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High End PC but low FPS?

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  • High End PC but low FPS?

    This is my spec but i am having Low FPS especially on captain

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PC Spec.PNG
Views:	855
Size:	29.1 KB
ID:	105023

    People in captain have called me RUNNER , since i cant use my brain to focus with the lag. My average FPS on captain is 30-50fps
    If i got gangbang with all players especially when I become captain, I will die easily due to lag .

    Here i provided example video of Captain Mode with FPS counter on Top Left

    If someone have experienced this before and managed to find the solution and tweak please share here, so that everyone can improve their FPS too

    Thank you guys

  • #2
    Your FPS is actually above average. I've been playing cap mode with lower FPS than yours (20-30fps). My GPU is NVIDIA GT 730 only.
    In the vid, your running is kinda very slow, what level is your DASH skill? And you died because you entered their base without any aoe skill ready and the elestra froze you with all her defense fully set up. Even with 100fps, you can't escape that. You basically shouldn't have run into it xD


    • daitran2093
      daitran2093 commented
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      Chocorroles Sorry I forgot to mention, that's FPS in 5v5 cap mode. It would drop much more in 8v8 (mission rooms).
      How is your fps in 8v8 rooms?
      May I know your PC spec? Cuz I want to upgrade my PC but not sure if just GPU upgrade is enough...

    • Chocorroles
      Chocorroles commented
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      daitran2093 lol people have been telling me since beta that my FPS is impossible with my rig. I had a decade old laptop and nowadays I use a windows 10 pro PC I built years ago that has only 8 GB ram and the GTX 650 Ti, core i5 3.40GHz. My FPS is lower in town (around GTS and TH, it may go as low as 20 it's horrible) and in group PvP (somewhere around 40 depending how wild things get).

      Trust me, proper maintenance can do a lot for your video game and overall PC performance. I don't use anti-virus or firewall because these always have trouble with video games and open software (I use a lot of free open source stuff so). When I notice my programs start to go slower I download AdwCleaner, CCleaner, etc. to check for spyware, adware, and any other malware that could have entered someway because these eat performance a lot. Kill leftover data and defrag my PC, open my CPU to clean all dust and garbage that gets in the way of fans. Done, PC works as if it was new again.

      A lot of people around here just build their PC and install some anti-virus and basically go autopilot and expect it to work well.

      People have told me in the past that their DN performance improved a lot when they copied my Nvidia settings so feel free to try (my game is in max settings with vsync off btw):
      Last edited by Chocorroles; 11-06-2017, 01:18 AM.

    • daitran2093
      daitran2093 commented
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      Chocorroles Oh! Thanks a lot, I'm looking for something like this.
      Can you share a video recording pvp match in mission room 8v8? Just spectate is fine, I want to see the actual performance. Thank you in advance!

  • #3
    actually, that FPS is acceptable.. but considering PVP.. I suggest lowering your Graphics to MID or LOW for a higher FPS...


    • #4
      i wouldn't recommend using words like "Gangbang" because it only happens on p 0rn, you mean "Ganked" or Ambushed.

      Obviously if your graphics settings is on high, you would get a drop on your FPS, 30~50 FPS is usually at its best with all those characters casting their skills, maybe you shouldn't even complain about it


      • #5
        I would set the effects to partially visible, for starters. That's a mess there.


        • #6
          This is what I'm talking about, despite your pc is high-end you still playing low fps. DN is 7 or 8yr old game, it's even listed that the only recommended pc requirements. Pentium 4 or Dual Core 1 Ghz CPU and Nvidia 8000 series (8600) or AMD equivalent. We are year 2017 and most of us have mid/high-end pc but still dn graphical lag is fcking our pc.
          Last edited by imlouminare; 11-05-2017, 09:14 PM.


          • #7
            Set your invisible effect to invisible in system settings it helps a lot in respawn pvp.


            • #8
              use low settings use high settings only in pve


              • Vhanzy
                Vhanzy commented
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                this ain't true for me my fps improved when I set everything high then set skill effects to partially visible just to see enough incoming projectiles.

            • #9
              play with the settings see what works for you TS not just in DN but in your rig too.

              Tales of Zestiria Combo Playlist:


              • #10
                I don't think you get what TS saying guys. I think he is saying: Why the heck am I still having below 30 fps with these modern hardware I have? In this rig I can play modern games like PUBG, Witcher, etc with like 100+ fps already.


                • imlouminare
                  imlouminare commented
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                  ofc, because they have better optimization, even if there's a lot of particles on the screen at the same time. Unlike DN it's disgusting to play 20 to 30 fps but still ppl saying it's acceptable. lmao

                • jasonch
                  jasonch commented
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                  Exactly my point(or even TS'). At what point would technology be enough to play this game at 60+ fps? When Geforce GTX 3060 Ti arrives? For how many years more? 10 years? The 7 years of the game existed still not enough?

                • jasonch
                  jasonch commented
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                  Just saying that the answers people here are giving are not quite he is looking for. Maybe it is the Game Engine itself not being able to render those many particles at the same time not our PC hardware. That even how ultimately rigged our PCs, it would turn out the same as TS' fps outcome.