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What are your thoughts?

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  • What are your thoughts?

    I was wondering why the price for genesis ring has dropped so much faster compared to the other parts.
    Here are some data for reference regarding on how much each are sold now and how to craft them:

    Refined Genesis Ring: 130kg (lowest price i knew was sold)
    400 light cubes (normal) + 150 light cubes (refined) = 550 light cubes
    330 dark cubes (normal) + 230 dark cubes (refined) = 560 dark cubes
    500 time cube (normal) + 200 time cube (refined) = 700 time cubes (70-80g each)= 56kg
    999 space cube (normal) = (12g each) 12kg

    Genesis Earring: 180kg (lowest price i knew was sold)
    350 light cubes
    550 dark cubes
    999 harmony cubes = (70-80g each)80kg
    999 space cubes

    Based on the above data these 2 don't fall behind from one another in terms of time/effort/gold needed
    to craft each yet the price in selling them has a huge gap. Wouldn't it be more practical to have them both
    on equal grounds also in terms of price or if not with less price gap?

  • #2
    Well... people love lowballing the prices... Some sell their labor cheap so yeah..


    • #3
      This is my thoughts, The price drop of genesis started when the first 30% enhancement event commenced , so player really want to rush sell to improve their gears so they keep competing in TH till it gone so low.
      In addition, Many player already crafted genesis so only few players need it and its not in demand anymore, plus don't forget those players who already quit and willing to sold their tradable items for cheap price.


      • NieLi
        NieLi commented
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        i honestly agree with this.

      • AbyssWand
        AbyssWand commented
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        oh i somehow get the point now

    • #4
      You forgot to consider that there is a lower amount of gold supply now compared to the time
      when magnifying glass got event reward bonus like gold 600g/1kg/5kg. Now that it has been
      removed gold supply will steadily decrease and add to this also the bonus enhancement rate events
      which is most likely a gold sink event thus people with no steady source of gold rely on to their
      available items to sell at TH with gold. With those being said, players are forced to compete with
      the prices and now we get cheaper and cheaper items everyday.

      But regarding the price gap, it is only natural for it to occur between rings < ear/neck though earrings
      might be priced near rings , I still believe that they should be priced slightly higher compared to rings
      as for the neck it is hardly impossible to compare ring price to neck because fusion cubes are the
      hardest to obtain even with the unlimited purchase of high cubes at NM store using 5k points each,
      fusion cubes supply will still not be enough to cater everyone's need to make it cheaper.


      • AbyssWand
        AbyssWand commented
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        this makes sense

    • #5
      There is no one control the price here. It is all supply-demand law. We don't care how hard for you to farm for the ring. The price of item will be at the balance point of purchase power and supply power. If you check TH, you will see a lot of genesis ring and Refined genesis ring, much more than genesis earring. So obviously, the price will go down. Moreover, at this point, most of rich people already possess genesis ring. Only average player left, so it is naturally that ring price will drop.
      zArAthena - Flurry. LafielHime - Black Mara. LukaLukaNF - Black Mara. zArZeratul - Raven. FaerieMoon - Arti


      • AbyssWand
        AbyssWand commented
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        yeah i get it now, precisely like what NieLi said amount of supply and demand.