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Make ec tradable

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  • Make ec tradable

    ED pls make EC tradable atleast 1day, please give us a chance to complete our SADNYTH or RAJUUL SET.
    we have a bunch of duplicate piece on our storage, what are we gonna do about them? stack them for the rest of the game?
    Last edited by mondreii143; 03-19-2017, 10:02 PM.

  • #2
    Not gonna happen, the best chance we got is them giving us an NPC that will allow us to trade dupes for gold or other pieces. That said don't hold your breath ED hasn't been very transparent or quick on any of the problems the community has had.


    • #3
      Not going to happen as it would be unfaur to players who spent a fortune already.
      Dragon Nest Savior


      • #4
        Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post
        Not going to happen as it would be unfaur to players who spent a fortune already.
        Now now Zeus, just cause you spent thousands of dollars on this game and want to be the only OP player in the game doesn't mean the rest of us have to be guinea pigs on the only DN server with no tradable EC items.


        • ILLbeURdeath
          ILLbeURdeath commented
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          Omni, you're a fool.

          Zeus, so you are saying that since you spent too much (which is why you feel the need to be special) and you know others who made the same choices as you that the new prices should be the norm... There's something very wrong with you... All the time you tell people to stop complaining but Zeus, you complain the most. You complain about keeping items out of reach of those you consider to be lesser than you, you complain about people complaining, you complain about your cubes, complain complain complain...

          Zeus, you are this servers biggest hypocrite...

        • Owl
          Owl commented
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          Dunno why ppl who spent tonnes getting EC items would have a problem with that. If you were half-way "lucky" you'd have tonnes of duplicate EC items in your inventory with that are stuck there. If they became tradable, p2w people would make so much gold, probably enough to compensate even a little for the fortune you spent on them. Everybody wins.
          Even so, it's not going to happen. At least not in the current state of the game. Idk but I'd like to blame the cash whales for that. $300 accessory event and people will still buy it since it beats RNG. ED has no incentive to make them tradable imo. If no one participated in these "events" or bought heaps of eggs when they release new sets, either the game will die or they'd have to make EC tradable. But still, not happening

        • ILLbeURdeath
          ILLbeURdeath commented
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          I agree owl but like you said, it's not going to happen.

      • #5
        The fact they made Iona and Rajuul and at least to my knowlege the older dragon sets server transferable is already a step in the right direction. I'll take that as an option over nothing at all. Yes, EC trading would be nice, but at 6 years's still wishful thinking.


        • #6
          bump mayne

