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Ice Dragon straight HC run with [GM] Dentity!

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  • Ice Dragon straight HC run with [GM] Dentity!

    tbh i'm not sure where else to put this thread. i'll do it here though. eh

    yay. uploaded from twitch! so no edits etc

    long story short.
    this is a weekly run, things went sour in our previous bc of lack on team being on sync and communications issues. all of us were pretty tilted and tired bc we had to do another norm-> HC

    later on two members would leave without prior notice. just stating 'i gtg! gl hf in HC!'

    and that's that.

    so were looking for subs etc and we found 2 dps spots for Normal. plan was originally to grab 1 for normal only and our LK would come back to do HC afterwards since he didnt have normals left for us + rest of our team needed that HC pass (character alt life)

    we grabbed two.. lol LK's. fantastic server. is the only thing available just Lunar Knights in NA?

    haha. we complete Normal and since we are missing another DPS spot i offered the norm->HC to the better player/warrior.
    checks out.

    now we get back into HC. one player jumps ships.

    now we are pretty fukd.

    we require a Straight HC competent player.

    ... after a night of basically ... downs and even more downs. finding a straight HC spot is hard. especially on Friday PST.

    im like w.e. at this point. tilted af and dunzo. i make the party anme 'LF > 1 Straight HC idn 8man. etc etc

    check ppl, talk to them once they join. you know the usual

    and then

    he came.

    an Assassin in basically what is perceived to be underwear unless worn on the beach comes into the party

    " [GM] DENTITY joins the party "

    me and the guys are like... 'okay..'

    GM Dentity is ready -> already waiting in portal

    'i guess we're doing this! LOL'

    i record and here you guys go! video footage of the pug Master GM xD

    this is Sniper POV

    run ends at 29mins on youtube. unless you wanna hear me and reapers mumblings go ahead and listen to the end lol.


    thanks again [GM] DENTITY
    turned a bad experience of a night into a good one to remember ♥
    Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 05-06-2017, 11:32 PM.
    Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374

  • #2
    Yeh boi

    the GM almost didn't get highest dps'er that run too haha


    • #3
      Twas fun! You guys carried me hehehehe

