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Is this even Legal?

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  • Is this even Legal?

    Eyedentity Playing with Fire Putting in an Unedited Image from the Walking Dead. Its not their intellectual Property. Since its Unedited, they cant claim Parody, or Fair Use.......

    oh and for those who dont know, that was the opening window for yesterday.

  • #2
    spoiler alert - no one cares


    • #3
      how is this different than the Boromir meme or the Morpheus meme?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pounding

        They are playing with fire.

        If one of us decided to report this to AMC out of spite, they would be most likely fucked
        TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


        • #5
          >tfw taking a meme seriously
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          • #6
            Originally posted by buffwea View Post
            how is this different than the Boromir meme or the Morpheus meme?
            It *could* be problematic because they used the picture to promote an in-game event. You could argue that the event attracts people to play the game, which in turn can bring in more profit for ED via the game. Making profit off of someone else's colyrighted material is a lot worse than making a meme. The most a company will do in the latter case is probably send a cease-and-desist notice; in the former, you could be looking at a lawsuit. Granted, the chances of AMC finding out is small, and who would care enough to report them and risk shutting down a game that we've personally also dumped money into?


            • #7
              The legal fees just to even pursue something like this would probably prevent AMC as it stands.

              AMC is notably known for essentially milking all the cash they can while spending pennies, and just trying to follow this potential suit would cost more than anything they could gain. Enforcing this would just put a dent in their wallet. The only reason this would even begin to fall onto their plate is if it happens right outside their door and it confuses patrons of their product (IE, their show). I don't think freakin' dragon nest is exactly considered an alternative to AMC's shows. Ergo, its doubtful this impacts them in any way.

              Also the fact that not everything needs to be enforced with legal action. AMC may be scummy but they certainly aren't one I'd imagine to pull a total nintendo.

              oh and this thread totally comes off as fear mongering. If unedited use of imagery were such an inexcusable action I'm certainly aware that memeing would be at an all time low since that essentially boils down to "text here and done".

              Try not to over react, as if a bunch of people over react things would just get worse.


              • #8
                When companies are paying bloggers, tweeters instagrammars, and even popular meme-rs to just put their product out there in the public consciousness - no. This is free advertising. ED hasn't used anything more than any other meme-r would, They have not falsely advertised this as their own product. Or used content that is not freely available. And who knows, if this gets out there some marketing 'genius' will come up with a brand new idea, and we might see loading images on games that are actually advertising too. Heck, ED might even approach them to sell this space.

