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Thank you GM/Eyedentity Staff

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  • Thank you GM/Eyedentity Staff

    Thank you GMs for all your efforts.

    You strive to keep the players happy amidst the constant complaints and abhorrent ingratitude for your efforts. I understand that implementing all these changes and such is difficult considering the time zone, language, and cultural differences amidst other things (e.g. working with bosses who might think differently, work/life balance). The fact that you all were able to answer the players' begging and spoiled attitudes is really admirable and appreciated.

    I even remember the short periods of time you were willing to play with us [raiding with players] and giving out stone buffs. Players still complained about not having the blessed buff despite the fact that at least you were offering it for free. They complained "but what about limited hours the GMs are on!" without thinking that having a player makes no difference for availability. To be honest, it's a benefit for being free and given by GMs. As for the bots getting the stone, that's another issue but whatever, stone buff isn't something that makes the game unplayable.

    Nest Eyedentity Dean Yaya@EYE

    - DrTed*
    * Not a real doctor, so please don't charge me with impersonation of a physician.

    *EDIT: I'm not sure if Eyedentity is EYE... or vice versa, so apologies if I didn't give credit where it's due

  • #2
    Don't forget [GM] LIME and [GM] DENTITY.


    • #3
      Very well written. Thank you from a lot of us who are in the game for the game...not necessarily what we get for free

      *A retired real doctor
      DoctorRogue #9233
      DaMuffins ~ Muffins ~ Unstable
      Spreading Love One PVP Day At A Time


      • #4
        I will say thanks, because the compensation for the things that went wrong this month were pretty nice! (At least to me I suppose) And they fixed the issues that were present. So im pretty thankful for that!

        I don't know anything about the blessed buff thing- however I think that sometimes things do need to be complained about or mentioned so they know something is wrong. Maybe not in an overboard manner though.
        IGN(s): Arcadia, Ray Mech (Main)
        Briala, Tempest
        Mijirn, Physician


        • Hanakarasu
          Hanakarasu commented
          Editing a comment
          I agree entirely.

      • #5
        Originally posted by Elasah View Post
        You strive to keep the players happy amidst the constant complaints and abhorrent ingratitude for your efforts.
        Most of the players complaining have valid reasons for complaining, one mans hero is another's enemy. What has made more of the players complain brings you great joy for some reason otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread and/or you're a paid ED supporter attempting to make the staff of ED look good after a horrible business plan they had during their extended holiday break in which their products became unplayable and for some reason this company doesn't believe in remote monitoring of their servers or automation.

        Should also note, only the children and those who like getting free things are happy with what happened, most of the other players still have salt in their mouths and simply put you cannot or will not understand why...

        Originally posted by Elasah View Post
        I understand that implementing all these changes and such is difficult considering the time zone, language, and cultural differences amidst other things (e.g. working with bosses who might think differently, work/life balance). The fact that you all were able to answer the players' begging and spoiled attitudes is really admirable and appreciated.
        If you think this statement is acceptable for how businesses should run themselves, you obviously don't know what you're missing when you have a PROFESSIONAL company operating a fun game to play, it seems you've gotten used to mediocrity... You should really do more research on games and don't just look at Asian games look at games worldwide, the highly successful games have GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE along with a more professional staff to handle problems and the community. Blizzard for example would never have conducted themselves in the same manner as Shanda/ED has, that's just one company and there are many more which have and still retain their much higher standards for how they conduct themselves and their business.

        You really don't understand anything or you're lying. If the ED staff were comprised of competent people, most of the games problems wouldn't exist.

        Lets just make public everything this game doesn't have which is should if it was ran by a professional company and we'll use Blizzard for this example:

        *There's no moderation whatsoever in game and in the forums - every online game I've played (I haven't played them all) has had active moderation, this community sucks, all one has to do is read the world chat any day of the week. It's been this way since ED took over...

        *We have no actual GM's, only pretend/volunteer GM's who can't actually do what GM's are supposed to do due to ED only hiring one GM which is Dean who doesn't log on anymore and hardly ever does his job, I could go on and on about the mishandling of the server since transfer but that would double/triple the length of my post and if you are not lazy you can simply read through my message history and read those threads. A lot of people have mentioned problems with the game, problems that wouldn't exist if we had actual GM's to do their jobs instead of company spokespeople who are only here for damage control and to tell you they're working on it...

        *It's very apparent we don't have the staff needed to run the game professionally and people think it's because the game isn't making enough money, if that were indeed the case the game wouldn't even be running currently and they would have shut down the game a long time ago. What's really happening is, a pre-planned, agenda to support higher profit margins by having the absolute MINIMUM staff running the game... I don't know why it was ignored in my last post about this but you guys might want to look into DN2 again. They're (Shanda/ED) trying to get into the mobile gaming market AGAIN, it won't work and it will fail. That's where the profits are going into, they did this is in early 90 cap too.

        Don't you guys ever think each caps content since Shanda bought out ED in late 80 cap have been lackluster? There's hardly any new content for a new cap, most of the content is rehashed content that they didn't have to spend a dime on...

        Think about what and how this company handles itself and it's customers, now compare them to OTHER PROFESSIONAL companies and you can see the difference. Then maybe just maybe you can start to ask the questions that matter, the questions that need to be answered so customers know where they stand in the eyes of Shanda/ED.

        This game is a former shell of itself, you guys disregard what the vets say cuz perhaps maybe the changes helped you instead of hurting your gaming experience. Maybe just maybe you're one of those p2w'ers, if you are then yeah of course you're going to back up everything the company has done. A once great game that required skill to to conquer now just needs a wallet thrown at it, there's no more glory to work towards anymore, p2w gears have killed the game from a skill aspect. Now peeps just nuke everything and if you can't nuke then you're bad now, gotta get a job at McDonald's or wherever cuz I guess it's the "cool" thing to spend your paychecks on a virtual game in which you'll never own, that's right you DON'T OWN your account :P and now with no more publisher, ED can close this server at any time and it will be legal .

        Have fun o/

        Originally posted by Elasah View Post
        I even remember the short periods of time you were willing to play with us [raiding with players] and giving out stone buffs. Players still complained about not having the blessed buff despite the fact that at least you were offering it for free. They complained "but what about limited hours the GMs are on!" without thinking that having a player makes no difference for availability. To be honest, it's a benefit for being free and given by GMs. As for the bots getting the stone, that's another issue but whatever, stone buff isn't something that makes the game unplayable
        Staff of a video game are encouraged to play with their customers, it helps to build trust and continuity between the staff and the community, didn't you learn this in school???

        They gave out stone buffs to help calm an enraged community that has seen BOTS take over our server after Shand/ED got rid of Nexon, Nexon did ban bots and they handled our server much better (can only say this in hindsight as I think Nexon could do a lot better, they're not Blizzard but I will and can say this, ED's handling of anything SUCKS - the current history of ED's handling of servers makes Nexon look that much better). Since February, BOTS have had 99% of the Blessed Stones. Maybe once a month a human gets the stone, I guess you forgot that BOTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYING, BOTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BANNED ON SIGHT. Hell, there are more bots than human players...

        I swear most of ya'll have gotten so used to mediocrity that your standards for products/games/services is at an all time LOW, the smartest thing to do is to just ignore the idiots who spread insanity and instead hold the mediocre accountable to their low standards. To remind others that it shouldn't be this way, that it can and used to be much better. That indeed the higher standards of the majority of people still exist, you just have to go look for them.

        To be honest OP, you really don't know what you're talking about. ED has a long history of sucking and you're here trying to repair their tarnished reputation because they gave you free things. What you mean to tell us other forum readers is that you've sold out for mediocre freebies for a lower standard of operating a business. That's fine but when you make a thread like this and call out others, we're going to enlighten others to the rest of the bullshit that is contained therein.

        Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 10-17-2017, 11:03 AM.


        • Elasah
          Elasah commented
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          Thanks for your input. I haven't played as many games or this game as long as you have so I do have a limited perspective, just don't really have the time and have more important things to do.

          Although the game does have some issues, e.g. horrible RNG, it's still a work in progress. Sure, I do wish some issues were corrected sooner or fixed (RNG for example, the stone buff, wish they didn't take away apple farming since muffins are harder to make now). Maybe they can't fix the game or provide as great a quality of care because of resources (money/employees) who knows? I just think it's stupid to just resort to "they bone us like Comcast/Time Warner" reasoning. The complaints seem excessive. Not even one thank you or show of gratitude; at most the "gratitude" is sarcastic.

          Although I'm not sure if I can empathize or understand the salt in the mouth part... do people really invest that much into this game that it elicits such a emotional response or something? Why such a strong attachment to a game? There's so much more to life but to be mad over a game? I mean, if they pulled a move like SEA/EU did with the server wipe w/o compensation or server backup, yeah I'd be a bit irritated because of my progress loss but it's not like I lost my house IRL. I just play casually/semi hardcore at best and just have fun.

        • ILLbeURdeath
          ILLbeURdeath commented
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          That's because you have low standards, you're easy to please so you think others are overreacting when they voice their complaints.

          ED will receive praise when they've done something praise worthy, not before.

          The small population should be enough to show the gross mishandling of our server, this server used to be much better.

          I'm not going to go over individually what ED does wrong/has done wrong/fails to do/what it used to do/what Nexon did for the majority of players/etc - all one has to do is read the forum's, spend time gathering information for there is a lot contained herein.

          My point is simple, Shanda has turned this game into a p2w recycled nest fest game. The f2p playerbase is dangerously low, the vets are becoming extinct. This game has lost so much of its luster, games that are awesome are hard to find. Shanda has done a 180 with our server and every business decision they seem to make seems they're just milking the remaining whales. They also can't run a game properly, most companies do NOT operate their products like Shanda does/has... Out of all of my life's experiences, Shanda is the 2nd worst company to run a game I enjoyed playing. That's really bad man and I'll end this here o/

      • #6
        You don't have to kiss arse too get EDs attention. I don't know why mmo players are the first ones to bend over for corporate (actually,I do know why but I digress...)

        You want to show this company your gratitude for whatever reason? Then spend money on the game. That's all you need to do and that's all they want and need after all, your money. Even though in my opinion they have done nothing to provide an outstanding or exceptionally better game service in any capacity compared to the competition in the western market. Their handling of this game has been unsatisfactory at best. Despite them knowing this, they would rather waste time making a freaking mobile version of dragon nest, instead of using those resources to drastically improve the current game experience by adding new towns/zones, updating the graphics engine, optimizing the game, fixing the ludicrous amounts of broken English text and bad PC voice acting, etc.

        This game still holds an ungodly amount of potential, but until the day they put in the effort to make DN shine like it deserves, This game will never be in the mmo community's mainstream light again. No, they deserve no extra praise in my opinion.


        • #7
          On behalf of GMs, I do really appreciate any kinds of comments or opinion on our game or any activities! We will try to figure out much more exciting in game events or any other kinds of compensation that could satisfy our heroes! =) Thanks again!


          • #8
            @[GM]Nest [GM] LIME Can you give us a hint as to what the Halloween event will be like? Waiting on pins and needles Halloween is all the muffins favorite holiday <3
            DoctorRogue #9233
            DaMuffins ~ Muffins ~ Unstable
            Spreading Love One PVP Day At A Time


            • #9
              Originally posted by ILLbeURdeath View Post

              Most of the players complaining have valid reasons for complaining, one mans hero is another's enemy. What has made more of the players complain brings you great joy for some reason otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread and/or you're a paid ED supporter attempting to make the staff of ED look good after a horrible business plan they had during their extended holiday break in which their products became unplayable and for some reason this company doesn't believe in remote monitoring of their servers or automation.

              Should also note, only the children and those who like getting free things are happy with what happened, most of the other players still have salt in their mouths and simply put you cannot or will not understand why...

              If you think this statement is acceptable for how businesses should run themselves, you obviously don't know what you're missing when you have a PROFESSIONAL company operating a fun game to play, it seems you've gotten used to mediocrity... You should really do more research on games and don't just look at Asian games look at games worldwide, the highly successful games have GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE along with a more professional staff to handle problems and the community. Blizzard for example would never have conducted themselves in the same manner as Shanda/ED has, that's just one company and there are many more which have and still retain their much higher standards for how they conduct themselves and their business.

              You really don't understand anything or you're lying. If the ED staff were comprised of competent people, most of the games problems wouldn't exist.

              Lets just make public everything this game doesn't have which is should if it was ran by a professional company and we'll use Blizzard for this example:

              *There's no moderation whatsoever in game and in the forums - every online game I've played (I haven't played them all) has had active moderation, this community sucks, all one has to do is read the world chat any day of the week. It's been this way since ED took over...

              *We have no actual GM's, only pretend/volunteer GM's who can't actually do what GM's are supposed to do due to ED only hiring one GM which is Dean who doesn't log on anymore and hardly ever does his job, I could go on and on about the mishandling of the server since transfer but that would double/triple the length of my post and if you are not lazy you can simply read through my message history and read those threads. A lot of people have mentioned problems with the game, problems that wouldn't exist if we had actual GM's to do their jobs instead of company spokespeople who are only here for damage control and to tell you they're working on it...

              *It's very apparent we don't have the staff needed to run the game professionally and people think it's because the game isn't making enough money, if that were indeed the case the game wouldn't even be running currently and they would have shut down the game a long time ago. What's really happening is, a pre-planned, agenda to support higher profit margins by having the absolute MINIMUM staff running the game... I don't know why it was ignored in my last post about this but you guys might want to look into DN2 again. They're (Shanda/ED) trying to get into the mobile gaming market AGAIN, it won't work and it will fail. That's where the profits are going into, they did this is in early 90 cap too.

              Don't you guys ever think each caps content since Shanda bought out ED in late 80 cap have been lackluster? There's hardly any new content for a new cap, most of the content is rehashed content that they didn't have to spend a dime on...

              Think about what and how this company handles itself and it's customers, now compare them to OTHER PROFESSIONAL companies and you can see the difference. Then maybe just maybe you can start to ask the questions that matter, the questions that need to be answered so customers know where they stand in the eyes of Shanda/ED.

              This game is a former shell of itself, you guys disregard what the vets say cuz perhaps maybe the changes helped you instead of hurting your gaming experience. Maybe just maybe you're one of those p2w'ers, if you are then yeah of course you're going to back up everything the company has done. A once great game that required skill to to conquer now just needs a wallet thrown at it, there's no more glory to work towards anymore, p2w gears have killed the game from a skill aspect. Now peeps just nuke everything and if you can't nuke then you're bad now, gotta get a job at McDonald's or wherever cuz I guess it's the "cool" thing to spend your paychecks on a virtual game in which you'll never own, that's right you DON'T OWN your account :P and now with no more publisher, ED can close this server at any time and it will be legal .

              Have fun o/

              Staff of a video game are encouraged to play with their customers, it helps to build trust and continuity between the staff and the community, didn't you learn this in school???

              They gave out stone buffs to help calm an enraged community that has seen BOTS take over our server after Shand/ED got rid of Nexon, Nexon did ban bots and they handled our server much better (can only say this in hindsight as I think Nexon could do a lot better, they're not Blizzard but I will and can say this, ED's handling of anything SUCKS - the current history of ED's handling of servers makes Nexon look that much better). Since February, BOTS have had 99% of the Blessed Stones. Maybe once a month a human gets the stone, I guess you forgot that BOTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYING, BOTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BANNED ON SIGHT. Hell, there are more bots than human players...

              I swear most of ya'll have gotten so used to mediocrity that your standards for products/games/services is at an all time LOW, the smartest thing to do is to just ignore the idiots who spread insanity and instead hold the mediocre accountable to their low standards. To remind others that it shouldn't be this way, that it can and used to be much better. That indeed the higher standards of the majority of people still exist, you just have to go look for them.

              To be honest OP, you really don't know what you're talking about. ED has a long history of sucking and you're here trying to repair their tarnished reputation because they gave you free things. What you mean to tell us other forum readers is that you've sold out for mediocre freebies for a lower standard of operating a business. That's fine but when you make a thread like this and call out others, we're going to enlighten others to the rest of the bullshit that is contained therein.


              Absolutely powerful and kino post in every way. Sums up exactly how I feel as a 2011 veteran.


              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
                Editing a comment
                Thanks man o/

            • #10
              Originally posted by ILLbeURdeath View Post
              I hope you never quit or stop posting lmao(which you probably will sooner or later with how shit ED is). This guy speaks the truth. For any new players reading this thread: disregard the OP. Like Reaper said, this thread most likely wouldn't exist had people not complained. Why would you give thanks to a company who is only giving you what was promised? Especially after making one fuck up after the other? ED is always delivering the goods and services from events way behind schedule.

              How is the entire staff going to go on vacation for a week without some sort of maintenance which rendered the game unplayable? They act like they're busting their ass and working nonstop around the clock 24/7, when really nobody at ED does hardly a damn thing. I still can't get over how okay people are with that previous event of spending 400$ on eggs for 1 conversion thread; even after the fact that they made a separate type of eggs containing the conversion thread different from the normal eggs just for our region.

              World of Dragon Nest is just as big a joke as this company, if not more. Why is everybody so excited to go backwards in every aspect of the game's combat that we all can't seem to replace? Because it doesn't have the graphics of an N64 title and it's open world? It's less engaging than 24 cap ffs and you only have 5 skills? So much fun.

              Yeah ED, you can barely develop and publish one game(poorly), so it only makes complete logical sense that you would go and take recycling the content one step further and try to make a prettier looking knock off, instead of actually trying to improve the game you already have by doing the following: fixing the what seems to be endless bugs and glitches, developing new content, actually paying your GMs, or maybe hiring more staff. But no, that would just be ridiculous.

              ED is a shit show of a company OP, and we should start giving them praise when they actually start giving us quality service, not when they're barely getting by with the skin on their teeth.


              • Zengeroff
                Zengeroff commented
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                BSODs during gaming sounds like a failing GPU.

                I'd be running Furmark on that damn thing to test it. That's not good.

              • Zengeroff
                Zengeroff commented
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                Or a corrupted graphics driver.

                Maybe even failing RAM.

              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
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                It was server lag, during their"holiday". Read my prior posts please, I have a new gaming PC and fiber optic internet...

            • #11
              Originally posted by Haunter View Post
              I still can't get over how okay people are with that previous event of spending 400$ on eggs for 1 conversion thread; even after the fact that they made a separate type of eggs containing the conversion thread different from the normal eggs just for our region.
              why you crying tho? not okay with the event = don't spend money or gold on it. who would've known the solution was so simple?

