Can always give us daily Dragon Eggs, make EC Items tradable, or stop making excuses? P2W P2W P2W P2WP2W P2W P2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2WP2W P2W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is all I see. What about the F2P?
Is all I see. What about the F2P?