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older player coming back with a few questions

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  • older player coming back with a few questions

    i used to play dragon nest a lot but quit a little while after desert dragon was released, then came back briefly to hit 90 cap before quitting again. now i'm planning on staying for a long period of time, but i was wondering:
    1) when i came back for 90, the general consensus from people i asked was that saints was nowhere near as useful as they used to be. does this still hold true? which classes are most sought after these days for endgame pve content?
    2) are there there any new systems that i should be aware of? most of them are probably explained fairly decently in-game but i was curious if the populace had any input
    3) any tips for a returning player coming from the time period i mentioned would be appreciated

    thanks, and see you in-game.

  • #2
    1.) Untrue, saint's are now the best healing class once again. Not only that but they can dps pretty good ish (Heard inquisitors are obsolete now)
    2.) Yes, certain classes have bubble systems or fury systems, google that or watch some videos for things of that sort.
    3.) Tips: Find a guild asap. farm, nest, get geared and enjoy. There's tons more content now and we already have events going on! <3 Welcome back.

    Inadvertently Offensive Bear..
    Some of you really piss me off!
    Scratch my back and I'll love you forever..
    I..I'm fine, baka..

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    • #3
      yo! Saint is the best Healer with Cures in 8 Man, Light Fury is the best in 4 man. Physician is the best healer with DPS. People take any of them depending on what they need.

      Bubble Systems Hero system ( Mercenary )
      Welcome Back and my tip is to join a guild and have fun xd

      My NA Join Date: 9/28/2016 F2P

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      Gladiators ( Gave away IGN Gladiator ) - Vengeance



      Current Stats~ To be updated @ Xmas


      • #4
        The true mvp ^
        DeathlyShade 95 Raven
        95 DarkAvenger
        95 Guardian
        ShadeOfAbyss 95 AbyssWalker
        ????????? 95 BleedPhantom
        Your Favorite God Of Death

