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Bring Dragon Nest back to life. EyeDentity Please Listen.

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  • Bring Dragon Nest back to life. EyeDentity Please Listen.

    Let's all accept this. Dragon Nest NA has been dying for a while now. Everyday the community gets smaller and less and less players are online.
    This saddens me because no matter how much I've tried i haven't been able to find a game that I enjoy as much as dragon nest, and I've searched for years now. Dragon Nest simply is an unique piece and it knows no rival. Specially when it comes to it's unparalleled action combat system which no other mmo even has scratched the surface of.
    Unfortunately this is an mmorpg a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Meaning, it loses it's touch if it doesn't have the whole Massive Multiplayer part... Which sadly dragon nest doesn't anymore. I've been a loyal player since the beta of dragon nest and we used to have server issues because of the sheer tremendous amount of players we had. 40 cap was the golden days of dragon nest to be honest haha. I remember me being so excited when they were releasing the tinkerer, with the never seen before alchemist class, ( when tink came out it only had engineer at first) . You better believe i got that loli to max level within the first day and won that level up event haha.
    What I'm trying to say is please eyedentiity, I'm saying this as a player who ADORES all aspects of DN both pve and pvp. PLEASE let's make an attempt to revive dragon nest and get back players, and even get new ones, I do not want to see this game go, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who shares this sentiment, I hope you take the time to read this.

  • #2
    Sure, I can agree that DN is a great game. However, there are just too many problems associated with the game for it to be revived easily. I don't play the game anymore, but I remember when I tried to re-dl the game a couple of months ago because I wanted to re-visit it, it kept giving me and my friends "patch failed." Aside from that, the economy is ruined and it's becoming more of a pay-to-win game. They don't care about the game, but only about the money. I always see new skills coming out, but rarely skills being balanced? If you've ever played/looked at League of Legends, they're constantly balancing skills every month according to info given by data and player responses. Long story short, they can keep adding content to the game, but it'll always be bad if they don't fix the other issues with the game first. You can blame the people who manage the events and the people who code blindly, adding in damage multipliers where they see fit without looking at other classes as well.


    • #3
      This saddens me because no matter how much I've tried i haven't been able to find a game that I enjoy as much as dragon nest, and I've searched for years now. Dragon Nest simply is an unique piece and it knows no rival. Specially when it comes to it's unparalleled action combat system which no other mmo even has scratched the surface of.

      I met Dragon Nest by accident when i was looking for a gameplay of one class from another mmorpg Called Iris Online...
      This day on, i got addicted to its style and amazing combat system... about 6 years playing dragon nest. but i feel sad how things r going. They'r trying their best, but i miss the party setups and team work (even if there was some discriminated classes)... I wish they could bring back this aspect of DN. Like the old caps
      DO NOT search for @dragnestbr in google!


      • #4
        I feel like management is giving them arbitrary metrics they have to hit and they just go along so they can keep their jobs.
        For example, the incredibly stupid fashion show that messed up an entire forum, which seemed to be nothing more than a scheme to increase their page view and post metrics to please some higher up.
        Also, the pay-to-win nature lately to strip mine the game for fast money now at the expense of the growth of the player base, the shoddy coding, the lack of updates, and the fact that they won't even hire someone that can speak passable English to double check their announcements makes me think they are having serious problems with their management and budget.

        It would be great if someone could communicate this to someone higher up so they could look into this.


        • #5
          indeed.... they should consider one thing. What's better? getting money slower for a longer time because it's not pay 2 win, maybe cosmetics and some convenience items like exp boost and stuff like that, OR make it pay 2 win and have the have close in 1 or 2 years and completely stop income then have to put even more income into making another game. I don't understand what developers think lol. Just look at WoW... that game has been running for over a DECADE. and it is still the most played mmo in history,


          • #6
            Honestly, Dragon Nest is so far down the hole it would be hard to bring back to life without some major/severe changes which won't happen because they aren't receiving the funding and revenue they desire. The population is continually declining and, therefore, continued P2W events happen to sustain themselves.

            I laughed when I saw the 20% attack crest. It hasn't even been released except in KDN test servers, yet they placed it in NA to get players to spend.

            Regarding all the issues you mentioned, they are all subtle hints that the company is having issues. Not to mention the developers seem to have no clue on how to balance the game or develop content.
            Dragon Nest Savior


            • #7
              This game is ending up like Red5 and Firefall.

              Just look at IMC and Tree of Savior, we all thought it was gonna die, but it actually managed to leap back up recently because of some massive overhaul and overall improvements. IMC and ToS is similar to Eyedentity and DN imo.
              ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


              • #8
                just move to dn eu


                • #9
                  The GM stop giving out free daily buffs you guys figure it out. They prob knows somethings which we don't.


                  • #10
                    The GMs gave out free daily buffs in order to better the community and in return they just got shit thrown at them. The GMs stopped giving out free daily buffs because the community was toxic to them, and they have explicitly communicated so.


                    • #11
                      That's what you think the maJority of players that i see in buff party are very thankful for the GM for buffing that small percentage you speak of isn't significant enough to make gm stop buffing. The only reason is they see no point if you look at the player base you understand unless your lieing to your self and say there no problem right now.

                      Also your forgetting these gm are also players too they prob fed up with where this game is heading like the rest of us and don't want to spend more time on this game.
                      Last edited by OneMysteriousGuy; 06-05-2017, 11:23 PM.


                      • #12
                        Come on now dar.

                        The GMs have communicated explicitly that this community's negative attitude was one of the driving factors in their decision to stop buffing. Another factor was that it took time out of their other GM duties.

                        They took it upon them selves to do the buffs out of goodwill since eyedentity didn't have a solution for the bots getting the blessed stone, and the community has ruined it. Have you seen the forums? Have you seen the birds? Have you stood next to them in saints haven and watched what people say to them? If you think this is a small percentage, you're either ignorant or delusional. I've seen you yourself birding complaining about them not buffing enough as well as many others in DNSWorld. I wouldn't really consider those instances harassment, but it certainly isn't "very thankful" nor insignificant.

                        We brought this upon ourselves.

                        P.S. Look at the latest steam stats. We're actually slightly up this month.
                        Last edited by schultzaur; 06-06-2017, 01:26 AM. Reason: typo


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by schultzaur View Post
                          Come on now dar.

                          The GMs have communicated explicitly that this community's negative attitude was one of the driving factors in their decision to stop buffing. Another factor was that it took time out of their other GM duties.

                          They took it upon them selves to do the buffs out of goodwill since eyedentity didn't have a solution for the bots getting the blessed stone, and the community has ruined it. Have you seen the forums? Have you seen the birds? Have you stood next to them in saints haven and watched what people say to them? If you think this is a small percentage, you're either ignorant or delusional. I've seen you yourself birding complaining about them not buffing enough as well as many others in DNSWorld. I wouldn't really consider those instances harassment, but it certainly isn't "very thankful" nor insignificant.

                          We brought this upon ourselves.

                          P.S. Look at the latest steam stats. We're actually slightly up this month.
                          There two side to the same coin if you actually see what people say to them when they are buffing them. Players complain about other issues unless you can screen shot also the buff was so popular I had to wait 20 minute at 1 point and I decide to gave up that's the only time I bird if you were referring to that. As for solution I have suggest it ages ago to allow NPC to provide buff for certain times during a day. There always solutions to the issues its Just the one making decision ignore these issues Hence we are standing to where we are. Lmao also please stop looking at stats from steam. Look at saint haven look at party list you know our server is dieing day by day. The top 10 guild have lost more then 50 percent of their elite players. Keep looking at those steam and tell your self the game is doing well I think your the one delusional here.

