honestly.

    on topic though; i do think we should get some sort of compensation since they messed up the system, but i doubt that will happen.
    (also they should do an announcement of some sort to let us know when ladder is off/on season..)

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  • Hope
    All I want is the shi t to be fixed. I don't give a fu ck that's its a faulty pve trash system. No use in having some parts of the game totally out of function.

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  • Dmike
    Originally posted by MedicalKit View Post

    Stalking him? It's his job. Get a grip son.
    His job is to communicate. You're whining about a faulty system which has been in place since the beginning of T5. Get real.

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  • GoodRiddance
    commented on 's reply
    Agreed. A way to get more cubes (slightly) and drakonites while we're at it.

  • MedicalKit
    Originally posted by Volkatrace View Post
    The guy just came to here, and all of you are stalking him already? C'mon.

    It's just one person, I'm sure we will receive some advice later.

    Stalking him? It's his job. Get a grip son.

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  • milktoast22
    Originally posted by Orona View Post
    I'd rather request to have a better system for grinding cubes than bother Dean about getting compensated over the past few days of ladder being broken.

    This system where we can only get "x" cubes per day/week is bullshit. It's an artificial means of slowing down progression, and it's obnoxious. Someone give me a logical reason why I can't grind out 15-20 light or shadow cubes each day at my leisure and discretion when they are bound to my character (and server storage doesn't work, so it isn't like I can use alts to speed up the grind).

    Just my 2 cents.
    yeah it's basically to control the rarity and rate someone can get them at. doesn't really work since u can farm them easily on multiple characters. it doesnt really require any skill or "challenge" to overcome other than minimal effort everyday time commitment. tbh it mostly just feels like its there to give a chore to dedicated players. only really there to pad out the game's "content"

    u only need to do 2 of the twisted daily dungeons for 5 days and auras drop like crazy now. pvp ladder u can just afk. maybe 20 minutes at most per character max. shadow cubes are easy 2 farm with drop events, space cubes cost barely anything. time cubes u just buy with gold or do rdn sell runs for time cubes.

    they're also overpowered.

    tl'dr genesis accessories were a mistake. nothing but trash.
    Last edited by milktoast22; 01-30-2017, 01:45 PM.

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  • Orona
    I'd rather request to have a better system for grinding cubes than bother Dean about getting compensated over the past few days of ladder being broken.

    This system where we can only get "x" cubes per day/week is bullshit. It's an artificial means of slowing down progression, and it's obnoxious. Someone give me a logical reason why I can't grind out 15-20 light or shadow cubes each day at my leisure and discretion when they are bound to my character (and server storage doesn't work, so it isn't like I can use alts to speed up the grind).

    Just my 2 cents.

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  • Volkatrace
    The guy just came to here, and all of you are stalking him already? C'mon.

    It's just one person, I'm sure we will receive some advice later.


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  • @Dean50 Give us compensation for the broken ladder. We missed out on light cubes!

    Dean50 Please compensate us for the ladder being broken. This has delayed our genesis accessories!