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@Dean Please pass this on to your TEAM

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  • #31
    Up up up up up up up up up up up up


    • #32
      Bumpity bumpity bump
      To be the best takes time
      Time to be the best takes Skill.

      Main -Dark Avenger all the way since it's inception.


      • #33
        Bumb +1.........
        Discord: Raijin#2723


        • #34
          This game is the same every cap... it gets stale every cap near the part between a new cap and raid. It is nothing new.
          Dragon Nest Savior


          • #35
            Well it's come to the point where rdnl is the intermediate gear between theano and idnl loool

            thats because idn is a huge hp spongefest

            you could do bdn in 80 epics but can you do idn in 93 epics? Not really you gonna need some p2w acc or lgrades

            then again I hear ppl complain about the gear grind but rdn has a really low entry barrier and there's still ppl who make teams for rdn because they're not stacked up the wazoo or they're a group that's new to dn but not mmo raiding

            no point doing idn if you're new since granom is already intensive for avg geared parties taking 30 min or so to clear if they even clear with some dead people, and new sdn will probably be the same or longer like new ddn was, where geared ppl would finished their runs in 15 min and everyone else 30, and a lot of geared people didn't really pug or carry since it would take too long

            well the whole point of getting geared is to make nest runs shorter and to raid, otherwise having gear sucks the fun outta the game

            avergae geared people are ecstatic when hc runs take 15 minutes, they may not clear all 3 weekly hc runs and cherish these clears, while well-geared parties are used to 8 minute clears and spam every single nest until they get bored
            Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
            Who guards the guardians?


            • Xammed
              Xammed commented
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              I must say I like your wording.

              Isn't 93 cap, as in the number 93 itself, supposed to entail a smaller gap between gear? I would argue that IDN is still a "current cap" raid even though we are technically in a different cap.

              I say that because of stat differences in previous caps. For example, in 80 cap 80 epics> 60 lgrades. In 90 cap, 90 epics>= 70 lgrades. However this trend fell apart for 93 cap-- and other gear follows a similar trend. Of course, I have not compared theano and coma myself, I doubt the difference is as massive as say full moon and planet gear.

              Technically, teams of epic geared people should be able to do IDNHC-- but as you said that is not the case. RDN should not even be talked about anymore... Yet it is still a high tier for many.

            • OneMysteriousGuy
              OneMysteriousGuy commented
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              The only one capable of clearing in epic are the vets with 4/5 char selling IDN HC or prove me wrong put a group with newbies player with epic and lets see how far they go or how many month they take to clear.

            • ceruulean
              ceruulean commented
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              Newbies can't clear granom? What a surprise when I first came in 80 cap I couldn't do volcano nest worth of shet, because i was unfamiliar with the game, and I got carried hard by vets, but I did gear up and get +10 epics at least. If granom is the same level of difficulty as VN was in 80 cap I don't really mind and neither should you

              Oh if you're talking about idn8 man then yeah can't really clear in 100% epics, you're gonna need uniques and a couple lgrades peeps

              Not like rdn was much different a team of full epics have trouble clearing; it was much easier to clear with lgrade peeps in the party because they were geared but also exp

              The only rdn team I know of that had epic dpsers were in comet gear, aka the 80 fd set, and had rare fd plates

              Bdn could clear in epics but hc maybe not, idn norm also has more relaxed standards because no time limit and 3 res but hc maybe not
              Last edited by ceruulean; 03-27-2017, 10:27 AM.

          • #36
            Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post
            This game is the same every cap... it gets stale every cap near the part between a new cap and raid. It is nothing new.
            I agree. Every cap has this annoying period of time in which the geared get bored, and the casual scramble. However, would you agree that the magnitude and potency of these complaints have increased over the caps? That is what I take issue with.


            • #37
              You know what would help this game? We should have a suggestion thread where we make suggesting and players can vote for the best suggestion of the month then Dean can forward our suggestion to their team. To be honest I think the players know whats best for the game comparing to the Dev.


              • #38
                Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post
                You know what would help this game? We should have a suggestion thread where we make suggesting and players can vote for the best suggestion of the month then Dean can forward our suggestion to their team. To be honest I think the players know whats best for the game comparing to the Dev.
                You continue to sayy "players" but you are a single player who wants those nest back. There weren't difficult in the slightest. The only hard part is to get people who had brains to know how to mechanics.

                This doesn't show difficulty at all. What would help this game is if it had more diversity in terms of design and content we could get where everything isn't just DPS DPS DPS hence why people want SDN back, that raid had flair. If you want content that wouldn't get boring after doing it is to make nests more mechanic heavy and resourceful of the surroundings or have it like these;


                Both of these have unique mechanics and can introduce more variety to the gameplay. Sure these are old games but they can serve as ideas to making new content for the future.


                • #39
                  Originally posted by Dmike View Post

                  You continue to sayy "players" but you are a single player who wants those nest back. There weren't difficult in the slightest. The only hard part is to get people who had brains to know how to mechanics.

                  This doesn't show difficulty at all. What would help this game is if it had more diversity in terms of design and content we could get where everything isn't just DPS DPS DPS hence why people want SDN back, that raid had flair. If you want content that wouldn't get boring after doing it is to make nests more mechanic heavy and resourceful of the surroundings or have it like these;


                  Both of these have unique mechanics and can introduce more variety to the gameplay. Sure these are old games but they can serve as ideas to making new content for the future.
                  If you read through the post you see I'm not the only one that want it back beside most of the new player never even tried it most of the player quit at at T5 era. Most of the player on DN don't even comment on forum. It's not really the nests we want back it's the challenge and change that we looking for. The first time you clear a raid you get that feeling Yes i did it after 2 month we clear it. For most I'm sure when you clear Granom hc you get a feeling oh that's it? What I'm trying to say is we need some change to how nest should work at least let me free accomplish when I clear a nest and that I'm excited to try to clear again.

                  Beside most people already gave up trying to give ideas on fixing the game since ED only cater to the P2W players. They also need to focus on F2P and new players. Why does mentor stop at 90? the game start at 93 where the gearing nesting grinding gold start. They should end mentor ship when their pupil clear raid AKA the final destination. I suggest they should add reward for mentor when they take their pupil to clear each nest then a big reward when their pupil clear a raid.


                  • #40
                    Bump this up ~


                    • #41
                      Originally posted by Xammed View Post

                      I agree. Every cap has this annoying period of time in which the geared get bored, and the casual scramble. However, would you agree that the magnitude and potency of these complaints have increased over the caps? That is what I take issue with.
                      Some people can only tolerate so much. Most people who complain these days don't even play the game anyways.

                      All these threads are pretty pointless to be honest. You really think the developers listen to NA players when they create content?

                      Most of these GMs you complain to are just messengers and don't even have the power to make a change.
                      Dragon Nest Savior


                      • #42
                        Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post

                        If you read through the post you see I'm not the only one that want it back beside most of the new player never even tried it most of the player quit at at T5 era. Most of the player on DN don't even comment on forum. It's not really the nests we want back it's the challenge and change that we looking for. The first time you clear a raid you get that feeling Yes i did it after 2 month we clear it. For most I'm sure when you clear Granom hc you get a feeling oh that's it? What I'm trying to say is we need some change to how nest should work at least let me free accomplish when I clear a nest and that I'm excited to try to clear again.

                        Beside most people already gave up trying to give ideas on fixing the game since ED only cater to the P2W players. They also need to focus on F2P and new players. Why does mentor stop at 90? the game start at 93 where the gearing nesting grinding gold start. They should end mentor ship when their pupil clear raid AKA the final destination. I suggest they should add reward for mentor when they take their pupil to clear each nest then a big reward when their pupil clear a raid.
                        Point still stands. Your first post indicates you're somehow a voice of the community and knows what's best. Only a ever so small majority of people want those 2 nests back. Give us some actual difficult content as they were not hard when released. The only hard part was finding people who listened, that is the most difficult part in communities.


                        • #43

                          Oh well I had my turn since no reply from Dean or the GM guess no point of continuing. My purpose of this thread to get your attention Dean if your not going to reply please close it thanks.


                          • ILLbeURdeath
                            ILLbeURdeath commented
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                            Some people you just can't reach, less than a quarter of the active players even come on and comment on the forums. All of this might fall on deaf ears but if you say nothing, can't expect anything to change. Furthermore, those who say nothing it could be argued are part of the problem as well. Point is, most of us would like more challenging content to do and reintroducing 6 man nests would be a step in the right direction

                        • #44
                          Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post
                          Dean we still waiting for your respond.....
                          Dean doesn't make the decision on what will be added.

                          I can already give you his response.

                          "Great idea, I will suggest this idea to the team and see what they think "
                          Dragon Nest Savior


                          • #45
                            Originally posted by CraZyZeuS View Post

                            Dean doesn't make the decision on what will be added.

                            I can already give you his response.

                            "Great idea, I will suggest this idea to the team and see what they think "
                            I actually been waiting for that. Thanks even though your not dean =)

