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How do you guys set up your skills on your hotkey bar?

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  • How do you guys set up your skills on your hotkey bar?

    i feel so weird having to press the ~ key to switch bars
    I feel so much better just using one set of them
    do many of you guys use both?

  • #2
    it depends on class for me; on my tempest I really only use one main skill bar because some skills can be triggered without hotkeys, but on my guard I had (prior to recent updates) a defensive skill bar and an offensive skill bar

    if it's the specific key for changing bar that's getting in your way, you can always change keybinds under your settings
    if it's managing skills on your hotbar, i generally put buffs on 7-0, and use the first skill bar for low cd skills and the second bar for longer CDs; alternatively on some classes I also have certain combo setups on the two skill bars

    ((hope my rambling helps;; ))
    Twitter || Pixiv || I'm yunniversal everywhere ☆ || ninth_loop


    • #3
      I personally like the ~ for bar switch..

      But I will state my key setup anyways. Respective to default:


      Mine is

      with f being loot, and = being revive


      • #4
        Some people use 1 skillbar with all their relevant skills, and the other contains filler; this is generally what I do

        i put 1st+2nd job skills on one bar and generally 3rd job/awak on the next bar

        some classes have less filler than others
        Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
        Who guards the guardians?


        • #5
          My hotkeys are:

          1 2 3 4 5 6 C E R V - Z

          According to the class, i set up the skills following the "rule":

          » Main usage skills and toggle buffs are on skill bar 1
          » Buffs, Situational skills, Ultimate and some less important/utility skills are set on skill bar 2.
          » toggle buffs are aways on slot Z(1), because yes :v also, ulti in Z(2)
          » Depending on class, slots E, R and V are for mobility or survivability skills in both bars, if they are main evasive skills, to save my ass in case of a surprise atk while im in one of bars doing any stuff (Blitz claw V, Teleport E, Squall Flaker R, i.e), because they r near to Movement keys WASD, so, i have a fast reaction.
          » Slot C is for skills which i need do a fast conection between combos.

          doing like that i automatized my fingers to the point i dont even think where skills are. slot - is just a special skill/ important skill which i cant misclick in any case cuz they cant be wasted, ever! like Beyond Time, Phanton's Avenger, ecstactic dance... i think everyone got what i mean.

          the skills sequence in your skill barr are "irrelevant"... i mean, u can put according your preference. I think the most important are the hotkeys u'll set, because it will define how fast/relaxed/enjoyed you feel while playing.

          in any case, sorry bout my trash english skill xD


          • #6
            I use 123456QERTFV
            with G as the bar switch, X as turn around, Z as auto run, C for loot, 8 for revive, and ~ for PvP info.


            Siorys | Evening | Jubilate


            • #7
              I have everything default with specific placement for things

              I do the same for all classes but I main Cleric so
              for example I'll use my Saint's bar

              123 - My relics/offensive buffs/some utilities (1 Thunder relic, 2 Healing relic, 3 Bind relic)
              456 - My main big damage skills (4 Holy Burst, 5 Lightning bolt, 6 Chain Lightning)
              789 - Additional damage (7 Grand Cross, 8 Detonate, 9 Relic Reaction)
              0_= - Defensive buffs and Ultimate (0 Relic Ultimate, _ Block, = Stun)

              With my Second bar reserved for main buffs for easy access amd throw away skills that are ultimately useless for me (Pretty much all the base Cleric skills, all my damage comes from Priest and Saint tree)

              Setting these designated zones helps me keep up with muscle memory, everything comes relaxed and easy to track


              • #8
                Hello everyone, i'm sorry that im bringing back this topic, but actually i've tried to rebind the hotbar switch, but it doesn't let me rebind is as it is not even anywhere on the keybinding settings. Basically i do not have an option to change it. does anyone know if it isn't possible anymore as even my [~] doesn't work.

                thanks in advance!

