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    Sorry for the poor drawing
    IGN FaceUrMaker
    Last edited by FaceUrMaker; 04-19-2017, 09:31 AM.

  • #2
    First stage: island

    A few mobs spawns around, clear them as faster as you can, don't get close to the hole located in the mid of the island

    After you cleared all smaller ones, a giant will spawn, simply take him down

    Then it will warning you the lands getting mad, running around and step on the small spots about to erupt purple gas to calm down the island

    *boss fight, total of 3 lizards will spawn, take down the spare 2, lizard boss will no longer be invulnerable

    careful with the front swipe, it does tons of dmg

    calm down the island exactly like before when there is a circle appear around the lizard


    • #3
      Second Stage: Lava

      A fat lava Giant spawns in the middle of the island

      similar attack mechs with the first boss in Returned Archbishop Nest

      Bar Mech: 1, 4 spots of ice will spawn randomly, simply walk inside the range and destroy the seed, you will receive a visual shield, walk into the boss lava shield to cool it down
      don't get attach with the erupted lava and 4 fire balls around the boss, it will melt your shield

      2, boss will randomly mark one of your team and start to chasing him down, mark people need to dash around the map and keep the boss away from the mid
      rest teammates destroy the fire seed asap to stop the detonation

      tip, when marked by the boss, keep dashing around, boss will still chasing you for few seconds even the seed been destroyed, the charge does 200k to me per tick, so be aware (iam using full +9theano sets)


      • #4
        THIRD Stage BULLLLLL

        Stay alert from following attacks: axe swipe: it attacks people from behind, don't get hit
        4 seeds: boss tosses 4 seeds around, who ever destroyed it will immune to the following dmg for few seconds, remember 1 for each,
        charge: leaves a fire path behind, boss will always turn around and roar, it has a insane range, you have to following the boss to the edge of the map to avoid the roar
        chessboard: avoid red squares, note the safe zone will turn red after first attack

        bar mech: 40 tentacles,
        boss will mark one people will charge with damaging people around, a huge red circle
        a crystal will spawn randomly as i pointed, destroy it will reduce its rage bar
        the person who got marked, should dash around to make the boss destroy as many tentacles as possible
        once rage bar is full, boss will stop and send few fire slashes around, it does damage while apply a burned debuff on you deal tons of damage for six ticks (around)
        the counter still goes on when boss stops and sends fire slashes, if times up or 40 tentacles are not destroyed in time, there will be a team wipe


        • #5
          Forth Stage: THE VENO

          this boss has several attacks:
          smash and jump: smash in a line then stomp forward
          Tripple stomp: lunar knight shouldn't parry the first stomp! you will get hit by following stomps for sure
          single stomp: very high damage
          poison aura, people who get hit by the poison will generate a veno aura which will damage people around in range.

          Bar mech, boss will lure everyone to the mid of the map, while create nados around,
          avoid naos, go to the 4 spots, destroy the flowers and active the switch! (remember to active switch!!!!!!) there will be one lava flower which is much harder to kill, so people who get the ez ones will need to help

          Boss will mark one people and trying to smash him after few seconds, while there will be a smaller golem chasing other one down
          trying to lure boss hit the smaller golem, if not, tons of damage will be dealt to everyone


          • #6
            BOSS fight, SEA DRAGON
            1 part, boss will be on side of the map,
            beak attack: sea dragon lunge his head forward, usually its either right or left, can be parried/ blocked/ evaded using iframe
            claw smash, a small area, does do much damage
            dragon breathe,can be avoided in the shadow area from my picture
            silent aura: run to the green circle asap, or you will be damaged/silenced, so yeah you can't dash

            2 part, boss fight,
            run to the side in the beginning, sea dragon will do a ice breathe.
            tail: wipe who ever in range, so stay away from tail
            side breathe: its hard to dodge if you are right in the middle, can't be parried or blocked, usually i wait for the side breathe before i goes in to do damage

            black hole: sea dragon turns around and create a black hole using his tail, it sucks you in and dealt a lot of damage.
            claw smash, nothing to be careful

            bar mech: the cannon
            one people will be marked, there will be a wisp with aura following him
            you can only cast spells inside the aura range, free the cannons asap before the rage fills up
            you will be wiped if you spent too much time free 1 cannon or you didn't free all in time

            ice cocoon:
            sea dragon wraps one of your teammates using ice, he will do a dragon breathe latter, save teammate asap then run beneath the sea dragon to avoid the breathe

            people usually get killed by side breathe and tail swipe, if you can survive this 2 mechs, you are good to go.
            alright GL guys, hope everyone can do it


            • #7
              I love these drawings! haha nice
              RoseGold Guild Master I Discord: AuroraRose#5909 I Ice Witch Main I ♥
              Discord: AuroraRose#5909

