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@Dean Please pass this on to your TEAM

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  • #16
    +1 would love to have these contents back


    • #17
      tfw u gain 100k+ damage from cash shop gear and accessories

      boost nest hp too much to accommodate that gear level n u leave out every1 that doesnt dump their wallet on the game

      its too late tbh they went deep in stats in cash gear now its gonna be impossible to "balance" nest hp/dps checks etc... unless they do a 180 but thatd kill the game tbh

      they can make nests harder mechanically but if u can just nuke nests n skip mechs cuz ur gear and cash gear is too op then whats the point?


      • TheSomnangMao
        TheSomnangMao commented
        Editing a comment
        Love me some Diablo 3 in my Dragon nest immersion


    • #18
      Count me in I want this back pls it's a fun nest


      • #19
        VTN was fun and hard compare to the nest we currently have and that's a fact. The only burst you were talking about was how broken crusader was. What does this game have to offer new F2P players?. Grind twisted and DMR until enough gold to get into IDN team? At least with ATN and VTN they can attempt and have fun while they gear up to do end game content, we could call it mid tier content. Surprised how people call VTN harder then BDN back in the days and now call it piss easy.


        • #20
          Lol who called VTN harder than BDN; there are people who clear idn 8 man faster than some can clear granom hc so granom must be harder

          well anyway new SDN supposed to come out soon, wish it was 6 man because it's good intermediate step between 4 and 8

          but if you think about it the game didn't have 6 man nests until 70 cap, so it's not like dn is dependant on having 6-man content; it's cool to have
          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
          Who guards the guardians?


          • #21
            Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post
            VTN was fun and hard compare to the nest we currently have and that's a fact. The only burst you were talking about was how broken crusader was. What does this game have to offer new F2P players?. Grind twisted and DMR until enough gold to get into IDN team? At least with ATN and VTN they can attempt and have fun while they gear up to do end game content, we could call it mid tier content. Surprised how people call VTN harder then BDN back in the days and now call it piss easy.
            The only people who called VTN harder than BDN were probably the fake veterans that ran Volcano Nest in easy mode instead of abyss because they couldn't be "bothered" to due to the mechanics due to the lack of rewards even though the reason is because they couldn't do the mechanics properly and died consistently. They didn't find it fun at all.

            The burst included Crusader/Shooting star because they were top DPS. The concept hasn't changed now since most of the new nests can be bursted down and cleared faster than daily dungeons.
            Dragon Nest Savior


            • vara
              vara commented
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              lack of rewards is a good enough reason by itself to not do a higher difficulty imo.

          • #22
            Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post

            The only people who called VTN harder than BDN were probably the fake veterans that ran Volcano Nest in easy mode instead of abyss because they couldn't be "bothered" to due to the mechanics due to the lack of rewards even though the reason is because they couldn't do the mechanics properly and died consistently. They didn't find it fun at all.

            The burst included Crusader/Shooting star because they were top DPS. The concept hasn't changed now since most of the new nests can be bursted down and cleared faster than daily dungeons.
            I think you meant normal mode right cause in easy nothing good drop. Also if this nest was so easy why do most players need to make a team to clear it? Anyway this is not the purpose of this post. I'm suggesting ATN and VTN for the next cap unless you guys want piss easy 4 man Mist and guardian nest.


            • ceruulean
              ceruulean commented
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              There were people who made teams for new ddn

              Also t4 needed good party comp otherwise dmg sucked; t5 just needed 2 different debuff and support making it more versatile

              Can u really imagine a team with a mix of fire dmg dealers, dark dmg dealers and light dmg dealers? If u had no paladin rip 30% dmg, no light bringer rip dark/light damage, no pyro+adept rip fire team's ice stack

          • #23
            Ye ED give back ZeroQQ 's motivation man


            • #24
              Originally posted by PvPE View Post
              Ye ED give back ZeroQQ 's motivation man
              easy if ED decide to upgrade guild to level 70 you see a glimpsed of Zero the GP god


              • #25
                I have to admit the only cap I recall being difficult was 70 cap- because I was still in epic gear for 70 cap. I don't know if the content itself is what changed, but I know after I acquired black dragon legendary gear the game became 10x easier-- which makes sense.

                The alarming aspect of this cap is that players in epics can claim content is too easy. At least in 70/80 cap, acquiring legendary gear that was viable in nests was difficult, but imo it was the stepping stone from casual to HC player. Now RDNL is absurdly easy to acquire, with the nest being 2 man-able by casuals.

                A new player generally acquires some sort of "stepping stone" gear (IDNU, RDNL, Ulti-theao, etc), discovers how steep the growth curve is, then leaves. There is no gradient for players to advance on.

                Did anyone notice that the reworked versions of the nests we got are much easier than the originals? Guess why... Because in the past players complained too much about difficult content.

                Personally I think there needs to be smoother transitioning from one tier to the next.

                Wow that turned into an unrelated topic very fast.. sorry to those reading.

                Regarding OP.... If you do intend to simply "rework" and "recycle", bring back guardian nest as well. That nest was difficult when it was released-- Arendel Trial Nest as well.


                • #26
                  Originally posted by Xammed View Post
                  I have to admit the only cap I recall being difficult was 70 cap- because I was still in epic gear for 70 cap. I don't know if the content itself is what changed, but I know after I acquired black dragon legendary gear the game became 10x easier-- which makes sense.

                  The alarming aspect of this cap is that players in epics can claim content is too easy. At least in 70/80 cap, acquiring legendary gear that was viable in nests was difficult, but imo it was the stepping stone from casual to HC player. Now RDNL is absurdly easy to acquire, with the nest being 2 man-able by casuals.

                  A new player generally acquires some sort of "stepping stone" gear (IDNU, RDNL, Ulti-theao, etc), discovers how steep the growth curve is, then leaves. There is no gradient for players to advance on.

                  Did anyone notice that the reworked versions of the nests we got are much easier than the originals? Guess why... Because in the past players complained too much about difficult content.

                  Personally I think there needs to be smoother transitioning from one tier to the next.

                  Wow that turned into an unrelated topic very fast.. sorry to those reading.

                  Regarding OP.... If you do intend to simply "rework" and "recycle", bring back guardian nest as well. That nest was difficult when it was released-- Arendel Trial Nest as well.
                  Ya some people need to prove they know everything about the game is really funny, comparing the current nests to the 70 and 80 caps. But never mind that 6 man nest is something new and exciting for these new players. From exp I was a ruler + 13 user at 80 cap and VTN pub parties was hard as Fuak took me 50 - 60 minute to clear. And before people start to say oh you Need A LB & inquis & Crusader yes my party have this basic requirements Just they not in L grades. Heck even Volcano nest more fun and more challenging then Current nest.

                  What we need Dean to pass on to his team is Please bring back 6 man nest since its like Mid tier level of challenge and its 1 level below raid which give the challenge the Vets desire and another goal for new player to overcome.


                  • ILLbeURdeath
                    ILLbeURdeath commented
                    Editing a comment
                    +1 for 6 man nests, I don't care what you guys call em

                • #27
                  Dean we still waiting for your respond.....


                  • #28
                    adding 6 man nests wont change anything

                    damage ceiling is too high compared to 1-90 cap with all this broken cash shop gear

                    sure f2p players can get it from mp but they gotta invest 50k+ to get full set plus weapons. meanwhile they gonna be stuck with bad stats while saving gold and no one will take them in parties because gulf in stats is too big if ur just using a basic cash set

                    how do you even balance nest hp when two people with same gears except 1 has full racing set plus rajuul/cold mirage set? person with cash items is gonna do a shit load more damage
                    some players right now doin 100m+ to 200m+ dps on their own...

                    when new f2p players find out how much stats u get from getting cash gear most will just walk away from the game before even thinking about how hard or easy the nests are...


                    • #29
                      Originally posted by milktoast22 View Post
                      adding 6 man nests wont change anything

                      damage ceiling is too high compared to 1-90 cap with all this broken cash shop gear

                      sure f2p players can get it from mp but they gotta invest 50k+ to get full set plus weapons. meanwhile they gonna be stuck with bad stats while saving gold and no one will take them in parties because gulf in stats is too big if ur just using a basic cash set

                      how do you even balance nest hp when two people with same gears except 1 has full racing set plus rajuul/cold mirage set? person with cash items is gonna do a shit load more damage
                      some players right now doin 100m+ to 200m+ dps on their own...

                      when new f2p players find out how much stats u get from getting cash gear most will just walk away from the game before even thinking about how hard or easy the nests are...
                      And your solution is.... Ok. Who said you need rajuul/cold mirage set to do the latest content its something extra for those P2W. The raven on my team doesn't have either yet hes in my 4 man sell team. The purpose of 6 man is something new and a change for this game which most of the player now days never done except the vets. For F2P players its Farm farm farm and their goal is to clear a raid. Let me tell you 80 percent give up and quit the game or stay casuals. I help manage a guild so i know some get sick of this and start buying gold. What I'm suggesting will reduce the amount of players that quit since 6 man nests you can do guild run and they get involve in these run.


                      • #30
                        Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post

                        And your solution is.... Ok. Who said you need rajuul/cold mirage set to do the latest content its something extra for those P2W. The raven on my team doesn't have either yet hes in my 4 man sell team. The purpose of 6 man is something new and a change for this game which most of the player now days never done except the vets. For F2P players its Farm farm farm and their goal is to clear a raid. Let me tell you 80 percent give up and quit the game or stay casuals. I help manage a guild so i know some get sick of this and start buying gold. What I'm suggesting will reduce the amount of players that quit since 6 man nests you can do guild run and they get involve in these run.
                        i like that last part quite a bit.

                        i mean for your undergear guidlies who you would like to get involved in nesting to help them out. y'know would be nice to not be forced to feel like let down of a player just because of being the so-called 'UNDERGEARED' label tagged with the promised noob you do no damage is tbh .

                        in my opinion.

                        iss quite the negative reception.

                        no one goes from noob, casual to hardcore just like that.

                        especially in todays gearing/drop rate system.
                        the stat balance vs rewards gained and time spent in nest these days is pretty horrible.

                        i'm just saying this as a player whose been casual for quite a long time imo (like ... 2-3 years? started at 80cap)
                        it was quite a scary thought back then bc i thought nesting was way outta my league.

                        things changed though once i felt that i should give heavy investing into the game a try rather than just merching off stuff and doing like every quest in teh game over and over. (yes back then. that was enjoyable to me)

                        it's sad to think that those days are gone solely bc of the content being missing.
                        worst off is Nest content is also missing. in terms of various differences in the nest

                        all it feels like these days is every nest without some mech you have to respect. is just like a longer dungeon...

                        and after that. it's DDN, RDN, IDN

                        in which case. DDN isn't what it used to be (so ive heard and seen from Dragon hunting event) and RDN.. ahaha
                        bc of the theano series of geared the reward of RDN itself isnt worth the time for a normal player to learn it.

                        with runs being sold at such a cheap price how can they not accept the carry and be satisfied with the guaranteed drops they're getting even though it's a blessing and a curse to have RDN L
                        sure if RDN U was even decent with todays gearing options and the wraths could actually translate into something that could go towards further gearing or gold there might be incentive for players to actually learn RDN properly for the normal difficulty.

                        nah though what do you get from RDN now?

                        *really fukn confusing nest for new players that kills them like ant's
                        *drops for genesis rings/time cubes
                        *some gold? 20-50 or something.
                        *RDN U boxes
                        *wraths which.. are pointless to have. cuz even growth guild gives you theano set now.

                        everything is just out of date. there's no upkeep of the current nest selection at all

                        and all i seem to see is just.. lol higher hp on nest content to somehow
                        quick fix the boredom of stronger ppl.

                        this though is creating a unhealthy gap though between the gear and not so geared.

                        it's a known fact that there's people out there that just get pissed of at undergeared ppl in Granom HC bc they have the thought in their head that the nest 'should be faster than this!'

                        please. this is the issue i was talking about. it's a nest
                        it's the thing that we players are suppose to be into when playing Dragon Nest

                        but most ppl are tunneled just on dps/damage and is this nest even worth doing? etc.

                        the fact that we have to consider most of the content in this game worthless is sad af.
                        imo it shouldnt be that way at all.

                        like there's a fukn tier system with difficulties and rarity grading on equipment for a reason right????
                        this game is fukn weird in that regard bc it's fukd. its like counting from 1-10

                        every other game is like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

                        Dragon nest is like



                        how the fuk can someone grind and slowly progress in this game is the gap for a casual is that fukn big and gtfo with this p2w bullshit that these dev's keep pulling outta their asses.
                        fucking hurry the hell up and swallow some dick so they can start taking some humble cheese cake so they can start making their game advance in the other direction.

                        they are literally treating this game as a Phone app money sink game.

                        but would prefer it though if our options to maybe enjoy some different scenery existed in this brain boggling place.


                        *provide us with proper difficulty settings. how about 3-4 with proper scaling drop rewards. would also help if the loot assignment system was more clean.
                        *update nest stats and equalize them
                        *individualize drops for each nest. give us incentive to do specific ones which in turn will bring attention to learning the nest properly
                        *move away from sole DPS nests.
                        it's leave no room for casual/undergeared players to even JOIN IN. how is the game even fun and interactive if the new guys feels left out bc he isn't knocking people out in one-two punches? i hope you actually understand that gamers WANT TO PLAY THE GAME THEMSELVES naturally.
                        but grinding however? why the fuk you think bots exist??? hello?
                        just a heads up. bots cant fukn do a nest like BDN and clear so if you made the drops give 5k right? those botters would be left out to dry while the real players start grouping together to learn this GAME and look forward to playing together with others with the goal of .. oh playing well in dragon nest! wow! xD fuk me right? im stupid
                        *another thing is that some drops ain't worth shet all bc. WOW untradable. i'm talking about Felis etc.. what's the god damn point of an item being of higher grade and being more rare to find if you cant even pawn it off AND it's value to you is legit nothing. off to the extraction you GO! shoo.
                        ^ you see that last part? the 'growth guide' literally tells new players to not even waste your time on ABN and manti BUT
                        what other nest can a new player do that isnt too hard? ABN and MANTI
                        what drops do they get?
                        CAUDA FELIS COMA. why is it even called growth guide? there's NO GROWTH. its just free items to let you do dailiies like those fuckn blue armors blah blah
                        tangent again. bye

                        Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 03-25-2017, 12:21 PM.
                        Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374


                        • ILLbeURdeath
                          ILLbeURdeath commented
                          Editing a comment
                          I agree, DN is getting/has gotten rather stale. There is an utter lack of variety within the game. Half the nests are pointless, the other half you wish had better drops.

                          They(ED) may never tell us why they won't bring back 6 man nests or memorias, hell I miss good ole mezzanine runs, those had difficulty as long as you didn't bring a broken LB with ya

                        • Raijin
                          Raijin commented
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                          Like a App Game! lol they're all about milking that bish for sure.