
No announcement yet. Wont even recive emails about the the transfer

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  • #16
    Bump. I've been trying to log in to same account since the server opened at 10pm pst. Not even the email fault at this point since I sent a ticket about it on the first day of server opening on my gmail account, and I still haven't been able to get a response. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    • #17
      Very nice.
      "Please note that the issue with users not receiving the confirmation/verification email has been resolved (except for AOL users, we are still working on it). We suggest that you try again to request to re-send the confirmation email."

      Literally still does not work. I'm not sure if language barrier or incompetent. But hey, I can tell they are trying! They have fixed all issues with pure imagination and dank memes. Instead of just sending me a manual email confirmation, I get to wait another week sending tickets to dur dur dur the customer support service.
      Quite lovely.
      I just hope I don't have to wait another week to access my account.
      Last edited by Genie; 10-03-2016, 09:04 AM.


      • Thugnificent
        Thugnificent commented
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        oh god i know right, i can receive emails from cherry credits so why don't they just send us the verification email?

    • #18
      Really hope this issue gets solved soon... what if it goes on for a month? or just swept under the rug?

      Good bye RDNL, light weapons, Coma U...


      • #19
        This issue happened with my friend when she used Really hoping they fix this so my friend can play again.

        If they don't fix it, they really do owe those users some sort of compensation if not an immediate fix because there was no warning telling users at server transfer to only use gmail accounts lol
        ( as far as I know those were the only ones with no errors. )

        Bumping so that they know we care about this issue.

        My Art Blog || Discord ID: Fayoka #0836 || My Guild Thread


        • #20
          2 hours till 5 days XD


          • #21
            They sent reply saying issue has been fixed I confirmed that it hasn't for a single mail user


            • #22
              Every time I say the problem isn't fixed they send the same generic, automatic response hours later saying "the issue is fixed except for aol users." Are they really doing this? Basically, if you're not gmail, hotmail, or a lucky yahoo user you're done. Can't get support because all you will get is the generic auto-response erroneously saying things are fixed.


              • Indi
                Indi commented
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                This is infuriating because they are not even reading tickets.

            • #23
              Abandoned by ED: Day 5 and counting


              • #24
                Still too early to shame this support service? Waiting waiting waiting. Today I got mail from cherry credits support asking for a rating. Seems like instead of responding they just close the ticket. So replying via email doesn't work. And ED is super silent.


                • #25
                  So looks like you and I are in the same boat... abandoned


                  • Genie
                    Genie commented
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                    Pretty much. Also yeah email response doesn't work. Even though it says "reply here" they just close the ticket. I responded many times via email. I guess after you get a response from a ticket, then you keep sending more tickets. What an absolute mess lol.

                • #26
                  Just got mine today I guess they fixed it. I got 12 dn email confirmation letters today lol. Fixed for anyone else?

