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Dilemma: To use or not to Use Jellies During ENHANCEMENT BOOST

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  • Dilemma: To use or not to Use Jellies During ENHANCEMENT BOOST

    Disclaimer: I'm not good at Math, just so we are clear.

    I recently noticed that there's been an on-going debate on DN FB Groups on whether we should use or not use jelly on enhancing items "DURING ENHANCEMENT BOOST".

    Some people say to still use jellies to avoid our items getting destroyed when enhancing it.

    Some (like me) are baffled why?

    If the above picture is applicable, we should get 30% bonus enhancement boost.

    The picture below shows the current enhancement rate for Tier 3 Calypse equipment.

    If there's an 80% chance of success rate, enhancing it during enhancement boost will make it around 104%. (80 x 30%) + 80 = 104%

    Probability of Equipment destruction will only be applied if the enhancement was failed. (Please refer to the picture below)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DN 2018-09-07 12-58-02 Fri.png
Views:	67
Size:	106.9 KB
ID:	147345

    So logically (also mathematically) speaking, there should be NO ROOM FOR FAILURE. RNG should only kick in if the probability is less than 100% (like 99.9999%). But since the success rate is above 100% during enhancement boost, there's really no need to use Jelly.

    Any thoughts about this? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

  • #2
    it should be 104% + 20% failure / destroy
    Jisunee (RM) / Moderay (RM)


    • #3
      Who knows, they might mess up the event and get everyone's unprotected eq destroyed :> Kidding aside, it's also possible they put level limit on up to what the enhancement boost will work (e.g. up to +13 only)


      • RavenSnow
        RavenSnow commented
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        The problem is, ED's announcement is very vague, it only says enhancement rate will be increased, as to what limitations, they didn't included that. So assuming it's applicable to all enhancement level and items tier.

      • SadisticEin
        SadisticEin commented
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        Yep. People need to hover on the event logo later to know the details as usual.

    • #4
      Record while you're doing it.
      I'm planning to do the same actually but I'll be outstation on the 12th so I won't be around for the upcoming enhancement rate boost.
      It shouldn't fail, if it does then we can point fingers to ED.

      There's a chance that they will only increase it by 15% instead of 30% so just be aware of that.


      • RavenSnow
        RavenSnow commented
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        yeah, I always check how much ED is giving as boost every time.

    • #5
      Well since you haven't mentioned what equipment are we enhancing, i just observe that I break a lot of neris during the last enhancement event without jelly.

      i don't have the stomach to upgrade legend grade tier 2/3 with the risk of it breaking.
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      • #6
        Using jellies will make me feel 100% safer than not using it even if the rate is 100%. I honestly do not know how the percentage of enhancement works but the unexpected failure along with a Legend Item breakage will surely make my poor self go crazy, and the regret of not using those jellies will surely leave me awake for days. (꒪⌓꒪) But if someone will give a final output that it is 100% safe not to use jellies during those increased enhancement rate days, then it'll truly be better and cheaper to enhance items without using those beanies.


        • #7
          Originally posted by launcelot View Post
          Well since you haven't mentioned what equipment are we enhancing, i just observe that I break a lot of neris during the last enhancement event without jelly.

          i don't have the stomach to upgrade legend grade tier 2/3 with the risk of it breaking.

          With the current enhancement update, there should be no destruction on Neris Equipments (as shown below based on September Patch Notes), I guess if what you say is true, then it really is a problem.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot (50).png
Views:	61
Size:	72.5 KB
ID:	147367


          • Knee
            Knee commented
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            The previous enhancement event was before the update.

          • ShadouDaisuke
            ShadouDaisuke commented
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            Still not try it too after patch.. But all we know neris is bad cheap now.. Below 1k per part. Better safe ur mats for callipse

          • RavenSnow
            RavenSnow commented
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            Right, I re-checked the Event calendar and yes, the latest Enhancement Boost was indeed last September 2, wherein the patch that includes Neris items wont get destroyed was implemented on September 4.

        • #8
          did someone broke their t3 last enhancement event?
          too scared to yolo this upcoming 2nd enhancement event this sat


          • zArAthena
            zArAthena commented
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            missjenn He is lying for sure. Enhance tier 3 during event will not break.

          • missjenn
            missjenn commented
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            zArAthena i sent you a PM about it. xD

          • Kimchi
            Kimchi commented
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            lolz why must pm? so secretly for? either is for own benefit or some sort of benefit.

        • #9
          ED reduces the bonus to 20%.
          I knew it would happen sooner or later.


          • atom100
            atom100 commented
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            I'm still at tier 2 and it failed 2times at +18, i stopped jellies increased in price 50% in just minutes.

          • Knee
            Knee commented
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            atom100 Tier 2 enhance rate is originally bad though so that's to be expected.
            +18 to +19 is only 47%, 56.4% with 20% bonus is still quite low.
            Wish you all the best.

          • atom100
            atom100 commented
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            well w/ those tier3 in need of jellies now, jelly increased in price so fast i can't catch up, and hammer also not good since last month patch it seems it's the same low rate as in tier3, i used 8 hammers last month and it all failed, i stopped using hammer i'll just wait for that free jelly from daily attendance.