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Conversion Costume?

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  • Conversion Costume?

    Hi, does anyone know what that Conversion Costume Exchange Coupon is? i've never heard of it :S

    ty in advance

  • #2
    It's unique costume
    Dragon Nest Savior


    • TheSomnangMao
      TheSomnangMao commented
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      not anymore :^)

      le epic. 21/3/17

  • #3
    Get ready for the whales to spend a lot for the next few months, I can see this type of "event" for a while. The P2P events continue to greatly outrank the free ones just so they can milk the players and barely listen to us.


    • ILLbeURdeath
      ILLbeURdeath commented
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      They're not even using all this money to fix bugs...

      Their model is actually working though, they're directly targeting the perfect audience with these events. They know our server well in all honesty, they're (ED) going to do whatever yields the most profit. Right now, listening to players won't yield the most profit, scamming em will .

      Gotta love the zero transparency we receive from ED... The upcoming next exodus of players will be this servers last, I may be with the next group of players/vets to quit. This game isn't worth the money they want, it's barely worth tolerating all the "bad" about the game we must endure to play it :c

      Sad days ahead, tickets are auto closed, updates are not tested, information is copied and pasted, GM's are non paid interns...

      Btw, Threshield, I do agree with most of your posts. It's too bad despite how well you present your arguments that the GM's/ED choose to ignore you and the rest of us...

    • Threshield
      Threshield commented
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      The worst part about all this is that the GM's will probably eventually start taking shit from the community when they honestly don't deserve it but the company does.

  • #4
    so basically its the new bis for costumes right?


    • #5
      Lo and behold

      u guys thot racer was p2w


      • Threshield
        Threshield commented
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        Good new ED pulled the bait and switch after shit tons of people bought in for the Unique costume.

    • #6


      • #7
        Is it server storageable ?

