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Heeeelp talisman!

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  • Heeeelp talisman!

    Is there any other way to get this "Talisman Slot Expansion" other than buying it thru cash shop or obtaining it thru achievement box. Im really annoyed about my talisman that got stuck in the extra slots because the Talisman Slot Expansion Coupon Im using got expired and I wasnt able to remove it on time, I didnt knew that youre not allowed to remove it once its expired, maybe try to put some warning to those who doesnt know about the rules of it, same goes to the "Heraldry Slot Expansion" thingy, anyway im just sharing my tots about what DN shouldve done hehehehe.

  • #2
    Uh no other way for now except cash shop + the one in lvl up boxes i guess


    • jkidd000
      jkidd000 commented
      Editing a comment
      Ohhh thats sad, I was planning to buy it thru TH

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      if DNP returns to what it was before, it can be.. but ED has yet to make such a move..

    • jkidd000
      jkidd000 commented
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      ^I guess it'll have to wait for now