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Notice re: DNP in TH

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  • Notice re: DNP in TH

    Seems like it wasn't intended after all. They're going to disable it asap.

    Ongoing urgent maintenance today until 5:50 PM to fix this bug.
    Last edited by Arkhaez; 11-17-2017, 01:06 AM.

  • #2
    ok when's the maintenance?


    • Reyisaki
      Reyisaki commented
      Editing a comment
      Maintenance is Nov. 17 , so tomorrow .

    • Arkhaez
      Arkhaez commented
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      9:30 AM tomorrow according to their recent post.

    • Reyisaki
      Reyisaki commented
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      They won't be doing any maintenance tomorrow , That "URGENT" maintenance is postponed till next week .

      Ohhh, the irony.

  • #3
    Question is, can they actually revert the DNP back to the old owners including the items purchased using DNP, etc. Or is it actually too late and the damage has been done? DNP used and abused.
    Last edited by theredgumball; 11-16-2017, 02:15 AM.
    I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

    I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
    I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


    • NestyMcNestface
      NestyMcNestface commented
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      Doubt it. It's too late.

    • Khlight
      Khlight commented
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      It was never stated that they will revert back the DNP. They will only revert it back to the way it was before after the transfer.

    • MARtsuki
      MARtsuki commented
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      is it possible to revert back DNP only, worse come to worst they might reset all the DNP out as how DNna after monthly patch. or they retrieve backup game data before patch.
      is MT done today?, havent online yet..

  • #4
    So did dnp gonna revert back ? What happened to the sold item in dnp


    • #5
      I don't think they would touch anything aside from disabling DNP in TH and also the items being sold at TH during maintenance.

      Anyway, they have scheduled the emergency maintenance tomorrow 9:30 AM.


      • #6
        Items that can be bought with DNP in the Trading House will be retrieved back to the seller during the maintenance since it is a bug

        From my understanding, this statement means that those items that are currently listed in the trading house will be returned to the seller if IT IS NOT SOLD before the maintenance.

        ISeriouslyHope listed 1 garnet for 50k DNP
        The garnet was NOT sold by 9:30am 17/11
        The garnet is returned to the player forcefully into his inventory directly.

        YouGuysDon'tDoThis listed 1 garnet for 50k dnp
        The garnet was SOLD

        Both the buyer and YouGuysDon'tDoThis are happy and ed doesn't give the buyer back the 50k dnp.

        This is because if they are removing the DNP function, if those items currently listed in DNP are still available the whole TH will just fucking crash.
        Last edited by Verbena; 11-16-2017, 10:55 AM.

        They appeared, gleaming and victorious. Our Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds,the ceremonial Naga drums. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. They were not stoic and silent. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.
        When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by divine blades.The drums,the Empire, fell silent forever.


        • haheho1
          haheho1 commented
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          So items which already sold and dnp that already earned will not be affected ?

        • Chelly
          Chelly commented
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          Yes most likely

        • ArvinALQ
          ArvinALQ commented
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          Lol SmaLLD1ck what if i have it too is that bad?

      • #7
        It is clear and evident that DNP having been able to transfer via TH was cough a BUG/UNINTENDED. And miraculously ED noticed it
        today Nov. 16 which is 2 days after the patch where players started B/S items at th via DNP and now they plan to stop it ASAP
        by "DISABLING IT" again cough (players are done transfering DNPs).

        From what I understand, disabling it only means not allowing us again to sell/buy items at TH with DNP.
        As for "Items that can be bought with DNP in the Trading House will be retrieved back to the seller during the maintenance since it is a bug"
        in my understanding means that since they will disable selling items with DNP naturally those items being brought to the TH with DNP will automatically
        return to their respective owners by the time the maintenance starts. Unsold items only , there was no mention of DNP going back to the first hand owners or
        Eyedentity taking all DNP back.
        “As we live in this world, there are seven emotions and six desires, all accompanied with endless distress."


        • Nana Chan
          Nana Chan commented
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          sorry but I only understand clearly your example 1, the 2nd one is very blur to understand
          "TinyBobs listed 1 garnet for 50k dnp
          The garnet was SOLD
          Both the buyer and TinyBobs are happy and ed doesn't give the buyer back the 50k dnp"

          why would ed give back the buyer 50k dnp in the first place
          Last edited by Nana Chan; 11-16-2017, 04:48 AM.

        • Skyros
          Skyros commented
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          Chelly was just stating the hypothetical situations in which a player can be put in (together with putting his/her own hypothetical answer in the given situation). Also, stating it defers any others from asking what happens given the same hypothetical situation (seeing as the forums is full of 'wao too paranoid' people).

        • Chelly
          Chelly commented
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          I have many players coming up to me asking what will happen to my dnp? And actually for my case, i initially thought that ED will refund the DNP that i sold etc , which is not the case.

      • #8
        they delayed again what they called this URGENT BUG FIX. seems like they didnt see this DNP trading bug is an priority that need to be fix first before trying to fix it with another bug all together, since they can just simply wipe it out all DNP.
        this might be the second incident after special character iGN happened years ago where the player who exploid the bug have to pay the price for his/her action..

        btw does the trigger of this is when they attempt to rename EYET to cash? just realize it
        Last edited by MARtsuki; 11-16-2017, 08:37 AM.
        DNshop : closed
        DNsea STATUS : Hibernating (login once a month)
        currently active : Honkai Impact 3
        waiting list : Loading...


        • #9
          lol the only way to refund that DNP would be to rollback the server

          Honestly it's your fault for bug abusing. You can't tell me the people who were making DNP transaction didn't know this was a bug when we had no coupons or we could only purchase 1 items in the entire cash shop. Those people who did manage to sell their DNP for gold won.


          • #10
            Whatever they do damage has been done and for those that didn't abuse the bug was affected as well since some players have already sold items in trading house.
            Also, whatever point you look at it, it's all ED's fault.
            I'll just wait for what action they're about to do and if I didn't get satisfied at all I'm done with this game. More excuse will probably be done by this idiot ED anyways and expect more like this will happen again in the future.
            Discord: DarkB1ad3r #5361


            • #11
              Change on the urgent maintenance schedule

              Hi Adventurers,
              We've announced that an urgent maintenance for a bug in Trading House will be held at 9:30 AM (GMT+8) on 17th November earlier, but it has been postponed to next week due to additional bug fixing related to other contents.

              Please understand that this change is to prevent any possible critical issues regarding to the updated new contents, and please avoid putting items for sales in Trading House for DNP.

              Therefore, no urgent maintenance will be held tomorrow morning any more, but it will be done by next week.

              Thank you again for your understanding!

              Eyedentity Games.

              Well played ED...


              • #12
                What item can be bought using DNP for now??..
                is there any parts of costume either normal,magic or rare can be bought using DNP for now??


                • Arkhaez
                  Arkhaez commented
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                  Nope, you can't buy any costume part using DNP right now.

                  Cash Items purchasable via DNP will only be limited to the following:

                  A. Under Costume Tabs: Accessories
                  - All other tab section items will not be purchasable via DNP

                  B. Under Functional Tab: Potions, Guild, Farm
                  - All other tab section items will not be purchasable via DNP

                  C. Cash Items under the tab: Style


              • #13
                I guess they're fixing it now?

                Last edited by NestyMcNestface; 11-17-2017, 01:32 AM.


                • #14
                  So two timed.. said last time postponed next week.. but mainte now... So rekt


                  • #15
                    Got rid of my DNP last night coz of the aforementioned bug fix, then they decided to postpone it and suddenly they change their mind again and do it today.
                    Seriously well played ED...
                    I don't know who makes the decision there but he/she is totally indecisive...

