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The REAL reason they wont allow EC trading

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  • The REAL reason they wont allow EC trading

    Since apparently the general community hasn't figured it out yet i'l shine a light on the real reason EC trading wont ever be allowed and you're not going to like it. Right now the game is being supported by whales that account for almost 90% of the sales of EC these whales spent 1000$+ on getting the next new exciting piece of gear (Rajull, Ionna etc..). They'll stop at nothing to get these pieces as this game is their outlet and has taken the form of their life because they choose to escape their real life out in the personal world for whatever reason. Now if there was EC trading allowed and all pieces where evenly distributed then these whales wouldn't need to spen another 500$ to get that rajuul decal or another 800$ to get that new EC weapon because they could now just get it in the marketplace without spending the extra 800$ or 1000$ on those gears that they need

    So how does this apply to gold buyers/sellers? Gold rates are cheap and if you need to buy a piece in the marketplace you could do so very fast and very easily without having to give a single dime to ED. There wouldn't be anymore need for people to spend so much more to get those last piece of gear and they could go straight to gold selling websites. ED cant stop gold bots they don't have enough money to invest in technology that could prevent and stop gold bots so they move onto everything going forward with the assumption that there will be bots 24/7 farming gold from dungeons. Notice how their event to give those costume pieces that you need are set at a insane price 100$ to guarantee 1 piece that you need what? other more successful games don't have greedy shit anywhere near that but it works. and the reason it works is because of these whales that will spend any amount to get those pieces. Putting it at 30$ to guarantee a piece would lower profits overall sure, it could help the individual that spends maybe 30-50$ max on some eggs every once in the while but it would hurt the games main source of income.

    There will NEVER be EC trading because ED knows this they're not that stupid. so pick which side of the discussion you want to be on because gold buyers/sellers are helping the game because ED fails to keep the economy healthy without them since no one on their team knows anything about economics However, they also hurt the game because they prevent the most crucial part of every successful game free-trade of all items.