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Cheap Event please, 400 bucks event is insane

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  • Cheap Event please, 400 bucks event is insane

    To be fair, Dragon Nest is a wonderful action game, somehow very unfriendly to newbies.
    People asking geared for PKN TKN HC right now, so basically u have to find a team willing to carry you along the ezist lvl 93 nest?
    Not mentioning GM, IDN, SDN..........

    So aside from that, if i decide to spent money on this game.
    Well, lets check up the recent event which encourages me to spend: wings decal tail for? WTF? 300 bucks? and 100 per piece?
    Unique costume? Hell 400 dollars? Per piece?

    I mean please....

    Those events are not helping and i am sure its driving people away.
    I lured 3 of my friends playing this game, after 100 bucks spent they all left......

    Other moba or action games, lol dota vindictus, there are a lot of games out there, their events are always 10- 30 bucks, just 1-2 meals cost

    the minimum amount to get in the fking event is 300 for this game?

    I can ensure you, if you make like weekly event around 30 dollars
    you wouldve earned much more than the fking 400 ones, even people spent 100 on eggs, they probably won't throw another 300 for just one piece if they are unlucky.....

    Also, from the wings decal and tail event, i only saw one in town in last few days

    do you expect one spending 400 or 100 people spending 30?

    Its all about participation, think about it

  • #2
    And a bit more, my friends were all rich dudes, they spent over 2k on dota2
    if someone got the knowledge, they all have plat rosh-baby and many other expensive stuff......

    The game bump them off before they even get interested and decide to spend more money......c


    • #3
      Originally posted by ZeroZX
      I completely agreed this is quite a bit unfair but what can we do?

      The whole cash grab thing, well there listening to CherryCredit for what fair and what isn't on money. Let's face it Sea Server have only the P2W option as far as I know.

      I wouldn't mind carrying newbie and showing them the way to this game. But here lies the problem with some of these newbie. They don't try at all. I hate just carrying them the whole nest like at least try to do something. That's why people mostly ask for geared cause at least they know they won't be useless stay dead the whole nest just for ez clear and leave. The way I see it, what a newbie gotta do to get good in this game is grind dungeon as much as possible and get at least 6+ on all gear good gem for there class and all around 1.8m+ hp. Then they can go on nest norm then when they are good to hc then try getting better gear. Buy Unique set or earn them and etc.
      Sea has both options pay to win and effort to win since everything can be trade via market. They are still hesitating to release U costume there. Those Vet in sea don't spend a single cent since everything is list on market if your referring to Pay to win nothing beats NA.

