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Colored Drinking Fountain

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  • Colored Drinking Fountain

    So where the fuck does the PvP scene even stand in terms of 50s, EXis, Awakening skills, and BL-worthy skills.

    It's hard to even keep track of anymore since there are so many added pounds of bullshit ever since EXis, but does everyone just say fuck it or what. I mean I mostly see all Snipers anymore and they use everything so I guess go balls out on them but what about respectable players.

  • #2
    When I spectate 1 v 1 rooms most of them will BL and will not use 50s, they do use awakenings and EXis .


    • #3
      Use whatever you want. People who use "Blacklist" and that bs as an excuse to limit other players are shit pvpers. If you want to selfban then go ahead, just don't always expect the same kindness, and don't get pissy if they choose to go all out.


      • Ares
        Ares commented
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        And I mean use blacklist to limit people in this cap.

    • #4
      "People who use 'Blacklist' and that bs as an excuse to limit other players are shit pvpers."

      Well first off no, second off I'm mostly asking to consider what people find about /my/ class to be nonsense to see if I agree because I don't know what kind of brain tumor you have, but there is nothing skillful about my summoning a Force Mirror and playing ring-around-the-rosey while poking at them with the debuff on as opposed to going in and countering them and burning evades to get them in a combo.

      People get over-FAPy about the Blacklist but you're just as bad for thinking it wasn't made for a reason.


      • #5
        "people who use bl and that bs as an excuse to limit other players are shit pvpers" how to spot a chill roomer, endlesser. Lmfao

        Ot : i think its pretty much the same, no awking is banned. I personally havent seen anyone use exi, so it may be bld? Not 100%


        • Ares
          Ares commented
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          That feeling when you're so completely fucking wrong, how does it feel?

          And yes, if you kick up a shit storm at someone using bl now, learn your class and learn how to beat them, don't just use some bs excuse for a loss.

      • #6
        Honestly just set title of room accordingly.


        • #7
          its just because most of the veterans that liked the bl dont want to go through the trouble and controversy of making an "official" list in this forum and honestly im glad because those discussions always gave me cancer. at some point i guess someone will and then we will discuss or be too tired to and just end up with a shitty one.
          OG Salad and full time memer.


          • #8
            Oh are we not suppose to be using EXis? Because some classes have some that can't help but be used I thought. So I said fuck it and just stopped restricting it.


            • #9
              Sorry but it's at the point where if you enter a room and expect everyone to follow the same rules that you do and get pissy when they don't then you're shit... Learn how to deal with people who play with and without bl, learn how to fight against people with and without lag, learn how to fight people who run/kite and against those who don't. Adapt, don't bitch.

              And yes, if you're imposing the blacklist onto other people in 93 cap then you need to learn your class better. The blacklist was a good idea up until maybe 80 cap, after that it just went down the shitter. (We shouldn't have to balance the game for the devs)


              • #10
                It's 93 cap
                what's the point of bl anyway
                go play on a private server if you want no EXi/AWK/jank

                A tale of autism and Incompetence


                • #11
                  Originally posted by Ares View Post
                  Sorry but it's at the point where if you enter a room and expect everyone to follow the same rules that you do and get pissy when they don't then you're shit... Learn how to deal with people who play with and without bl, learn how to fight against people with and without lag, learn how to fight people who run/kite and against those who don't. Adapt, don't bitch.

                  And yes, if you're imposing the blacklist onto other people in 93 cap then you need to learn your class better. The blacklist was a good idea up until maybe 80 cap, after that it just went down the shitter. (We shouldn't have to balance the game for the devs)
                  Alrighty, time to crack you right open.

                  This isn't a matter of adjusting to anything. I have no problem going against BL skills, 50s, EXis, Awakenings, I don't really give a fuck. But there tends to be a consensus on what people typically use so you know before the start of the match, that way you don't miss out on using your 50 because you believe it's suppose to be a 50-less match, only to have your opponent whip it out out of nowhere, possibly winning them the round when you may have been able to do the same had you used yours.

                  It's a matter of fair, competitive spirit. Just an understanding of what the combatants want and don't want. Sorta like how I don't want you in my thread when you're going to assume your own conclusions.


                  • #12
                    Originally posted by Seraphantom View Post

                    Alrighty, time to crack you right open.

                    This isn't a matter of adjusting to anything. I have no problem going against BL skills, 50s, EXis, Awakenings, I don't really give a fuck. But there tends to be a consensus on what people typically use so you know before the start of the match, that way you don't miss out on using your 50 because you believe it's suppose to be a 50-less match, only to have your opponent whip it out out of nowhere, possibly winning them the round when you may have been able to do the same had you used yours.

                    It's a matter of fair, competitive spirit. Just an understanding of what the combatants want and don't want. Sorta like how I don't want you in my thread when you're going to assume your own conclusions.
                    The "cracking open" was weak at best, sorry.

                    Title your rooms accordingly and fight how you want to fight, over half the community won't know what selfbanning is and probably won't know what the blacklist is anyway. But if I had to give an opinion without being an asshole, skills that just stop the fight or throw the fight so far into someone's favour will be considered "blacklisted" still, use the better of your judgement to decide what those skills are (Generally things like Iron skin, Block, Iron will etc etc) and play to keep the fight fair, just remember to title rooms as they're played.

                    Oh and yea, you might not like my opinion of the current state of bl, but as I'm part of the community I don't see why it's less valid than yours but cheerio then.


                    • #13
                      wut da fawk is bl


                      • #14
                        Originally posted by Ares View Post

                        The "cracking open" was weak at best, sorry.

                        Title your rooms accordingly and fight how you want to fight, over half the community won't know what selfbanning is and probably won't know what the blacklist is anyway. But if I had to give an opinion without being an asshole, skills that just stop the fight or throw the fight so far into someone's favour will be considered "blacklisted" still, use the better of your judgement to decide what those skills are (Generally things like Iron skin, Block, Iron will etc etc) and play to keep the fight fair, just remember to title rooms as they're played.

                        Oh and yea, you might not like my opinion of the current state of bl, but as I'm part of the community I don't see why it's less valid than yours but cheerio then.
                        I gave you a break since it seemed like you didn't mean to intentionally come across as a dipshit but I'm starting to realize those that are naturally gifted at it, such as yourself, are even worse off.

                        I never said your opinion was less valid than mine. I just said that you were being an ass-hat, and you were. You assumed and were wrong. But I guess being wrong is a hobby of yours.

                        Oh, also, although I didn't say it before, I'll say it now: Your opinion is less valid than mine.


                        • #15
                          All of the 1v1's I've participated in so far are non blacklisted. I don't think it matter anymore really, if you insist on having a blacklisted 1v1 then just state it. With awakenings and reworks I think the game is pushing us out of the blacklist state, and it's just too hard to keep on top of at this point.

                          Fashion Nest Ambassador
                          PvE Failure || TheCatsEye

