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Lack of challenge in Dragon Nest.....

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  • Lack of challenge in Dragon Nest.....

    Can we get a nest that is challenging other than 8 man raid once a year? Where is the challenge and fun in Dragon Nest anymore?

    Typhoon Krag Nest, Professor K Nest, Granom Nest etc...

    these nests take no effort for geared and experienced players even on "Hardcore" mode. Next nest Returned Sea Dragon Nest follows same pattern

    The current content deployment feels stale right now and i know other ppl from other region servers feel the same. Too many nests to do that are too easy and boring and they feel like chores for anyone that's even completed the current raid

    And then i know there will be more Deep Abyss Nightmare stages? literally the worst content in the game. Killing crappy monsters and having to wait for them to spawn then killing weak bosses.

    imo the game has a player retention problem cuz of this stale content delivery and structure. So much content for casuals but only really 1 nest to do for geared and experienced players

    at least in 80 cap there was Volcano Trial Nest, but now there is almost nothing like that

    hopefully they learn to deliver some hard content next cap and stop with the 3 remade nests and 1 new nest every year with more nightmare stage crap

  • #2
    Hey I said this at the start of T5 but got called an elitist for it

    Enjoy the easy nests
    Dragon Nest Savior


    • miki
      miki commented
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      same tbh


  • #3
    They could add nests that disable healing I guess? Or take my suggestion that I posted a while ago of extreme nests where everything is 1 hit KO so you HAVE to perfectly execute the mechanics or dodge/use i-frames. Also no resurrections.

    Steamrolling monsters? Take lethargy pots/use inferior gear.

    If the mechanics are too easy, welp we already know the answer to that.


    • Taco
      Taco commented
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      The problem with that is, then youre basically excluding all the support classes. What's the point of taking a healer/tank if everything will one-shot you?

    • Elasah
      Elasah commented
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      I suppose for those instances support class healing becomes a buff like action speed or cooldown buffs, maybe boss armor debuff.

      As for tanks, the armor blocks or what not become offensive boosts? e.g. Guardian's autoblock is converted into bonus damage almost like FD (probably not to that extent), 21% for 500% additional damage or whatever. If they generate threat it could add to the meter/bubble/counter?

  • #4
    I think we just have to wait for Romniaty Nest to come out

    Romniaty the Bleach Chugger Heron is swayed by social media and public opinion. I think the nest will be really hard.

    There are also strong boss in that nest from leak i heard in eyed named Bramblezzz.


    • #5
      If you think people will do the nests to be challenged with these garbage drops, then you are crazy. We need more challenging nests but we need incentive to do it.


      • #6
        Originally posted by MedicalKit View Post
        If you think people will do the nests to be challenged with these garbage drops, then you are crazy. We need more challenging nests but we need incentive to do it.
        I would agree. I think the main reason why I skip doing TKN, for example, is not because it isn't fun and challenging but because the rewards hold little value to me. My main focus is to improve my gear right now, and with the limited amount of time I have to play DN I'd rather spend it getting relevant materials in nests like PKN and Granom.
        Main character: DeflaGratr

        Profile picture credit: "Mega Rayquaza" by Deviant Art user whonghaiw


        • #7
          Originally posted by MedicalKit View Post
          If you think people will do the nests to be challenged with these garbage drops, then you are crazy. We need more challenging nests but we need incentive to do it.
          hc nests will soon drop cubes needed to craft genesis earrings at least


          • #8
            What are you talking about? This game is hard hard as hell and is far from easy. There is a reason players are getting wiped in PKN,TKN, and Granom and it has nothing to do with being bad. Some people are able to solo these nests but you need to consider the new players with their theano gear. The real problem is power creep in the gear people get. So dont say this game is easy because you are NOT going to solo TKN with just theano gear or even IDNL.

            I think what you meant to say is that the game gets too repetitive and easy once you get godlike gear.
            “We don't inherit an identity; we get to invent it. And we get to re-invent ourselves as often as we like. And that means that every day, when you wake up in the morning, you have to decide what kind of person you want to be.” - Barry Schwartz


            • #9
              Maybe add another level of difficulty, or weekly "challenge" mods, i.e. boss moves twices as fast or double bosses. Kind of like twisted territory, but with nests. That'd be my suggestion.


              • Tara
                Tara commented
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       need to understand, Dean50, that the players complaining here are excellently geared, can solo carry all these nests, and have premade teams. You will NEVER find them in a pug team or even doing a random run on a norm nest. They have also tons of gold and money since they have been playing since idontknowwhat cap or have 200 farming alts. SO if you are going to cater to what..% of the population this is, you will find a lot of newer people who do make this game fun for people like me, very disappointed.

              • Dean
                Dean commented
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                Tara. You don't have to worry. We know the struggle of lite users and currently we are considering to make a new way to give you chance to get certain items. This will be proceeded first and we will consider about things like above after we finish the work.

              • Tara
                Tara commented
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            • #10
              kdn has dark banquet hc which is comp on and 2 man altho as a comp on dungeon it has the same limitations in that some classes will have it easier than others, but at least gear doesnt count much besides the skill gems

              also the whole point of gearing is to make normal nests easy idk why ppl complain LOL
              if you dont wanna be bored like saitama then dont get OP gear
              if you want challenge play on some scrub geared alt
              or do a pug for once

              i sure dont wanna go back to 40 minute nest clears being the norm, although the no death hc nest runs in average gear are fun and an achievement
              had some scrub tell me need lgrade carries for 4man ddnhc back in 90 cap and i'm like "m8 ur just bad i cleared with a party of all epics"

              i do agree some no res nests would be cool because having 3 res for idn is hilarious and unnecesary when ddn still has 1 but please nothing like volcano nest where u could deplete all 3 res to a bar mech just because someone makes a mistake or lags a bit
              Last edited by ceruulean; 03-14-2017, 09:13 PM.
              Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
              Who guards the guardians?


              • #11
                Originally posted by Iloveyoubb View Post
                What are you talking about? This game is hard hard as hell and is far from easy. There is a reason players are getting wiped in PKN,TKN, and Granom and it has nothing to do with being bad. Some people are able to solo these nests but you need to consider the new players with their theano gear. The real problem is power creep in the gear people get. So dont say this game is easy because you are NOT going to solo TKN with just theano gear or even IDNL.

                I think what you meant to say is that the game gets too repetitive and easy once you get godlike gear.
                It's only easy to those people who maxed out their FD and have a full set of IDN L armor and available genesis equipment.

                Anyone who says this game is easy probably has been in L grades and the highest level equipment for a while. I get that, but this game is not balanced around those members. People talk about player retention, but you will lose more players than you will "retain" or "gain" if they go this direction, especially if they want to match user expectations (ie making it "worth while" to do excessively harder content).
                TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


                • #12
                  Originally posted by Taco View Post
                  Maybe add another level of difficulty, or weekly "challenge" mods, i.e. boss moves twices as fast or double bosses. Kind of like twisted territory, but with nests. That'd be my suggestion.
                  that could be cool

                  like medicalkit said though there has to be incentive, but i guess eyedentity can figure the rewards out.

                  Originally posted by aaron View Post
                  It's only easy to those people who maxed out their FD and have a full set of IDN L armor and available genesis equipment.

                  Anyone who says this game is easy probably has been in L grades and the highest level equipment for a while. I get that, but this game is not balanced around those members. People talk about player retention, but you will lose more players than you will "retain" or "gain" if they go this direction, especially if they want to match user expectations (ie making it "worth while" to do excessively harder content).
                  even when i had epic gears i thought these nests were easy. They just took longer. Nothing wrong with having lots of casual content, but imo there needs to be a balance. Only having practically 1 piece of content per cap geared towards longtime endgame players can be kinda boring after a while.

                  imo i dont think asking for 1 more thing high end players can do that requires effort is asking too much. It's about having some variety. Just something new and difficult to do before next raid
                  Last edited by milktoast22; 03-14-2017, 09:55 PM.


                  • #13
                    Imo people that were geared and experienced thought vtn was a chore and too steamrollable too.

                    Eventually all pve content no matter how its designed will be like that in a mmo where you do the same s.hit every week. Gear creep + repetitive ai is all it takes, only thing you can do for a challenge is find someone to pvp with that changes and adapts and generally gets better with you to spice things up; but even then it'll just turn into who has the easier class.
                    Last edited by Bishoujou; 03-14-2017, 10:57 PM.


                    • #14
                      I gave this suggestion before but I play a game called Path of Exile

                      PoE has an endgame mapping system where you can find and mod maps kinda

                      Now they are two different games but I think DN could have a drop for each player at the end of the nest that gives a random mod(up to a max limit of lets say 3 for normal and 5 for HC)

                      There's even stuff like twinned bosses or boss invasions and the more simple stuff like some of the ground is burning or chilled or the boss has increased hp or damage.

                      more mods= more drops + more gold + more hero exp or something


                      • Tara
                        Tara commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Great idea

                    • #15
                      Tbh, when I do nests I always just wish it was over and done with already so I'm not really bothered by this... :'D
                      I am however bothered that's just 1 raid a year ):<

                      IGN: SachiMizora | Class: Pyromancer | Discord: Sachi #2301 | Hangs out @ Ch7 | Pyromancer Guide | Tumblr
                      Other Characters:
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                      Generosity, SaeyoungChoi & Pure
                      Light Bringer - Aussie, KaidenMizora
                      Ice Witch - SachMizora
                      Valkyrie - Sachi

