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Current state of game to you! i am Curious :^)

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  • Current state of game to you! i am Curious :^)

    Help me out guys!

    i've started a poll here to find out where we stand as a community atm

    i know times have been rough, but having the road getting even more murky will just cause problems for others!

    we got to help out our fellow players rather than down play and abuse them!
    we got to understand our feelings and work around these dark times

    what i have over here is a poll looking to find out how we each feel about the game we are obsessed over which in God's eyes we are but fools however ED doesn't see us as sinners. to them we are angels made of gold.

    we need to band to together and become aware of what our true value is. to start things of why not we get to know each other better?

    let us all.. discover our true feelings

    together <3

    Dragon Nest
    Gimped Nest
    No Man's Nest
    Obama Nest
    Veterans Nest
    Enjoyment Nest
    Disappointment Nest
    Hopeful Nest
    God Bless our Nest
    God Forsaken Nest
    We Consider that Piloting Nest
    Dunzo Nest
    Casual Nest
    Investment Nest
    Failed Investment Nest
    Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374

  • #2
    Forgot to add "Scam Nest"


    • #3
      I voted Casual Nest, because most ppl are casual and even the ones who consider themselves hardcore are also casual

      still wish could have tradable ec to make the playing ground more fair so newbs don't quit when I tell them how to get more dmg and at least they have a natural hope of matching up with p2w players without having to deal with potential ec scamming and goldbuying

      also would like to tell ppl to stop complaining and start doing stuff cause idn is finally easy enough to pug 8man norms so anyone lookin to start raiding can hop in with exp people looking to clear their 2nd norm and get exp instead of staring at all the hc teams assembling and sighing

      if ur in epics and not willing to invest in rdnl better get working on those idn8man norm mechs, then subbing when you know mechs. I'll take an undergeared norm-exp person help em get their first hc clear, who's gunning for idnl and challenge, who's tasted the bitterness of defeat and countless wipes and a shattered ego from the pain of helplessness from getting carried, over a casual non-geared person who has yet to overcome beginner's raid anxiety and complains about not finding a team and sits comfy on the sidelines

      Ive had people who put in the bare minimum of gearing for idn (+6 rdnl/+12 90u), join my team, then quit when they've had their fill of norm clears because they don't want to do hc, or get insecure about their dps when the whole point of me recruiting them was so we do IDNHC and get geared LOL

      But it's not really as much a fault of the game as it is NA in general, people are self conscious and believe the world is harsh and unforgiving of mistakes and think everything's a waste of time if they don't match some entitled expectation that never existed in the first place and worry too much about themselves rather than the community because putting the community above self is equal to communism

      I do agree the current March spending event is kinda stupid since I don't really have 300 bucks to throw at this game anymore
      Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
      Who guards the guardians?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Zal919 View Post
        Forgot to add "Scam Nest"
        Hmmm tbh.

        i'm not willing to state they are scammers. i'm not sure why people aren't using this term correctly. maybe they just frustrated at the current flow of game events which only really involved cash shop content

        why does that anger/incite people? well. not everyone here played this game for the same reasons. we probably have a set of different groups of people, but we all individual here on the western side of the world (except @Bubzie bc that person is a SJW and we are not their comrade so fuk us right? :^)

        i've been seeing people slap the word 'scam' just like how the word 'racist' is often used out of content when if you god damn were taught properly in school you would know racism isn't actually just making fun of someone. that's just a stereotypical joke and with jokes. you either out of line with it or people boo you the fuk away from them.

        now this scam word. a true scam is that someone is selling some stuff to you on the street.

        " yo mah man. got dez fine goodies here. you buying? limited time offer only. not got places to be if you not interested :^) "

        -ill buy

        ^upper response is what an idiot buyer does.

        what is it you're buying?
        does it even benefit you?
        cost of time vs cost of currency/value in money?
        is there any longevity to the purchase you are making? if so, value vs market rate?

        now if anything i guess people are saying Dragon Nest is scamming you out of your money bc the returns are so low

        but you have to understand what the fuk you actually buying into here.
        DN affords almost NO flat rate's of interest back to you when it comes to talking about the cash shop.

        hmm.. what? the vip package, pro pack package and probably the Costume bundles.
        price vs value in-game. these are on the upper side.

        problem is that those are like one time purchases. whereas the more repeatable purchases are essentially 'scam' worthy for the amount of Rigged RNG this game has.

        i mean come the fuk on. we all gamers here.

        be honest. have you EVER seen such a RNG (Random Number Generated guys! even school calculators can do this!)
        as one-sided. as Dragon Nest?

        i have NOT in my life. this clearly isn't a true RNG system and it's probably from highly suspecting this without real evidence. people call this game in relation to anything cash shop related that isn't a flat rate/promised 1:1 give and take item.

        a scam.

        in truth it's a scheme. they aren't ripping you off, you're just making some risky business moves with the sparkling eyes of hope that one day you win the lotto.

        :/ i mean. some people are into that, but we the community as a whole hardly even see results even with all this information we spread... can't say much good things from little rewards.

        @ceruulean good write up.

        that's the original issue they were suppose to be fixing with their new direction with DN

        hoping that casual have a real place here. i mean. comparing it to MOBA's

        you got ranked and you got Normals right?

        but if you played those games you'll soon come to realization that the casuals play ranked too and be all casual like in your face kinda like how a asshole bigot homosexual that you'll clearly told. please stop that. i do not appreciate it but he still keeps being a prick and faggotry in your face.
        (just a extreme example.)

        can't stop the casuals unless you give them something even a dog can bite on and to better yet separate the Hardcores you prolly need to create a area where it's a place you have to earn your right to be there.

        i guess this means nests/dungeons that have lower gear requirements and others that have higher

        in reality this is already happening. some people can not do normal 93 nests and do Daidalos and red waste

        more geared can do the normals of 93.

        so on and so on into hardcore.

        that's just the natural flow is what i like to think and there's not really any improvement. that's just simply the player base we have. we aren't a god race.
        although perhaps we 'could' strive for it. comes with it's own difficulties though is what i believe. (don't quote me though. i'm no leader of people obviously KEK)

        hmm idk what else to write. tata
        all my opinions please take it with a bowl of salt.

        'Merica the server of FREEDOM

        o/ - CALLE

        Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 03-23-2017, 05:43 AM.
        Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374


        • Bubzie
          Bubzie commented
          Editing a comment
          LOL idk why you keep @ing me.