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Lack of challenge in Dragon Nest.....

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  • #16
    anyone remember that 3rd core nest, had 0 res and 1 shot u if u didnt know mechs

    it was supposed to be lvl 70 apoc, cerb and manti back to back

    also had trash rewards because it was released in NA a cap too late but yeah

    nobody did em

    such a shame

    EDIT: here ya go

    i think the hc version had no res i dont rememebr
    Last edited by ceruulean; 03-15-2017, 01:30 AM.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
    Who guards the guardians?


    • #17
      nests tend to be extra faceroll when using an sm/adept xd, at least with adept you cant mindless press master hand in some places
      Last edited by Lemon; 03-15-2017, 08:02 AM.


      • #18
        There are always 2 sides to a topic such as this one. One side being the casual player side, and the other being a more hardcore side. There is a lot of casual content to go through, 90 and 93 nests on normal, and some even on HC are easy to clear in a relatively short amount of time even with epic gear. Hardcore players are geared the way they are (IDNL/Genesis) because they worked for it. Excluding gold buyers. They worked to that gear level but they only have 1 piece of content that is challenging, and using the word challenging isn't what I wanna use. They start out running 8 man IDN, then it becomes too easy, so they run with less and less people. After a while, you get to a point where running IDN isn't fun anymore, even with an extremely low amount of people. Casual players have a lot of things to do, and even more to strive for, while hardcore players are basically just doing content for the gold. I feel like there needs to be way more variety for end game content that actually poses a challenge and is worth while to do. Granom Nest and Granom Nest HC aren't even worth doing when you're extremely geared, but it sure as hell is worth it when you're still working on your gear. Having variety doesn't mean adding in remade nests, that just gives us a few different mechanics in the same setting. ABN for example has been remade what, like 3 times? That's not fun for anyone who has done it in the past. Volcano Trial Nest was actually a very good piece of content for casual and hardcore players, and I strongly believe that it rewarded players evenly. Running on easy is just a cakewalk that anyone can do, and you don't really get that many rewards. Running on Normal was a step up and definitely catered to the average geared players. Abyss was on a whole new level. You had to know what you were doing and do it properly every time, and you definitely got paid for your work. Many people may say it was an annoying nest to run, and I agree, some of the wipes in that nest were unnecessary, but after you cleared, it was worth it. Looking back at VTN now, I wish we had something similar, it was actually something I wanted to clear every week. There is still the variety issue though, that was just one thing to do and it did get stale after a while. Some people may suggest running with lesser gear or something similar when you're extremely geared just to spice things up. In my opinion I will definitely say that is a very stupid idea. Geared players are bored running these nests in the time that they already clear, they will want to shoot themselves if they have to spend an even longer time in the nest. However, I do support the idea of running on another class, something new to run on. For example, I can not stand doing an ABN run for more than 5 minutes on my Shooting Star that is very well geared, but on my Dragoon that has little gear, I still enjoyed it even though runs may be over 5 minutes. In the end, I just think that there needs to be more variety for end game players, and have it worth while to complete. oh, and also have the game be less p2w, that statement speaks for itself.
        No longer playing.
        Discord - DeadlyMerc #2604


        • #19
          1-93 is really easy and used to be even easier when they had that midnight costume where you could 1 shot bosses in master (good thing it was nerfed). Nests at cap well atleast they are instanced so you can't just zerg the heck out of the bosses in a raid with like 50-100 ppl, then its really easy. You do need to dodge the mechanics in some nests or you will die (again i haven't done many nests but little i did in old guild you need to be careful).


          • #20
            Well they could try something like this:

            Release Normal/Hardcore version of a nest along with another version higher than Hardcore that's balanced around players that are more experienced and have fairly strong gear. That way lite users are still catered to. That new difficulty level would have more damaging/adjusted attacks, adjusted existing mechanics that are harder and more health (I'd say around the same ballpark as the current raid or more). Perhaps some difficulty mods like what Taco mentioned.

            There needs to be a reward or multiple rewards that are exclusive to that difficulty of the nest that are also tradeable to provide incentive to do it but also to have something new to trade every time a new nest is released. Some made up examples of new/updated items I thought of that Eyedentity could add exclusively to that difficulty level:

            1. A new crest/heraldry that can go into your Special crest/heraldry slot with varying stats. For example let's say you can get a Typhoon Krag Crest that can have something like 1000, 1500, or 2000 Int (Or any other base stat) plus some other stats like physical or magic damage. I think you get the point.

            2. New and updated Wellsprings for the current cap. Pretty self explanatory.

            3. Maybe something new that can be enhanced using mats like garnets/hardened drakonites.

            I'm not really sure what else. Just throwing stuff out there. Throw in a few gold pouches, hero boxes and cube pouches in the drops too I guess. Maybe make it only 1 clear per week and 6 players so it's like a mini raid. We get a new nest every 2 months or something so I think something like this can alleviate lack of the endgame raid variety until the next raid comes out. The content is there. Eyedentity just needs to spend time developing another difficulty level for more experienced users. I don't really know how much effort that would take though.

            Just some ideas. idk


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pounding
              Then end the power creep in gear you absolute cunts
              I think it's pretty unanimously agreed that this is the solution. Unfortunate, it's hard to balance now that so much p2w (racer/engineer) and Genesis equipment are on the market place now...

              They'd have to do a huge long term solution for it to be available to everyone.
              TypeNull - Bleed Phantom

