The rewards are not compatible with the event title. Magic grade costumes ? Really ED ? What about the new players who solely relies in these kind of events ? I'm not saying that you should spoonfeed the players with end-game gears but atleast make it worth it for new players who relies in gacha events. Not all players are already geared and has epic costumes just saying. Please think about it again. It's not even worth calling 'ANNIVERSARY' which is frustating. This is straight up money grab right in front of our faces.
No announcement yet.
well the people who complained got what they wanted now........medea tier 2 set +20 for the third time lol.The word " ANNIVERSARY " is just a scam its more like eye gacha season 3 w/ nostalgia costumes.
Yes to Epic Weapon Coupons.
a BIG NO to Epic Costume Armors.
imo,it should be:
Tier 10: any FD Mount
Tier 11: 2 pcs Red Dragon's Shiny Flower Ring (+5% All Element)
Tier 12: 2 pcs Epic Weapon Exchange Coupon
These are items that are highly sought-after by most players and won't affect the in-game economy even if given to everyone (except Gacha sales).
Originally posted by BabyKuri View PostYes to Epic Weapon Coupons.
a BIG NO to Epic Costume Armors.
imo,it should be:
Tier 10: any FD Mount
Tier 11: 2 pcs Red Dragon's Shiny Flower Ring (+5% All Element)
Tier 12: 2 pcs Epic Weapon Exchange Coupon
These are items that are highly sought-after by most players and won't affect the in-game economy even if given to everyone (except Gacha sales).
I have to agree to this. Anniversary should be celebratory, not downright misery. Of all the mounts available, you chose Alpaca (No hate on Alpaca, but it's not really appropriate to this kind of event)
You can do better ED, and WE deserve better :vLast edited by RavenSnow; 08-11-2018, 09:37 AM.
Give Nabob Set Different Color this time and change to better Mounts
Probably gonna get a lot of hate for saying this, but i think the event rewards are already pretty good. Good looking costumes, mounts, epic pet, medea 2 set. I think people should stop comparing ED events to CC ones. We need to appreciate ED more.
I remember the last time we had the eye gacha event, everyone was complaining about the medea2 set as spoonfeeding. There is no satisfying y'all, is there?
1 whole fckng year of being spammed by magic jelly event and this is the best shiet they can give with their very first ANNIVERSARY event ....bunch of recycled cash items with a more disappointing costume weaker than nabobs set and 3 diff colors of alpaca.... The event is twice as expensive as eye gacha season 1 & 2 but the rewards is shittier than season 1 & 2 lol
they are good in altea box because you can afford in more reasonable price but anni box now is much more complicated even you get a unique TWD it cannot even trade in cash storage. even now the count stop in tier 2 for 6 days because of lack of attractiveness
I think the problem here is that the "box" is originally created to be distributed for free (as a gift) to celebrate the 7th anniversary of kDN.
but ED uses it as a reward for a spend event on our 1st anniversary (without changing anything but the names).
kDN's Memory Costume Box (Armor)
SEA's Memory Costume Box (Armor)
Last edited by BabyKuri; 08-11-2018, 11:09 PM.
We’re not comparing ED and CC in anyway. ED on the other hand (if I remember correctly) doesn’t really like gacha events created by CC, it seems a bit of a spoonfeeding program but it’s actually one way to accumulate $$$ to keep the game running (I guess) and ED have their own version now to think they don’t like this concept on the first place.
We think we deserve better than this, in my case, it’s understandable if you can buy it with discount coupons and daily sales, but no, one is going to pay the full amount of 9000 Eyet just to be able to participate, and you can’t blame us if we are disappointed, ED’s previous gacha event were better than this.
Conversion hammer for the highest reward? Really? That can be easily farmed/crafted in game.
You can leave one alpaca mount (if that’s what you really want) as one of the choices but please, please give us two other choices, there are tons of mounts out there.
Most(or some) of the players are working adults that have lots of bills to pay and responsibilities to take care of but since they really love the game and want to have a good remembrance of ED’s First Anniversary, they’re going to take that risk. People are expecting it should be grander than the previous one, well because it’s an Anniversary event. You don’t call it Anniversary if it’s not meaningful and worth celebrating for.Last edited by RavenSnow; 08-11-2018, 09:35 PM.
Originally posted by RavenSnow View Post
I have to agree to this. Anniversary should be celebratory, not downright misery. Of all the mounts available, you chose Alpaca (No hate on Alpaca, but it's not really appropriate to this kind of event)
You can do better ED, and WE deserve better :v
Alpaca may only be a Rare mount it's got enuf spunk to win over players hearts and mind .
I wish you knew better .
Priestess of Darkness THRONE OF ELVES
WONDERFUL THEME PARK Store( Hero Synthesis)
You are a huge Ape BananaCredits you already know that,
anyway you got no double mount grade S girl you gotta get one Nimmienaticz
Spend 10k EYET, to get very little usable freebies (mostly worth on sub characters only). 1st Anniversary painful memories with Eyedentity.
We need Tasha to reconsider the rewards.
Does Eyedentity hates DNSEA server that much?
Loyal to DN since Level 40 cap.
That is so bad StarBright cos I said DNSEA in 2011 I never said DNM huh?
Maybe you are dazed by your own balls in face outlook in life let me teach you that you must put
your balls where your money is !