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Patches Note vs Actual in-game content that came with the patch

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  • Patches Note vs Actual in-game content that came with the patch

    Hi there.

    i know it may be too much to ask or kinda greedy for me to say this but

    Anyone out there willing to start a thread or something which like involves what actual content got change with the latest patch (Kali awakening)

    i do not look into future content and keep up to date like i did at one point for this game, but it would be nice to know and interesting to be able to play around with all the new things that the new patch brought with it


    1.) Silver Hunter buffs came through, but... the changes to the damage dealt is only being applied to the non-transformed skills. the moment you transform (so i hear) those damages are just the same as pre-patch

    2.) Warden 'tooltip has being updated blah blah' - ayooo lmao. Silver Hunter's Ultimate skill 'Blast Zone' (level 40) has had her targeting changed from it's previous 'click up/down to increase/decrease distance of the shot' to the mouse tracking version.

    i thought Wardens new awakening skill 'Cannonade' was suppose to become the same as that. it's still on the old targeting system.

    3.) i heard some people talk about Abyss walkers getting a buff or something? sorry i can't write down any details regarding that because... i read them but didn't keep the info within my brain :^)

    4.) Snipers Windshaft/shot/Windforce w.e this game calls it >_> . i've noticed that it seems.. kinda to be back to it's old glitchy self back on awakening release. like it goes right through enemies bodies, makes the explosion animation -> no damage etc etc.
    -unless someone else testifies though maybe i'm just all of a sudden bad. hard to tell when i can't be certain the intended tools i'm working with aren't guaranteed to function according to their intended purpose or their description!

    probably other stuff

    M A Y B E

    who knows though? aha..

    kinda why i would like to know.


    TLDR: 'Actual Patch notes' megathread anyone? none of this

    'boss i copy and pasted what you told me in the email. are you sure it doesn't need any formatting to not make it just look like a bright af lit white screen with just plain text on it even though we are the supposed CREATORS of the game so everything from us is expected to be that of the finest quality any DN server has to offer Boss?'

    'send it moron and mock players with your abuse of GM powers such as red birds, random lines of text across the screen even though you're not talking to everyone on the server just replying to a Blue bird query. don't forget the +15 on genesis earrings then use it ingame. they need to know their place on this server!'

    'gotcha! >;^) '

    and yes i do hate Riot Games with a passion. what's that gotta do with eyedentity?

    saaaa. at least the 'games' part of eyedentity isn't lie like Riot games KEK

    i also have baths in the sea
    Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 03-19-2017, 03:03 AM.
    Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374

  • #2
    i mean windshaft always been glitchy, but i missed over 10+ of them when i ran idn after patch.. my ping wasnt high either = =

