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Are you kidding me EYEdentity

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  • Are you kidding me EYEdentity

    Swapping the Conversation costume over from Unique to Epic, I mean I have complained a lot of how you have done things with the game. This though is such and underhanded, greedy, shitty thing to do, there are plenty of people that spend money to get one of these piece and then you go and swap them over. Are you actively trying to lose your players at this point?

  • #2
    You state you don't complain a lot but one look into your account

    I agree the swap was weird though, but perhaps they didn't want to confuse users that these unique coupons they were pushing out had the same stats as the KDN ones.
    Dragon Nest Savior


    • Kov
      Kov commented
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      But he clearly said he has complained a lot.

    • Threshield
      Threshield commented
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      You might wanna reread. I straight up said I complain a lot, especially recently. At one point I was hopeful so if it is an older comment where i said I don't that is no longer the case because I no longer have hope in this company.