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Sniper Skill Reset

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  • Sniper Skill Reset

    Regarding Sniper, which receives a huge patch/revamp to her skill set, I dont see a reason why Sniper doesnt receive a skill reset. Actually, it is more reasonable to give Sniper an Oblivion Contract so we can try skill builds.

    While im at it, Archer as a base class itself actually deserves a skill reset, because of the change in the skill Wise of The Owl (from active becomes passive, and this skill needa 10SP)

    If Sniper not getting a skill reset is Devs forgotting to do so, then giving it as soon as possible will be appreciated. However if its intended, I highly question this decision, and would like to get an explanation/argument to why not?

    Do unto others what you want others do unto you
    aLsylph | aLicht
    Sniper | Light Fury

  • #2
    (Because there's a Cash Shop sale. Why give it for free when you can entice them to buy)

    In all seriousness tho, on my observation, there are only 2 instances where ED will provide a full Skill Tree reset:
    1) Introduction of a new class' Awakening
    2) A huge class revamp where there are new skills added, there are rearranged skills and/or there are skills that have new prerequesites.

    I do not know if the Sniper Revamp fit the second category (cus I do not play Sniper). But that might be the case. I am for a reset though because my Crusader is also compromised.


    • [aL]
      [aL] commented
      Editing a comment
      There are changes to all 3 class mastery, changes to 3 awakening passives, changes to Archer’s WoTO, Changes to Sniper’s skill and EXs. Is that not a big enough revamp for a reset then . . .

      Yeah i heard about paladin’s skill tree bug as well.

  • #3
    +1 to this :/
    I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

    I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
    I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


    • #4
      Yeah, it's a pretty bad move. DN EU got a skill reset.


      • #5
        +1 to this for my fellow friends. They really need skill reset~

        (Pun Fact : I'm a lancea and I am governing/owning a guild named HighElves, even though I'm not an Elf)
        Always look straight to your goals, conquer them all and have fun.


        • #6
          Plus 1 make noise snipers pvp snipers

