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@Dean50 Give us compensation for the broken ladder. We missed out on light cubes!

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  • aaron
    commented on 's reply
    It's alright. I just want there to be less confusion is all. I appreciate the quick and receptive response.

  • Dean
    commented on 's reply
    Oh....I just noticed that....I'll ask this to the guy who writes announcement

  • Bishoujou
    I have a feeling this cycle of us wanting something be it our lost light cube farming or tradeable ec the dev's will always say no and poor dean here will get his head chewed off everytime haha. Even this new idea of selling ec items to an npc has turned in to just a maybe from his posts when like a week ago eye said in game that it would happen. This is just funny and makes we wonder what the benefit of having these gm's even is when nothing seems to be changing at all. Inb4 events are good, ed gave us events before these gm's showed up.

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  • mondreii143
    commented on 's reply
    In that case, can you let us get light cube on lutos marsh also? In exchange of that ladder? Coz without ladder it is very hard to get light cube, and it will take longer.

  • aaron
    Originally posted by Queen View Post
    so there is actually a period u_u thanks dean once again, im glad they actually put a notice about it now.
    talking about this >
    Hey, they put dates in not American format... Now that's what I call consistent.

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  • RichGoldBuyer
    Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post
    Please give the GM a break. Like honestly, all the complaints is just going to push this guy away like all the other GMs we've had. I don't know why so many players who don't even play the game complain on a daily basis.

    The sad thing is that our GMs never get any appreciation at all for the changes they do make. It's always complaints complaints complaints.
    CraZyZeuS is correct.

    To add to that. I do not know why some people continue to play the game when it's so apparent that the negatives for them outweigh the positives of the game. It's as if they enjoy complaining and suffering while playing a game that they aren't satisfied or having fun with. It's important to voice complaints, but if you're continuously unhappy with the way it's being run for months or years on end then perhaps it is time to reevaluate how you spend your leisure time and do something else? In the end you are playing a videogame.

    I for one love playing this game and enjoy investing my hard earned money into it. The new spending event was phenomenal and I'm glad I was able to obtain an exclusive gesture along with a slick pair of glasses. And for those without well paying jobs there was a nice drop rate boosting event. I really do appreciate these excellent events.

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  • Benjix
    Most people are just frustrated at how long these cubes take to collect, having it set back even further will undoubtedly make them lash out but at the end of the day this isn't the end of the world, though it does suck.
    It'd be nice to have some cube event once in a while to give people a little motivation. I would ask for more cubes a week but I really dont wanna devalue genesis acc.
    Just a question though, why is the ladder down time for this season so long. Pre-season should only last for a week but from what I see we won't get to do ladder till the 16th which would be like 3 weeks worth of downtime, that honestly a lot of cubes missed for no reason, just keep ladder open during pre-season it's honestly the best thing to do.

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  • windhelmguard1
    I think it largely is due to the small no. Of staff they have hence they cant manage that many problems. Today i got my iona fixed. Thanks.

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  • Queen
    so there is actually a period u_u thanks dean once again, im glad they actually put a notice about it now.
    talking about this >

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  • Hekaiyo
    I am very very glad we actually have a communicating game master here, I and the community feel a lot more relevant and important because of Dean50 's presence. Thank you.

    However, I do hope that we do not become complacent just because we have a game master. While we should be happy he is here, we must also ensure that the proper complaints, suggestions, and reports do reach the proper office. We should not coddle him just because we're afraid he's going to leave; it's his job to communicate, after all. On the flip side, we should not be overly rude or impolite, since I doubt he has any real control over many of the issues here.

    I think he is doing a pretty good job in general, and we should hope to keep this up.

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  • vara
    commented on 's reply
    would it be possible to introduce some sort of event to receive cubes? i know other versions have done this but ours hasn't.

  • Aisuru
    I see... Well, I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed, but a no is a no.

    On that note, I really am hoping that ED is working hard for NA is some way. It's understandable that a job cannot get finished due to time constraints, but only to a certain extent. If it becomes a common problem, well I'm sorry but they need to work harder.

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  • MedicalKit
    I just want to say thank you Dean50! Even though we couldn't get our compensation I know you tried for us.

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  • Fabulous
    commented on 's reply
    Of course. I'm sorry if I came across as too harsh. I don't usually complain because I do appreciate how hard it is to code, etc. I've known that they had a lot of things on their backlog since the server transfer, so I haven't said anything. Just played the game like usual. But at some point, they shouldn't be trying to catch up anymore; they should be on schedule. When will that time be? I hope that it's sooner than later. A month is an eternity in the MMO world, after all. The amount of times that I've had to tell a new or returning player, "Oh, that's a bug," is pretty embarrassing.

    By the way, thank you for all the events, and fixing people's issues. I appreciate it. I have no doubt that you're doing the best that you can.

  • CraZyZeuS
    Please give the GM a break. Like honestly, all the complaints is just going to push this guy away like all the other GMs we've had. I don't know why so many players who don't even play the game complain on a daily basis.

    The sad thing is that our GMs never get any appreciation at all for the changes they do make. It's always complaints complaints complaints.

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